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The number of unintended pregnancies has risen steadily since the pandemic's start.

One of the

causes is the lack of family planning as a result of the established restrictions.

Unintended/Unwanted pregnancies cause these individuals to have lower levels of education,

high school dropout rates, bad health, and poverty. This is one of the reasons why our country

is having a hard time being successful. People's forced confinement to their homes and inability

to go out or visit the mall has severely worsened this. According to the Philippines Population

Institute and the United Nations Population Fund (2020), the disturbance in FAMILY

PLANNING could result in a considerable increase in unintended pregnancies in 2020.

This number of unintended pregnancies is anticipated to occur in 2020. Despite the fact that

the numbers would have been 1,809, 000 even without the quarantine, it added another 751,

000. So, in sum, we have an expected 2,560,000 unwanted pregnancies in 2020.

The Philippines is one of the countries that struggle with overpopulation. One of the reasons

why people struggle with this is because of the people’s lack of education about sex and poor

family planning. The ones who most struggle with this problem are the people who did not get

to go to school or graduate. However, this can be taught to children at a young age.

The process of establishing attitudes and notions regarding sex, sexual identity, relationships,

and intimacy is known as sex education, often referred to as sexuality education or sex and

relationships education. It is a blanket phrase that refers to instruction on the anatomy of the

human body, sexual behavior, sexual reproduction, reproductive health, emotional

connections, reproductive rights and obligations, abstinence, contraception, and other facets of

sexual behavior. Our society will gain significantly from this because it may result in fewer cases

of sexual assault, rape, and harassment of women. Despite the fact that sex education is

presented in various ways across institutions, it is still important to treat the topic as a fun class

rather than a rigorous academic one.

Sex education promotes responsible family planning and reduces the likelihood of risky sex. The

Philippines is phasing in sex education and access to contraceptives to address challenges such

as overcrowding, high rates of teenage pregnancy, and the spread of HIV (Nichols, 2020). This
could be a huge help, especially to children who are very curious and prone to experimenting.

Although sex education is not accepted by everyone, it is true that it is much needed especially

here in our country. Whether or not the material is provided to teens in a controlled

environment, they will still learn about sex. In any case, students are exposed to the Internet

and to contact peers. They can make bad decisions due to incomplete or questionable

information from various sources.

According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),

comprehensive sex education that builds on life skills, is factual, culturally and age-appropriate,

and reduces risk-taking gender sensitive in adolescents and sexually active young people. Many

young people receive conflicting and confusing information about relationships and sexuality as

they progress from childhood to adulthood. Young people can make informed choices when

comprehensive sexuality education is appropriately presented. (Callanga, 2020) One of the

main reasons to implement sexuality education in our country’s schools is to educate children

about sexuality and relationships in order for them to use the knowledge that they got from the

lessons that they took as a reference to avoid making the wrong decisions.

This problem has been proven to greatly affect the rate of unintended pregnancies for young

people there is also a high probability that these challenges affect adults as well especially here

in the Philippines. There is a strong association between poverty and lack of reproductive

health information, especially given overpopulation. The RH law aims to support the population
in making decisions about their reproductive health. It ensures that the government maintains

its commitment to defending women's reproductive rights, providing easily accessible family

planning information, and employing qualified maternal health professionals to work in urban

and rural areas of the Philippines. It also improves equal access to sex education. Sex education

promotes responsible family planning and reduces the likelihood of risky sex. The Philippines is

phasing in sex education and access to contraceptives to address challenges such as

overcrowding, high rates of teenage pregnancy, and the spread of HIV (Nichols, 2020).

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