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Complete report of Basic Biology with the title “Microscopic

Observation” which complited by:
name : Farkhah Intan Anasis
ID : 1816442013
class : ICP of Science Education
group : 3 (Three)
after checked and approved by assistant and assistant coordinator, so this report is
Makassar, November 13th
Coordinator Assistant Assistant

Ibnu Mundzir A. Yoel Sura’


Know by,
Responsibility Lecture,

Dr. A. Munisa, S.Si, M. Si

NIP. 19720526 199862 2 0

A. Background
In this universe can be defined into to two big components, namely
living and non living components. Living components are called biotic
components, whereas non living components are called abiotic components.
Biotic components include all living organisms in any community. Generally,
these components are classified by function, namely producer, consumer, and
decomposer. Abiotic components include all non living organisms in any
community. Abiotic component consist of geological factors, weather and
climate, land and sea waters condition, as well as atmospheric conditions.
In the scope of biology, the organisms studied, especially living things
are composed of many levels of organization of life. The level of organization
that studied begins from the most simple to complex levels. Levels of
organization of life starting from the molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organ
systems, individual, population, ecosystem, to the level of biomes.
The body structure of animals and plants is composed of cells, tissues,
organs and organ systems that shape it into an individual. Cell is the smallest
unit construct a living creature, aggregate of cells having same shape any
function that establishes one degree higher level of live organization then cell
is called tissue. Tissue are studied by a brunch of biology called histology.
Plant body tissue can be distinguished into meristem tissue and adult
tissue consisting of epidermal tissue, parenchymal tissue, vascular tissue, and
cork tissue. whereas in animals there are four main types of tissue, namely
epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue.
Because tissue in animals and plants is very small and cannot be seen
with the naked eye, we need observation using a microscope to help identify
the shape and structure of the tissue. Observation is an activity required in the
development of science. Observation using bare eyes is very limited. Tiny
object like cells and tissue or faraway object can only be seen by using a

B. Purpose of Practicum
1. After doing this practicum, the apprentice are expected to be able to
explain the structure and types of tissues that make up the organs of
2. After doing this practicum, the apprentice are expected to be able to
explain the structure and types of tissues that make up the organs of

C. Benefits of Practicum
The benefits of this experiment we will know the structure of the animal and
plant structure tissue, and know the types of tissue that make up the organs
contained in the plants and animal bodies.

