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{ TIME \@ "dddd d MMMM yyyy" }


Swazic: Good morning, Miss Kathy how are you today?

Marie-Catherine: Good morning Swazic, I’m fine thank you and you?

Swazic: I’m fine. How was your trip?

Marie-Catherine: It was fine. The train was a bit late but we arrived on time.

Swazic: That’s good. I'm going to tell Mrs Peter that you're here.
Mrs Peter is coming in five minutes.

Marie-Catherine: Oh okey thank you.

Swazic: Would you like something to drink? We have a tea, coffee, and hot
chocolate? Please have a seat and make yourself comfortable.

Marie-Catherine: I prefer a coffee with two sugar, please.

Swazic: Yes, of course. Please help yourself to the cookies.

Marie-Catherine: Thank you very much.

Swazic: Oh here is Mr Peter. It’s was nice to see you again Miss Kathy.

Marie-Catherine: The same for me. Goodbye

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