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Beginning a quest to lose weight may be a challenging and emotional experience.

In addition, it is
possible to feel like you are doing everything correctly, yet still not lose weight, which may be a very
unpleasant experience.

Our inability to shed extra pounds is often related to a variety of fundamental causes, which may
range from improper eating habits to insufficient physical activity routines. Continue reading to find
out why it's possible that your efforts to reduce weight won't always provide the results you want.

Here are some possible reasons of why are you not losing weight:

 Your normal sleep pattern has been thrown off:

It's possible that your pals may be green with envy if you get more than 9 hours of sleep
every night, but getting either too much or too little sleep which is fewer than 5 hours a
night has been related to weight growth. Both of these things may mess with the manner in
which your body produces the hormones that regulate your appetite and hunger.
Additionally, if you do not feel rested, you are more likely to miss your exercises.
 Even if you're eating less, you're still choosing things that are bad for you and you don’t keep
track on what you are eating:
If you are attempting to reduce weight, awareness is one of the most crucial things you can
have. There are a lot of folks who have no idea how much food they are really consuming. If
you are choosing junk foods and fast foods more often it is difficult for you to lose weight no
matter how less you eat.
 You are not getting enough water in your diet:
Drinking between six to seven glasses of water that is plain and clear on a daily basis might
assist you in shedding excess pounds. Because it does not contain any calories, water
satisfies your thirst without causing you to gain weight. And when you drink enough water,
you may find that you have less of a need to go for sugary beverages such as sodas, juices, or
coffee drinks. Drinking sugary beverages that are high in calories may lead to significant
weight gain.
 You consume nearly enough protein in your diet:
When it comes to slimming down, protein is a food that can't be overlooked. A metabolism
boost of 80–100 calories per day may be achieved by eating protein at a rate of 25–30
percent of total calories. This will also cause you to naturally consume several hundred less
calories each day. It also has the potential to cut cravings and the urge for snacks by a
significant amount.
 You don't move all day:
Your sedentary employment or your addiction to television may make it more difficult for
you to lose those bothersome extra pounds. It's possible that your body will lose the
capacity to tell you when you've eaten too much if you spend most of your time sitting
down, which may lead to overeating and weight gain. Even just a few minutes of exercise
many times throughout the day may help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Get up and move
about for three sets of 10 minute walks during your favourite programmes or meetings.
 You get snack attacks when you are stressed:
You are more inclined to grab for unhealthy items that are rich in calories when you are
feeling anxious because you want a rapid comfort fix. It's possible that you eat even when
you're not really hungry.
 You drink too much alcohol:
No matter whether you choose wine, beer, or mixed drinks, the calories in alcoholic
beverages add up to more than what you need in a day. It does not matter what kind of
alcohol you consume; if you often have three or more drinks per day, you have an increased
risk of gaining weight or becoming overweight. Drinking should be kept to a minimum or
kept at a reasonable level, such as having one glass of wine with supper. It's possible that
this will assist prevent you from gaining weight.

Apart from the reasons mentioned above there may have several other reasons, for example
 Side effects of some medication
 You have hypothyroidisim
 You are not working out enough
 Weight gain might happen during and after pregnancy
 You consume sugar and sugary beverages

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