A tissue is a collection of cells that are intimately related to each other

having the same functional structure. The study of the structure of the tissue is
called histology. Plant tissue can be distinguished by young tissue (meristem) and
adult tissues comprising protective tissue (epidermis), parenchyma tissue,
transport tissue and cork tissue. Animal tissue is divided into four major tissues:
epithelial tissue, connective tissue, support tissue, muscle tissue, and neural
tissue (Tim penulis, 2018).
A tissue is a group of similarly differentiated cells performing one or more
particular functions. Wood in plants, and nerve and muscle in animals are
examples of tissues made up of highly specialized cells. Cells are organized as
tissues in all plants and animals except the lowest, while tissues, in turn, generally
are grouped to form organs. An organ is merely a differentiated part of the body,
such as a root or leaf, or a heart, brain, or stomach. A system is a group of organs
concerned with some general bodily function. For example, the stomach, liver,
and other organs of digestion comprise the digestive system; the heart, blood
vessels, blood make up the circulatory system, etc. (Haupt, W. Arthur, 1940: 8).
According to Muhiddin Palennari et al. (2016: 37-38), a tissue of high-
level body building plants can be divided into two parts according to their age,
namely young tissue (meristem or growing point) and adult tissue (old body
tissue). The following will briefly explain the two types of tissue.
A. Young tissue (Meristem or Growing Point)
This tissue consists of cells that are still embryonic, thin walls, rich in plasma,
small vacuoles. These tissue cells, when viewed from all directions, are more or
less the same, so they are like a cube. Meristem networks function to divide and
differentiate into mature tissue cells. From that, the meristem tissue always
divides or multiplies. According to the location and origin of meristem growth,
meristem tissue can be divided into two:
1. Primary meristem (primary growth point or promeristem).
2. Secondary meristem (secondary growth point or cambium)
B. Adult Tissue (Old Body Tissue)
Adult tissue cells form larger than meristem cells, fewer plasmas, larger
vacuoles, sometimes adult tissue cells have died and filled with air or water and
dinduing cells have thickening variety. Based on the structure and function of the
adult tisssue are divided into four, namely:
1) basic tissue (parenchyma)
2) tissue cover (protective tissue)
3) reinforcement network (mechanical)
4) transport network
The tissue is a collection of similar cell masses that work together inside
carry out a certain function both structurally and functionally. On animals also
found meristematic tissue and permanent tissue. Meristematic network for
example in bone marrow and embryonal tissue. Whereas most networks animals
are permanent tissue. Structurally, animal tissue is divided into 4 types of
epithelial tissue, connective tissue (connective), muscle tissue, and nerves
tissue (Salmah, siti et al. 2011: 16).
In the epidermis structures such as stomata, trichomes and lenticels can be
found. Tissue mechanical, divided into two, namely colenchyma and
sclerenchyma. This transport network consists of cells that have undergone fusion
and lined up according to the direction of transport, consisting of tissue reeds
(phloem) and tissue of wood vessels (xylem).In plants there are several organs,
including leaves are organs that function for photosynthesis, stems are parts of
plants that support other parts of plants such as leaves, roots anchor
plants on the ground, absorb minerals and water, deliver water and
nutrients and store food, flowers is a reproductive organ in higher
plants (Muhiddin Palennari et al. 2016: 52).
There is a difference between dicot and monocot stems in their anatomical
1. Diothyl stem, On the dicotyledon stem there are layers from the outside in:
a. Epidermis: Consists of cell membranes that are tightly arranged, do not have
space between cells. Function of the epidermis to protect the underlying tissue. In
the stem that experiences secondary growth, the epidermal layer replaced by a
layer of cork formed from cork cambium.
b. Cortex: The stem cortex is also called the first skin, consisting of several cell
layer, which is close to the epidermal layer composed of tissue colenchyma,
deeper into the parenchymal tissue. Endodermis: Endodermis stem is also called
inner skin, composed of cell layer, is the separating layer between the cortex and
stele. Endodermis of Anguiospermae plants contain starch, but not is found in the
Gymnosperm plant endodermis.
2. Monocotothyl Stem, In the Monocot stem, the epidermis consists of one layer
of cells, the boundary between the cortex and stele is generally unclear. In
monocot stele there are vascular bundles spread and closed collateral type which
means that between xylem and phloem is not found cambium. The absence of
cambium in monocots causes stems Monocots cannot grow bigger, in other words
it does not occur secondary thickened growth (Salmah, siti et al. 2011: 29-30).
Bone is a mineralized connectice tissue that exhibits four types of cells:
osteoblasts, bone lining cells, osteocytes, and osteoclasts. Bone exerts importants
function in the body, such a locomotion, support and protection of soft tissue.
Despite its inert appearance, bone is a highly dynamic organ that is continuously
resorbed by osteoclasts and neoformed by osteoblasts. There is evidence that
osteocytes act as mechanosensors and oechesrators of this bone remodeling
prosses. The function of bone lining cells is not well clear, but these cells seem to
important role in cupling bone resorption to bone formation (Rinaldo, 2015).
Epithelium. This is always a lelatively simple type of tissue that covers the
external and internal surfaces of organs and forms the secreting cells of glands. It
includes the outer part of the skin (epidermis) and the lining of the various internal
cavities and tubes. Its cells are relatively small, regular, and compactly arranged.
In the sponges and coelenterates the body is composed almost entirely of
epithelial cells, most of which are but slightly specialized. In more complex
metazoans, on the other hand, various types of epithelia are present, which may be
somewhat modified in accordance with the functions they perform, such as
protection, absorption, secretion, etc. Epithelial cells may be either flat, cubical, or
columnar, and are often ciliated. Epithelium commonly consists of a single layer
of cells, but often, as in the outer portion of the human skin, it is stratified,
comprising many layers. (Haupt, W. Arthur, 1940: 190).

