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Kombolcha Institute of Technology (KioT)

Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering

Chapter One
(MSc in Quality and Reliability Engineering)

Work Study and Methods Engineering ,(IEng 6011)

Assistant Professor of Mechanical and Industrial

1.1. Introduction to Ergonomics
KIoT ,Wollo University
2021/2022 A.Y

What have you heard

about ergonomics?

Work stress
Ergonomics (European) and Human Factors (US) are the same disciplines.

Ergonomics is the of

Ergonomics is multidisciplinary and uses multiple methods.

Ergonomics is user focused

If it affect design in some way, it ergonomics.

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Ergonomics Is the Science of

Ergonomics is the scientific study of how people interact effectively with
products, equipment, facilities, procedures and environments used at work
and in everyday living.

Ergonomics seeks to match the design of machines, jobs and workplaces

with the capabilities, limitations and needs of people.

Ergonomics seeks to maximize ease of use and optimize operator

productivity, comfort and health.

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Ergonomics at Work

Risk of injury - Heavy lifting

Cart reduces risk


Ergonomics at Work
The above pictures show the difference between lifting and moving something heavy and awkward
by hand (in this case a roll of carpet) and moving the same thing with the help of a co-worker and
mechanical assistance (in this case a carpet dolly).
Lifting the carpet without assistance might create a risk for back or shoulder injury. The science of
ergonomics teaches us that using the dolly puts a lot less strain on the back and shoulders, and
also less tiring overall. The worker who gets help is a lot more likely to have a little energy left at
the end of the day, and in the long run is a lot less likely to have injuries and miss work.
Ergonomics can be as simple as using a dolly to move something instead of lifting by hand.
Ergonomics is the science of fitting the job to the worker, matching the physical
Ergonomics is about making jobs easier and reducing the risk of injury.
requirements of the job with the physical capacity of the worker.
Ergonomics is used to design an environment (layout, work methods, equipment, noise, etc)
which is compatible with each physical and behavioral characteristics. 10/04/2022
Ergonomics looks at the behavior of the person performing the job.
Good ergonomic design makes the most efficient use of worker capabilities
while ensuring that job demands to not exceed those capabilities.
Many years ago, equipment was built to do a job not to fit a person.
Most factory jobs needed a tall person with long arms to work the equipment.
Now factory equipment is adjustable to fit the different employees who work

10/04/2022 Height-adjustable platform allows heavy box to be slid across

This is one example of a simple way to raise and tilt lightweight boxes for easy loading and unloading.
a box stand made out of PVC pipe.
Allows hand truck to slide under stack of bins
For $20 worth of pipe and glue, and a little time measuring and cutting with a hacksaw, some workers were
without having to restack them
able to make their jobs a little easier.
Ergonomics (or human factors) is the scientific discipline concerned with
Tool Balancer the understanding of the interactions among human and other elements
of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and
methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall
system performance.

International Ergonomics Association

(IEA) Executive Council

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Ergonomics at Work - Reducing gripping

Ergonomics just a science, a tool; a tool that can be used to improve jobs and
Use a clamp or vise to hold parts make them safer.
Changing your job so that it better fits you has other benefits as well.
You might find that able to do a better job because you have more energy and can
concentrate on your work.
You might also be less tired at the end of the day, so you can enjoy life outside of work
There are a lot of changes that you can make to the way you do your job that will make it
both safer and better.
Meaning of Ergonomics

Ergonomics puts people first, taking into account their

capabilities and limitations.
What do you say about the fitness
Ergonomics aims to make sure that tasks, equipment,
of this person and his work?
information and the environment suit each worker.
At work, school, home, when job fit the user, the result
can be more comfort, higher productivity, and less stress.

Ergonomic Stress Areas



Dr. Alie Wube D

Instead of tilting the head back and reaching above the shoulders, a step ladder or mobile
wrong with this picture?? stairway can be used.
What piece of equipment could be used instead??
equipment could be used instead??

wrong with this. If person continually

performs this activity of filing overhead could This step stool enables the person to
reach the level she needs more
become a problem. comfortably. Also notice is proper type.
Work puts you into awkward postures when either too low, too high, or too far away What if person was not standing on cart? Would Becomes immobile when step on.
from you. overhead reach be longer?
Gravity Feed Racks

This is an example of a remedy for reducing the reaching for a product.

