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Portfolio Task #12 –Essay on 

Study Habits/ Techniques

Name: Joselito F. Gelario Section: Polaris 1-A Date: Dec. 18, 2022

To succeed academically and develop into the best versions of us possible, good study
habits are essential. I have five study habits that I employ when I'm studying.
First off, I always eat something before I start studying since I really believe that you
can't act when you're hungry. Eating is essential for maintaining energy levels, maintaining
mental clarity, and improving memory.
Secondly. I create a study timetable and add it to my notes to better manage my time. I
plan my days around writing down what I’m going to do and when, and it also allows you to
monitor your progress. It's crucial to stick to your timetable so that you can accomplish other
crucial tasks.
Thirdly, I like to listen to music when I study, especially calming and pleasant music. I
find that listening to calming music while studying helps me to overcome stress or anxiety.
Playing music increases my ability to concentrate on a task by boosting mood and offering
Fourthly, I look for a quiet area or a location where I may be by myself. To concentrate
on my studies and avoid distractions, for instance, I go to a library. I generate work of a far
higher caliber when I study in a peaceful environment, which also helps to increase the
effectiveness and efficiency of my study time.
Finally, I take a nap while I study. Resting for at least 30 to 60 minutes can help you
renew your mind and body, which will boost your energy levels, productivity, and concentration.
I think taking a break from your studies will help you stay motivated and avoid being burned out.

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