A. Time and Place

Day/Date : Monday/November, 7th 2018
Time : 2.00 - 4.30 AM
Place : Biology Laboratory of FMIPA University of Makassar
B. Tools and materials
1. Tools
a. Microscope (1 pieces)
b. Coarse wipes and duster (@1 set)
2. Materials
a. Preparation preserved tissue of roots, stems, and leaves that represent
the class of monocots and dicots, there are:
a) Pumpkin stem – Cucurbita Moschata Stem (Dicotyle)
b) Corn – Zea Mays (Monocotyle)
c) Corn stem – Zea Mays Stem
d) Corn root – Zea Mays Root
e) Rubber fig leaf – Ficus Elastica
f) Sunflower old root
b. Preparation preserved tissue of epithelial layer, backer, nerve, blood
and muscle, there are:
a) Mammal skin
b) Human blood
c) Neuron cell of goat
d) Compact bone horse
e) Hyaline bone goat
f) Cats smooth muscle
g) Goats heart muscle
h) Rabbits striated muscle
C. Work Procedure
1. Plant Tissue
a. The microscope was prepared based on the rules of procedure for its
b. The tissue preparations preserved the roots and stems of dicots and
monocots were taken to represent the group.
c. The structure and location of characteristics of each tissue were
observed that made up the roots, stems and leaves.
d. The objective magnification 4 times was used to see the preparations
as a whole, then replace with 10 times magnification to observe more
e. The three tissues were drawn as a whole and mentioned its parts.
f. The observations were compared with the next picture.
g. The function of each of the tissue were studied that made up the
organs of the plant.
2. Animal Tissue
a. Ephithelium Tissue
1) Preparation preserved of epithelial layer was observed in the renal
2) A 10 times magnification was used to look at the overall
preparations and then replace it with a 40 times objective
magnification to observe the tissue more clearly.
3) Epithelial of cube cell was paid attention with rounded nucleus
and cell located in the middle of the cell. The information was
drawn and given by apprentice.
4) The result of observations was observed with existing images in
the handbook.
b. Backer Tissue
1) Preparations pipe rubbing on bone was observed.
2) The information was drawn about the parts visible in the
3) The structure of outward existence was paid attention:
(a) The periosteum, a dense tissue
(b) Haverst system consist of:
(1) Channel of Haver
(2) Lamella Harvest that arranged concentric surrounding
the channel Haverst
(3) Each lamellae containing osteocytes in lacunae that have
(c) Endosteoum
4) The result of observations was compared with existing images
in the handbook.
c. Nerve Tissue
1) Purkinjie cells was observed in the cerebellum preparations
preserved cells with a microscope.
2) The parts visible were drawn and given a note.
3) For directions asked to assistant to see the cells. In the ganglion
layer consists of a layer of cells purkinjie shaped bottle, this pale
and large, small and dark nucleolus.
4) The observations was compared with the picture.
d. Blood Tissue
1) Preparation preserved blood smear was observed with a
microscope and a strong magnification.
2) Kinds of blood cells were paid attention and drawn that contained
in the blood.
3) The result of observation was compared with the picture in the
e. Muscle Tissue
1) Preparation preserved smooth muscle tissue, skeletal muscle and
cardiac muscle was observed with powerful magnification.
2) Kinds of muscle cells, the shape and location of the point and the
direction of fibers were paid attention and drawn.
3) The result of observation was compared with the picture in the
guide book.

A. Observation Result
1. Plant tissues
a. Sunflower Root
Picture Comparative Image Note
Magnification 10x10
1. Xylem
2. Floem
3. Trakea

b. Corn Root (Zea mays root)

Picture Comparative Image Note
magnification 10x10
1. Empulur
2. Xylem
3. Floem
c. Stem of Cucurbita moschata
Picture Comparative Image Note
magnification 10x0,25
1. Xylem
2. Floem

d. Stem of Zea mays

Picture Comparative Image Note
magnification 10x10
1. Epidhermis
2. Empulur
3. Xylem
e. Leaf of Zea mays
Picture Comparative Image Note
magnification 10x0,25

1. Epidermis
2. Floem
3. Xylem

f. Leaf of Ficus Elastica

Picture Comparative Image Note
magnification 10x10
2. Animal tissues
a. Blood Tissue ( Human Blood)

Picture Comparative Image Note

magnification 4x10
1. Eritrosit
2. Cytoplasm
3. Leukosit


b. Heart Muscle (Goat heart Muscle)

Picture Comparative Image Note

magnification 4x10
1. Nucleus
2. Muscle Fiber
c. Striated muscle (Rabbit Striated Muscle)

Picture Comparative Image Note

magnification 10x10
1. Nucleus
2. Cytoplasm

d. Smooth Muscle (Cat Smooth Muscle)

Picture Comparative Image Note
magnification 4x10
1. Nucleus
2. Cytplasm
3. Membran cell
e. Compact Bone Horse

