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Establish a one-child policy in the Philippines knowing the rise of teenage and unplanned


The growing issue of adolescence and unplanned pregnancy is gaining more

attention. This sudden increase poses many challenges for the community. We cannot
ignore the fact that teenage parents often face social isolation and judgment from others,
which can make their lives more challenging. Besides, there are significant health risks for
mothers and children having a baby too soon, because they don’t get proper medical care,
due to the fact that raising a child requires a lot of money or resources that teenage parents
alone can’t afford. Furthermore, growing babies from young parents creates pressure on
public services that have old disturbances such as hospitals and schools, making it difficult
for everyone in the community to get what they need. Therefore, it is important to address
this issue in order to support young people and improve the well-being of the community as
a whole. As a fellow teenager, I've witnessed that a lot of teenage pregnancy keeps on
happening, and the reason why this keeps on happening is that many teenagers grew up in
environments where they lack sexual education. Furthermore, the influence of social media
extends the normalization of such behaviors and encourages a culture where unprotected
encounters are viewed as commonplace, by such means increasing the likelihood of unplanned
pregnancies. Teenage pregnancy has become a major concern in the Philippines. One of the
reasons why the country is one of the third-world countries in the world is because of the high
population birth rate, thereby making the country economically weak. With wild-ranging
negative effects for young mothers, their children, and society, it becomes evident that the
consequences of teenage and unplanned pregnancies extend far beyond individual circumstances.
It can lead to educational incompletion and limited economic opportunities that can make life
more difficult for themselves and their families.

Strong government intervention would be required to enforce limitations on family

size in implementing a one-child policy in the Philippines. A comprehensive approach will
include a wider public education campaign that clarifies the advantages inherent in small
families and stresses the significance of family planning as well. Moreover, such is vital to
increase access to different types of contraceptives and reproductive health services to enable
them to make informed decisions concerning their reproductive health. Nevertheless, the country
can only alleviate both poverty and quality of life for Filipino households by controlling the
number of children per household. The reduced number of dependents enabled parents to redirect
resources towards educating their children and improving their welfare, thereby breaking the
cycle of poverty and enhancing societal progress. In addition, governments must develop kinds
of support for families with difficulties complying with policies including ensuring affordable
access to social welfare services. A one-child policy in the Philippines would be an appropriate
way of addressing escalating problems on teenage pregnancies as well as unplanned pregnancies,
while encouraging socio-economic development and care. It is a difficult decision to implement
a one-child policy in the Philippines in the face of an increase in teenage and unplanned
pregnancies. Proponents think that it might successfully curb population increase and possibly
lower the number of these pregnancies, easing resource constraints and enhancing environmental
and economic sustainability. Even though a law like that would probably violate people's
autonomy and reproductive rights, going against long-standing cultural traditions that place a
strong emphasis on family and filial piety. There is a great deal of potential for resistance and
social unrest. We strongly agree with implementing this type of law since taking action to control
our population growth is essential for the development of our own country. Also, there are
benefits to implementing this law on our economy and environmental sustainability. However,
we also extend the importance of careful implementation of this law, we need to respect
individual reproductive rights while addressing this issue. This includes comprehensive
education, accessible family planning services, and encouragement of voluntary smaller family
sizes through alternative strategies. Implementing a one-child policy in the Philippines could
help with the problems caused by too many unplanned pregnancies among teenagers. It would
mean families can only have one child, which could ease pressure on resources like food and
schools and make it easier: for parents to provide for their kids. Also, it could mean fewer health
problems for young moms and babies and give young women more chances to finish school and
get good jobs. Plus, having fewer kids would be better for the environment. But it's important to
do this fairly, making sure everyone has access to birth control and healthcare, and respecting
people's choices about their families.

To conclude, the Philippines has a huge problem with the great number of
unexpected pregnancies, especially among teenagers; this leads to such consequences as poor
health conditions, poverty, and overpopulation. It is important that a one-child policy be
instituted in order to alleviate these issues although it calls for strong government intervention.
Public campaigns must be used to sensitize people on family planning importance, advocating
for fewer children and also encouraging the use of contraceptives to minimize unplanned
pregnancies that may lead to reproductive health issues. Through developing a one child policy,
the Philippines could potentially solve mounting problems associated with teenage and
unintended pregnancies thus cutting down related health risks, reducing strain on resources and
promoting sustainable development. If only the one-child policy is implemented and approved
by our government, our country will be better, especially shortly. Because of the advantages we
will have, like population control which will make it easier for the parents to seek their resources
and daily needs. Additionally, there will be economic stability in our country, it will lower our
poverty in the Philippines and support economic development. Families that get dependent
support will have less hassle in finding resources to fulfill their daily needs as well as their needs
in healthcare, education, and other needs. And lastly, there will be a huge chance for education
for their children. When most of the family have family planning, the parents may easily fulfill
their needs and their children's needs including food, daily needs, and school needs. These are
the advantages that the Philippines will have if our government approves this policy, it will have
a huge improvement and make our lives more better.

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