Gravity feed racks 35
Correct & Incorrect Techniques Work-related Musculo-Skeletal Disorders (WMSDs)
WMSDs are occupational disorders
of the soft tissues:
Blood Vessels

Poor ergonomic design results the injuries are called work-related musculoskeletal
Causes of WMSDs
injuries, or WMSDS There are many things that everyone does on the job and at home that could contribute to
-WMSDs affect the soft tissues of the body - the muscles, tendons that connect muscles a WMSD if they are done for long enough periods of time.
to bones, ligaments that connect bone to bone, nerves, blood vessels, pretty much every
part of your body not a bone or internal organ. These activities are called risk factors.
Risk factors include heavy, frequent or awkward lifting, pushing, pulling or carrying,
working in awkward postures, and hand intensive work that requires the use of high
WMSDs are also known as: hand forces and repetitive motions.
Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs)
Heavy, Frequent, or Awkward Lifting
Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs)
Pushing, Pulling or Carrying Loads
Overuse injuries
Working in Awkward Postures
They are soft tissue injuries which occur gradually
Hand Intensive Work
Methods of protecting against WMSDs:
Establish ergonomics program
Feedback from all levels
Conduct job hazard analysis (JHAs)
Early recognition and reporting of potential WMSDs

Source: OSHA (International Labor Organization)

This table provides an example of a tool that can be used when conducting a job hazard analysis. The first column provides a list of tasks performed by a job; the middle column is provided for listing identified hazards;
and, the third column provides a list of controls that can be used to mitigate the hazards.

Source of graphics: OSHA

Source of graphics: OSHA
Source of graphics: OSHA

Source: NIOSH Source: NIOSH Source: OSHA

Source of graphics: OSHA
Historical background of ergonomics
Ergonomics starts in the context of the culture of ancient Greece. Benefits of ergonomics
In 1700s, Ramazzini describes relationship between physical labor and stress Helps to prevent injuries
invoked in human body. Improve quality of work and life
In 1800s, Taylor develops methods & tools to reduce work fatigue.
Reduce fatigue and discomfort
In 1920s and 1930s, Frank and Gilbreth provide the foundation for the science
of Ergonomics. Increased productivity and efficiency

In 1949, discipline of ergonomics emerged in Great Britain. Improved morale and job satisfaction
In 1960s and 1970s, ergonomics became familiar study in IE. Reduced turnover
In late 1970s, it was recognized as a multidisciplinary field at Michigan


Goal of Ergonomics
1980-Today: Computers, Disasters, & Lawsuits Reduced error
Fewer injuries or illness
Computers - desire for - technology grew through ergonomically
Fewer health problems
designed computers, user-friendly software, and office design Increased productivity
Disasters Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and various high-profile chemical plant Higher quality

explosions were linked to lack of attention to considerations

Effects of poor Ergonomics
Lawsuits courts came to recognize the need for experts in explaining human Accidents and injuries
behavior, responses, defective design, and effectiveness of workplace warnings and
instructions Illness
Productivity down
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Ergonomics Approaches
According to IEA, ergonomics broadly divide into three domains: 2. Cognitive ergonomics: is concerned with mental processes, such as
1. Physical ergonomics: is concerned with human anatomical, perception, memory, reasoning, and motor response, as they affect
anthropometric, physiological and biomechanical characteristics as they
interactions among humans and other elements of a system.
relate to physical activity.

Ergonomics Approaches

Physical Ergonomics are concerned with the interaction of the body with Cognitive ergonomic emphasizes the ways of information processing by the
the equipment and the tools, starting right from the chair to the computer. mind and its presentation.
It also studies its effect on the body, for example, repetitive disorder, It is related to the motor function, workload, decision-making and memory-
workplace safety, health and layout, musculoskeletal disorder and posture. usage.

This helps in understanding the interaction and relation of the human mind with
the data presentation.
Organizational ergonomic works on complete optimization of the workplace,
right from quality management to teamwork.

It includes managing everything in the organization to make it a better place to


Ergonomics system Dimensions

3. Organizational ergonomics: is concerned with the optimization of

socio-technical systems, including their organizational structures,
policies, and processes.
Ergonomics system Dimensions

People consider points about physical capacities, psychological drivers,

expectations and individual differences.

Task Analysis considers points about performance measures, quality

requirements & what, how, when details.

Tools & Equipment considers points about design of tools to suit (Persons and

Workplace design consider points about layout of workplace, workstation

design, adjustability / adaptability and storage / transport of items.

Ergonomics system Dimensions

Work Environment considers points about physical, psychological,
chemical and biological.
Term Paper Assignment
Work Organization consider points about job design, team based
requirements, working hours / shift work, rest breaks and task Evaluate Your/ Any Case Company Industrial Safety Situation and
specialization. Present Brief Situational Analysis In This Regard For After Next

Workplace culture consider points about management commitment Week

/ leadership, communication / consultation processes and feedback /

performance management.
1. Ergonomics is the science of ___.
a. designing the job to fit the worker
b. fitting the worker to the job
c. lifting injuries
d. safety and health
Answer: a. designing the job to fit the worker
2. MSDs account for approximately ___ of all injuries and illnesses.
a. 1%
b. 10%
c. 33%
d. 54%,
Answer: c. 33%
3. Which of the following is an example of an ergonomic risk factor?
a. Neutral postures
b. Rest
c. Repetition
d. Personal protective equipment
Answer: c. Repetition
4. Ergonomic hazards can be prevented or reduced by which of the following control methods?
a. Engineering controls
b. Proper work practices/administrative controls
c. Personal protective equipment
d. All of the above
Answer: d. All of the above

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