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Analysis Statistics Descriptive

Description of Science Literacy Ability Pretest-Posttest Scores

No. Statistics Class Experiment Class Control
Pretest Posttest Pretest Posttest
1 Amount Sample 34 34 34 34
2 Highest Score 9 13 8 11
3 Lowest Score 1 5 1 5
4 Score Average 5,15 8,82 4.65 7.06
5 Standard 1.90 _ 1.59 _ 1.92 _ 1.70 _
6 Variance 3.58 2.52 3, 69 2.84

a. Analysis N-Gains

Description Literacy N-Gain Category Science Experiment Class and Control


Experiment Class Control Class

intervals Frequenc
y N-Gains Frequency N-Gains
N-Gains ≥ 0.70 Tall 1 0.71 0 0
0.70 ≥ N-Gain ≥ Currentl
23 0.43 11 0.41
0.30 y
0.30 ≥ N-Gain Low 10 0.19 23 0.12

Average N-Gain Ability Literacy Science Experiment Class and Control Class
Score Average N-Gain Categor
Pretest Posttest Score y
Experiment Class 5,15 8,82 0.37
Control Class 4.65 7.06 0.22 Low

b. Description Enhancement Indicator Literacy Science

Literacy N-Gain Analysis Science Aspect Competence Participant students

Experiment Class and Control Class

Control Class
Indicator Literacy Abou Class
Science t N- N- Categor
Gain Gain y
Explain Phenomenon 1,2,3,
1 0.37 Currently 0.17 Low
Scientific 4,5
Evaluating and
2 Designing Investigation 0.32 Currently 0.23 Low
Interpreting Data and
3 ,13,1 0.45 Currently 0.27 Low
Evidence Scientific

Analysis Statistics Inferential

Normality test

Results of Normality Test Analysis Literacy Science

Data Experiment Class N-Gain N-Gain Control Class

χ count 6,37 9.45
χ table 11.07 11.07

Homogeneity Test

Test results using the N-Gain data obtained F count ≤F table ie 2 < 3.99 (Appendix C.7

Page 347) with thereby second data variance group the stated the same

( homogeneous ).

c) Hypothesis Test (t test)

With compare magnitude t value of calculation t arithmetic and large t table so could is

known that t count > t table that is 18.75 > 1.66 . Result t count more big from t table , then

H 0 rejected and H 1 accepted . With thereby could concluded that there is

influence use of the E- module based discovery learning g against enhancement

literacy science participant educate class VII SMPN 3 Makassar on temperature

and heat .

Based on results analysis N-Gain ( appendix C.4 table C.4.5 p . 343) on class
experiment seen from the average N-Gain score is more tall compared to class
control where is the average N-Gain score in the class experiment ie 0.37 in the
category medium , and in class control obtained an average N-Gain score of 0.22
in the category low . The difference in the mean N-Gain scores on the two group
show that e- module based discovery learning more effective in Upgrade literacy
science participant educate , meaning participant students who follow learning
with using e- module based discovery learning have ability literacy more science
_ tall compared to with participant students being taught use module
conventional .

This is because the e-module is integrated with the discovery learning

model which includes learning steps, namely providing stimulation, identifying
problems, collecting data, processing data, proving, and drawing conclusions. The
six steps or procedures are combined with aspects of scientific literacy, namely
explaining phenomena scientifically, evaluating and designing scientific
discoveries, interpreting evidence and data scientifically. In line with research
conducted by Ariana, et al . (2020) that module based discovery learning worthy
used in the learning process and also can Upgrade ability literacy science
participant educate .

The learning process in class control use module conventional method used by
teachers with learning models direct . Participant educate tend more often
memorize a draft than understand it , the result participant educate difficulty

understand draft the if associated with life in fact . this _ cause low participant 's
N-gain category educate on aspects competence literacy science .

Research results this aligned with research conducted by Latip & Faisal (2020)
that implementation of e- module could with effective Upgrade ability science-
literacy participant educate . Besides it , steps learning in the e - module arranged
based on the discovery learning model , the use of discovery learning models have
influence to enhancement ability literacy science participant educate than with
apply learning models discussion (Pujiasih, Marpaung, & Yolida, 2020).

A. Conclusion

Based on results research and discussion could concluded as following :

1. Enhancement ability literacy science participant educate class VII SMPN 3

Makassar being taught with using e- module based discovery learning on the

material temperature and heat experience enhancement with the N-Gain result

shows 0.37 category medium .

2. Enhancement ability literacy science participant educate class VII SMPN 3

Makassar being taught without using e- module use based discovery learning

experience enhancement with the N-Gain result shows 0.22 category low .

3. There is influence use of e- modules based discovery learning to

enhancement ability literacy science participant educate class VII SMPN 3


B. Suggestion

Based on results research and conclusions obtained , then _ there is a

number of thing that can recommended author , namely :

1. For educator expected could make e- module based discovery learning as

something alternative in learning for Upgrade ability literacy science

participant educate .

2. For researcher next to be study formula similar problem _ for look return

breadth material and customize with instrument the research he studied .


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