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Gerontology comes from the Greek, namely: Geros which
means old age and logos which means science. So
etymologically Gerontology can be defined as the science of the
elderly. (Artinawati, 2014)
Kozier (1987)
Gerontology is the study of all aspects of aging.
Miller (1990)
Gerontology is the study of the aging process and the
problems that may occur in the elderly.
Departement of health RI (2001)
Gerontology is a scientific approach to various aspects of
the aging process, namely biological, psychological,
social, economic, health, environmental, and others.
WHO (1995)
Outlines that the focus of coaching for the elderly group
is to promote and minimiz. Dependence on the elderly.

 Cause (Symtomps)
Aging can occur more quickly, due to several risk factors such
as genetics and diseases related to genetic disorders, the
negative effects of smoking, long-term stress, and frequent sun
The application of a sedentary lifestyle or lazy to move during
youth can also accelerate the risk of degenerative diseases,
which generally attack older people.
Gerontology studies these factors comprehensively and try to
find solution so the aging process does not cause degradation of
the quality of human life. Therefore, the object of study of
gerontology is very broad and diverse.
Entering old age, the body will naturally experience physical
changes due to the aging process. Aging can affect all parts of
the body, from hair, skin, muscles, bones, teeth, and organs,
such as the brain, kidneys, and heart.

Gerontology being a multi disciplinary subject that have
different subfields, which concerned with the study of all
aspects of old-age. The scope of gerontology is quite
comprehensive, containing many disciples and professionals
who focus on various aspects of ageing and development.

Efforts to prevent the aging process can be done as follows :
1. Maintain a healthy body and soul with a healthy lifestyle :
a).Exercise regularly: at least 30 minutes every day
or almost every day.
b).Healthy and sufficient food: low in calories, lots
of vegetables and fruits, enough protein.
c).Avoid and deal with stress.
d).Avoid toxic substances, such as smoking and
excessive alcohol, pesticides, preservatives are
e).There is a balance between busyness and
2. Family life must be harmonious, including sexual life;avoid
unhealthy sexual behavior.
3. Don't feel old and helpless.
4. Doing work as a pleasure.
5. Live in a social environment that suits your conscience.
6. Always try to think positive and optimistic.
7. Don't feel healthy and normal just because you don't feel
serious complaints just.
8. Conduct periodic health checks as necessary and in accordance
with the condition of each.
9. Do not use drugs or potions that do not have a clear scientific
basis and without expert guide.
10. Use medications and supplements as needed according to
expert instructions, to restore the function of various organs of
the body that declines with age.
 According to the cause of the aging process, treatment needs to
be given. Administration of antioxidants and hormones is the
main treatment in preventing aging.But of course the quality of
the drug must receive attention so as not to experience bad
effects or be fooled by an obscure product.

 In further developments, cell therapy which is now being

developed seems to begives good hope in preventing the aging
process. But of course still further research is needed so that it
can be used more widely and safely. Likewise, cloning
technology, can actually be considered as an effort to prevent
the aging process because it can replace organs that are no
longer functioning.

 When the elderly are sick or in the recovery process, the

breakdown of protein and fat in the elderly body increases and
fat cannot be piled up again because appetite tends to decrease.
This can lead to decreased respons to treatment, increased
length of stay, and increased risk of complications and even

 The aging process can be prevented and retarded with some
scientific efforts. Repairing and restoring all the decreased
functions of the body's organs is the right effort in preventing
the aging process. Thus the quality of life can also be
maintained as before. The end result is an increased life
expectancy and staying in good health.
 Old age is the final period in human development. When the
individual has entering a period of old age, will experience, the
various changes such as decreasing physical, psychological,
social, decreased productivity, inability to work for the
fulfillment of life.
 This will have an impact in the form of large cost allocation and
service improvements for the sake of improving the well-being
of the elderly. Not only change and the impact of change which
is only experienced by elderly individuals, but elderly
individuals also have hopes of remaining active, healthy and
able to work. One way that can be done is the empowerment of
elderly individuals.

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