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Grade & Class Subject & TopIc lesson Date / Time / Place

3S, 3J, 28 students General Studies - Science - Sound and Hearing 2nd(of 6) Virtual

Unit 1 Contents

Learning Outcome/Teaching 3–1 Investigate the nature of things, demonstrating purposeful action that leads to observations and inferences.
3–2 Identify patterns and order in objects and events studied; and, with guidance, record observations, using pictures,
words and charts; and make predictions and generalizations, based on observations.
3–9 Describe the nature of sound, and demonstrate methods for producing and controlling sound.

Learning Objective/Specific
Outcome 1. Recognize that pitch is the result of differences in the rate of vibration
2. Describe pitch in terms of frequency (high or low)
3. Predict how a change in the rate of vibration will affect a sound; how changing the property of an object (ie
shorter vs longer) can change the rate of vibration and thus, the pitch

Learning Strategy Cross Curricular Links: Music

POE investigation, multiple intelligences - hands
on multi-sensory

Resources & Materials An actual guitar / stringed instrument for demonstration

For DIY guitar - tissue box, elastic bands of bottle with water inside (to blow in) as demonstration
same thickness, two pencils/popsicle sticks

Equipment Set up/Design

Recording - webcam, tripod angled to show DIY process
Students’ existing How sound is produced (ie by vibrations) and sound can travel through different mediums - water, air and solids
knowledge/prior knowledge
Time LO Lesson Stage Assessment Activities - Teaching & Learning - (instructions/questions/summary) Remarks/

1,2 2 Trigger Ability to recognise Google

sounds and connect to Starter (5 min) Chrome
existing knowledge music Lab- -
Explain that last time, we learned that sound is made by vibrations
and that they travel as waves through air, water and solids.

Have students listen to high and low sounds. Ask students to

brainstorm examples of low sounds, and high sounds.

Show the I CAN statements to let students know the lesson objective.
25 1,2 Development Mind Map tissue box, 2
min Lab discussion Development pencils, 4
bands of
Explanation of concepts and terms (10 min)
same size
and length
Show the Google Chrome sound visualization, in which sounds are and
visualized as sound waves as we press on the piano keyboard. Point thickness
out that when sounds are high, the waves are shorter, and closer to (one per
each other, and when sounds are low, waves are longer and further child to be
away from each other. Explain that how high or low a sound is called
in home
PITCH. It can be measured. learning
Repeat the word frequency several times and introduce the word
Herz (Hz). Water bottle
half full with
water and
Science experiment (10 min) - (Predict - Observe - Evaluate/Explain) another
container to
Explain that we are going to make a DIY guitar to investigate how we dump water
can change pitch. List out the materials needed for the activity. into

A real guitar

1 Remove the plastic inside the hole of the tissue box.

2 Wrap 4 rubber bands around the box (vertically)

3 Place two pencils, one on either end of the box, under the strings so
that the strings are propped up.

4 Angle the pencils diagonally towards each other


Ask students to predict which string will produce the highest note,
and which will produce the lowest note.


Try their guitars and try ‘tuning’ the strings!

Evaluate/Explain - Ask the students to tell them what they’ve

5 1,2,3 Closure Make an educated
prediction based on an Concept Check (5 min)
understanding of how
the rate of vibration is
affected by object Ask a question: Imagine you are a North American squirrel, and
properties (ie there’s a rattlesnake in your burrow. You have babies to protect. You
short/long) hear a high pitched, slow rattle. What do you do? a) run and leave the
babies, b) dig an escape tunnel, or c) fight

Explain that c) fight would be the best bet, because the high pitched
rattle indicates that it’s probably a short little snake and the slowness
indicates that it might be tired, so you have a good chance of winning
the fight.

Mindmap (2 min)

Add PITCH and its concepts to the SOUND mindmap.

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