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Pleochroic Minerals in PALE GREEN

(if it is INTENSE GREEN, see Table 11)

Minerals that ALWAYS show pale green pleochroism:
1 Pale green colors, may be yellowish. Amphibole, ACTINOLITE
monoclinic, long prisms, fibers. Basal rhombic
sections with 2 cleavages at 56-124º. In CPL, 1st
and 2nd order colors. Extinction 10-15º, ES(+),
frequent twins and zoning. B(-) with 2V of 80º.
Mineral common in many types of rock, very similar
to tremolite and wollastonite.
2 Pale green colors with weak pleochroism. CHLORITE
Monoclinic. Common as a metamorphic mineral or
alteration product. Very small lamellae, fibers or
masses. In CPL anomalous colors: blue (berlin blue)
or brown (leather brown), bluish-gray or purple. 0-9º
extinction, unmottled. ES(+/-), B(+/-).
3 Pleochroic from light green to yellow-green or blue- CELADONITE
green. Monoclinic, moderate relief, forms
submicroscopic crystal aggregates. In CPL, the
color is almost the same. Simulate parallel
extinction. B(-). It occurs almost exclusively in
cavities and fractures of volcanic rocks.
4 Pleochroic between green, yellow, olive and blue- GLAUCONITE
green. In CPL, it continues with the green colors.
Almost parallel extinction. B(-). Similar to celadonite.
It forms rounded aggregates of submicroscopic
crystals in sediments and sedimentary rocks of
marine origin.
5 Pleochroic between colorless, lime green, pale EPIDOTE
green, pale yellow, yellow-green and brown-green.
Monoclinic, high relief. Granular, columnar, acicular.
Basal sections are rhombic. 1 perfect cleavage. In
CPL, intense and zoned anomalous colors. Paralell
or oblique extinction. ES(+/-), B(-), 2V = 64-90º.
6 Weak to moderate pleochroism between colorless, PUMPELLYITE
yellowish, light green and blue-green. Monoclinic.
Lamellar, acicular, fibrous. Medium-high relief, 2
good cleavages. In CPL, colors between 1st and 2nd Image not yet available.
order or anomalous (indigo blue and leather brown).
ES(+/-), Twins/zoning common, B(+), 2V 7º-110º.
Minerals that SOMETIMES show pale green pleochroism:
7 Usually colorless, may have pale green to pink ANDALUSITE
pleochroism. Short prisms of square section.
Orthorhombic. Perfect {110} cleavage; basal
sections with 2 cleavages at 89º. Extinction paralell,
basal sections with symmetrical extinction. ES(-).
Black carbon inclusions common. B(-), 2V:71-86°.

8 Usually colorless, but may have pale green, brown, AUGITE

yellow, or bluish pleochroism. Medium-high relief.
Pyroxene, monoclinic, with 2 cleavages at ~90º in
the basal sections. Oblique extinction (35-48º).
ES(+). Twins common. B(+), 2V from 25-61°.
Identical to diopside and pigeonite!

9 Usually colorless, but can be pale green in color with DIOPSIDE

very weak pleochroism. Pyroxene, monoclinic.
Medium to high relief. 2 cleavages at ~90º in basal
sections. Granular to short prismatic. In CPL, colors
up to 2nd order orange. Extinction 38-48º, B(+), 2V
58-62º. Identical do diopside and pigeonite!
10 Usually colorless, can be pale, yellow-green to PIGEONITE
brownish-green in color. Pyroxene, monoclinic.
Medium-high relief, typically granular and anhedral,
usually in the rock matrix. In CPL, intense 2nd order
colors. Oblique extinction from 37-44º, B(+) with 2V
from 0-30º. Identical do augite and diopside!

11 Usually colorless, may be pleochroic to very pale OMPHACITE

green. Pyroxene, Monoclinic. High relief, in CPL
colors up to 3rd order. Oblique extinction, common
twins, B(+). Restricted to metamorphic rocks of
eclogite facies (eclogites, kimberlites, ophiolites,
blueschists). Similar to other clinopyroxenes!

12 Usually colorless, but can be pleochroic between CUMMINGTONITE

pale green to pale brown. Monoclinic, it is a rare
amphibole. Forms clusters of prismatic crystals. In
the basal section (rhombic!), 2 cleavages at 56/124º. Image not yet available.
Extinction 15-21º, In CPL, colors up to 2nd and 3rd
order. ES(+), B(+/-).

13 Usually colorless, but may be weakly pleochroic in BARITE

green, yellow, violet, brown, or blue. Orthorhombic.
Granular or tabular habit, forms radiated
aggregates. In PPL, medium relief and several
cleavages. In CPL, gray to straw yellow, ES(+) and
parallel extinction. Twins rare, zonation absent. B(+).

14 Usually pleochroic in red-brown, but can be in green ALLANITE

colors. Zoning common. Monoclinic with high relief,
no visible cleavage. Anhedral or tabular grains. In
CPL, colors up to 3rd order. Pleochroic (black) halos
are possible, may be metamictic. Twins common.
B(-/+). Similar to brown hornblende.

15 Usually pleochroic between pink and colorless, but ENSTATITE

may be pale green. Pyroxene, orthorhombic. Short
prismatic, basal section with 4 or 8 sides and 2
cleavages at ~90º. Parallel extinction! In CPL, colors
up to 1st order orange. ES(+), common zonation,
rare twins. B(+/-), 2V from 58-86°.

16 Usually colorless or yellow, but may show weak pale MONAZITE

green pleochroism. Monoclinic, high relief, without
visible cleavage, in rounded or wedge-shaped
grains. In CPL, intense 2nd and 3rd order colors.
Parallel extinction, B(+), 2V = 6-19º. Black halos
around it are possible. Very similar to zircon.
Minerals that RARELY show pale green pleochroism:

ANTHOPHYLLITE: amphybole, paralell extinction. CLINOZOISITE: epidote, B(+)

OLIVINE: no cleavage, alters to serpentine, etc. MUSCOVITE: // and mottled extinction.
SERPENTINE: fibers, paralell extinction. CORUNDUM: very rare.
VESUVIANITE: paralell extinction, ES(-), U or B(-) JADEITE: rare, clinopyroxene, B(+).

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