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Global Society is a wide range society that requires an effective and

efficient communication. Having a good and proper way of communication is a

must. It is really a necessary for the global society. Global society includes
different people from different countries and ethnicities. They belong to different
variation that's why they need to understand one another and express their own
perspectives, thoughts and opinions for them to successfully work together.
Communication is not that simple, it requires a lot of step and preparation. You
must know everything about it for you to communicate well and efficiently. You
must know who are your audience, what are the proper gestures, your body
language matters, know your purpose, speak clearly and of course think before you
speak. Also, you always need to remember that you're not a good speaker if you
are not a good listener. If you know the preparations on how to be a good speaker
you need to know how to be a good listener too. Speak and listen.

Every society is built on the basis of communication. Communities are

not aggregates of detached individuals and societies are simply larger
communities. As the ability of ordinary people to communicate with other
ordinary people around the world, the prospect of a global society has finally come
closer to reality. Everyone should be careful on receiving and delivering
information so we can avoid to spread false information and fake news. Of course,
along with the ability to communicate in an unfiltered fashion has expanded,
so has the opportunity for miscommunication and disinformation. Along with
the benefits of a globalized communications network comes the responsibility of
people to exercise more caution in the information they receive and accept into
their belief structures. The need for an expanded form of literacy that goes beyond
simple reading to critical understanding has become paramount.

Communication in a global society requires a lot of patience and

understanding. Always remember the do’s ands don’ts, the right and wrong when it
comes to socializing and having a communication with the different people in our
society especially in global society. Be smart and be attentive, it’s the key to a
successful and harmonious conversation.

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