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Background of Study

This section provides overview of the research t topic and its historical
development, reasons for conducting this research study, and the missing gaps in
the existing knowledge and literature that needs to be addressed.

According to John Martin(2012), former director for OECD, what recognizing the
unemployment of today's youth in 1980's were evidence of the growth of long
term unemployment for certain categories of youth, especially among the parents
have experienced unemployment in their past.

This phenomena are widespread in the world. Because of the epidemic they are
unemployed/jobless that turns into financial crisis. Being unemployed can affect
now(present) and the future.

Teenagers/youth are the most valuable resources because they bring about
prosperity. They are energetic, courageous and they can make a cherished
changes to the social economic development if they have utilized and managed

The phenomenon of global unemployment is increasing especially the most are

youth/teenagers(define in this papers as ages 15-24):74.8 million are teenagers
who are unemployed in 2011 (ILO 2012a, p. 9).In many definition we can define
"entrepreneurship", it refers to self-employed opportunities (World Bank
2012).Because we can use the platform of social media called" online selling".

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