Picture Comparative Image Note

magnification 10x10
1. Havers System
2. Lacuna
3. Lamela

f. Hyaline Bone Goat

Picture Comparative Image Note

Magnification 10x10
1. Nucleus
2. Cell Membrane
3. Cytoplasm
g. Mammal Skin

Picture Comparative Image Note

magnification 10x10
1. Epidermis
2. Blood Vesels
3. Collagen

h. Neuron Cell of Goat

Picture Comparative Image Note

magnification 10x10
1. Nucleus
2. Sitoplasma
B. Discussion

Plant tissue consist of meristem tissue and adult tissue. Meristem tissue is
a tissue that is always actively dividing. Adult tissue consist of parenchymal
tissue, protective tissue (epidermis), reinforcement tissue and transport tissue. The
tissue arranges various plant organs, namely roots, stems, and leaves. The
materials used in this experiment are monocot root, dicot root, leaves of dicot,
leaves of monocot, monocot stem and dicot stem. In monocot plants, the root of
the institution die, then at the base of the stem will grow roots that have same size
so s to form fiber roots. In the stem of monocot plants, epidermis consist of a
layer, the boundary between the cortex and stele is generally unclear and no
cambium is found, the boundle of the spread is scattered. In dicotyledonous
plants, the epidermal cells are tightly arranged, there is a cortex consisting of
several layers of cells, endodermis and cambium between xylem and phloem so
that these plants can grow. Most types of monocot leaves are unifasial, most
monocot leaves from scelerenchyma in some species of leaves fibers which are
important in trade and are associated with vasiculer tissue and some are separated
from vasicular tissue.

Animal tissue is divided into four main types of tissue, namely epithelial
tissue, connective tissue, muscle tissue, blood tissue and nerve tissue. Muscle
tissue is divided into three, namely the heart muscle, smooth muscle and striated
muscle. The heart muscle is cylindrical in shape with one or two nucleus located
in the middle. Smoot muscle is shape like a log with one core in the middle. The
multicore cylindrical striated muscle are located on the edge and appear to be
striped. The nerve tissue consist consists of dendrites which are short extensions
of cell bodies, intense contained in the cell body that functions to process stimuli
to be passed on the other nerve cells by axons. In blood tissue, based on the
experiment we can see the leukosit, cytoplasm and eritrosit from the cell. And in
the connective tissue we use compact bone horse and hyaline bone goat for the
preparat, and we can see the havers system, lacuna and lamella.

A. Conclusion
Based on the practicum that has been done, it can be concluded that Plant
tissue constituent tissue is divided into meristem tissue or young tissue and
adult tissue covering epidermis, parenchyma tissue, transport tissue and cork
tissue. The tissues contained in plants can be distinguished into dicothyl and
monocothyl plant tissues, and both have certain differences. Tissues that
make up the animal body more complex, including epithelial tissue, support
tissue, neural tissue and muscle tissue.

B. Suggestions
1. It is better for the apprecentice to be more careful using a tools in
2. For assistant, Pay more attantion to the apprentice, and be more responsive.
3. We hope that practicum equipment will be given more attention to the
completeness and cleanliness in the next practicum.

Palennrai, Muhidin, et al. 2016. Biologi Dasar Bagian Pertama. Makassar:

Alauddin University Press.
Haupth, W. Arthur. 1940. Fundamentals of Biology Third Edition. New York:
McGrawHill Book Company.
Salmah, Siti, et al. 2011. Bahan Ajar Bioloi Umum. Padang: Jurusan Biologi
FMIPA Universitas Andalas.
Tim Penyusun Biologi Umum. 2018. Penuntun Praktikum Biologi Umum.
Makassar: Jurusan Biologi FMIPA UNM
Florenciosilva, Rinaldo, et al. 2015. Biology of Bone Tissue: Structure, Function,
and Factors That Influence Bone Cell. BioMad Research International,

1. What is the shape of smooth muscle cells, where are they located, how many
nuclei are in each cell?
Answer :
The shape is like a spindle with each pointed tip and one in the center. Plain
muscle is present in the intestinal wall, blood vessels, urinary tract, and
excretory tract.
2. What kind of striated muscle fibers are called, how many nuclei are each fiber?
Answer :
The set of lurik muscle fibers is called fasciculus, and each fiber in the striated
muscle is composed of many nuclei located at the edge of the cell.
3. What is the basic difference between smooth muscle cells, striated muscle, and
heart muscle you find?
Answer :
The difference between smooth muscle, striated muscle, and heart muscle is :
a. Plain muscle is present in the intestinal wall, blood vessels, urinary tract,
and excretory tract. The striated muscle is in the skeleton, and the heart
muscle is in the heart wall.
b. Plain-shaped muscle with a single core located in the center. Long striated
muscles with many nuclei are located on the edge of the cell. The heart
muscle is long (like a striated muscle) with a large number of nuclei located
in the middle of the cell.
4. What is called lamela, lakuna, and kanalikuli?
a. Lamela is a mineral substance stored in a thin .
b. Lakuna is a Small cavity between lamella haversLakuna
c. Kanalikuli is The havers and matrix channels resemble those of the
osteocyte cytoplasmic channel.
5. What is the channel havers function?
The function of the havers channel is the life-keeper because it contains blood

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