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TIME : 8:30AM – 9:30AM

DATE : April 3, 2018


At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. enumerate and explain the four (4) major groups of somatic tissues;
b. discuss the different types of connective tissues;
c. identify and differentiate the four components of vascular tissues;
d. describe the different epithelial tissues according to its structure, number of
layers and functions; and
e. create a concept map regarding animal tissues.
- Animal Tissues
Biology II; Gerona, Zonia M., et. al.; Abiva Publishing House, Inc. ; 2010; pp. 162
General Zoology; Chanco, Christine R.; ACNN Printing Press, Inc.; 2011; pp. 39 – 46
Visual aids
Inquisitive mind and cooperation during the teaching-learning process
Lecture-Discussion Method, Inquiry approach


a. Prayer

Let us pray first. Please lead the (The students stand and start to pray)
(The teacher pinpoints one student to
lead the prayer)

b. Greetings

Good Morning, Class!!! Good Morning, Sir!!!

You may now take your seats (Students sit)

c. Checking of attendance
Anyone who is absent for this day? None, Sir.

I am glad to hear that no one is absent

Before we proceed to our new topic, let’s
have a game first and this game is called 4 (The student answers)
PICS, 1 WORD. In this game, I will show Sir, animals are group of organisms that
four pictures as your clue and I want you belong to the Kingdom Animalia.
to think of a word which they have in
common. The number of letters is given.

(The teacher posts the picture) (The students answer on what is the picture
all about)

Based on our activity conducted, what do Sir, our topic for this day is all about animal
you think is our topic for this day? tissues.

Before we proceed to our main agenda for (Student answers)

this day, let us start it with a question. Sir, tissues are group or layer of cells that
What is a tissue? has similar function.

Very Good! So what do you call the Sir, histology.

scientific study of tissues?

Exactly! This branch of biology explains

how tissues are being organized and
worked out into the bodies of organisms.
There are five grades or organization that
can be recognized in animals –
protoplasm, cell, tissues, organ and organ
system. The first two grades of
organization are commonly found in
unicellular organisms and the last three are
found in the higher forms.
The cells in multicellular animals may be
divided into somatic cells and germ cells. Sir, somatic cells are body cells while germ
How do these cells differ from each other? cells are reproductive cells.

Exactly! Somatic cells constitute the

individual animal throughout its life while
germ cells have something to do with
reproduction and continuance of the
species. There are four major groups of
somatic tissues namely – epithelial, Sir, epithelial tissues are tissues that form
connective, muscular, and nervous tissue. the covering or lining of all free body
What is an epithelial tissue? surfaces.

Correct! Epithelial tissues are composed

of compact cells and bonded together by
intercellular cement for strength and often
supported by a basement membrane. What
do you think are the body parts or organs
that are composed of epithelial tissues? Sir, the outer portion of the skin.

Exactly! What else? Sir, the linings of the digestive tract.

Correct! Another one? Sir, the lungs and blood vessels.

Very Good! Epithelial tissues have

different types according to some criteria
or qualities. Structurally, the cells may be:
squamous or flat, cuboidal, columnar,
ciliated or flagellated. On the other hand,
tissues may be classified based on the
number of cell layers – simple which is
composed of only one layer, stratified
which is composed of multiple layer of
cells and pseudostratified which its nuclei
occur in two or more levels, thus
appearing to be stratified, but all cells are
attached to the basement membrane
making it a single layer. Functionally, an
epithelial tissue may be protective,
glandular (secretory), sensory or involved
in absorption.
Do you have any questions or None, Sir.

Another major group of somatic tissues is Sir, connective tissues are responsible for
connective tissue. From the term itself, binding together and support other
what do you think is its function? structures in the body.

Very Good! These tissues are derived

from the mesenchyme. Mesenchyme is a
generalized embryonic tissue that can
differentiate also into vascular and smooth
muscle. Connective or supportive tissues
include reticular (areolar or loose
connective tissue), fibrous, cartilage, bone,
adipose and vascular tissues. Let’s have
first the reticular tissue. Reticular tissue is
commonly known as areolar or loose
connective tissue. These tissues act as
frameworks of stellate reticular cells and
an abundant network of fine reticular
fibers which they secrete. It makes the
framework of lymph glands, red bone
marrow, the spleen, and other organs. On
the other hand, fibrous connective tissues
are composed of scattered cells, rounded
or branched in form, with intercellular
spaces occupied by delicate fibers. Two
minor cell types present are fibroblast
which produces fibers and macrophages
which are protective phagocytes. There Sir, white fibers are made up of many fine
are two fibers produced by fibroblasts. We parallel fibrils, pale in color and wavy in
have the white fibers and elastic fibers. outline while elastic fibers are sharply
How do they differ from each other? defined and straight.

Exactly! White fibers form bundles that

are crossed or interlaced and occasionally
branched. They occur commonly in
tendons and around muscle and nerves.
On the other hand, elastic fibers bind the
skin to the underlying muscles. Both kinds
of fibers are present in the wall of the
intestine. Another connective tissue is the
adipose or fat tissue. It is composed of
cells that are rounded or polygonal, with
thin layers of cytoplasm and the nucleus at
one side. They contain the droplets of fats
which may form large storage of fats
called globules. What do you think is the Sir, adipose tissue facilitates energy storage
function of adipose tissue? and insulation.

Exactly! Another supportive tissue is the

cartilage. It is a firm yet elastic matrix
(chondrin) secreted by small groups of
rounded cartilage cells or chrondrocytes.
Another one is the true bone or osseous
tissues. These tissues occur only in the
skeleton of bony fishes and land Sir, bones are the component of our skeletal
vertebrates. What is a bone? system.

Correct! Bones are dense organic matrix

with mineral deposits and calcium
carbonate. Bones develop either as a
replacement for previously existing
cartilage or follow embryonic
mesenchymal cells (membrane bone).
Bone cells produced osteoblasts which
later mature into osteocytes. The cells
become separate but retain many minute
cytoplasmic connections with one another
and with blood vessels. Bone is ,
therefore, a living tissue that may be
resorbed in part or changed in
composition. Last connective tissue is the
vascular tissue. How will you describe Sir, vascular tissues are tissues travelling
vascular tissues? through the blood vessels.

Correct! Vascular tissues is a fluid

connective tissue composed of WBC’s,
RBC’s, platelets and a liquid plasma.
What is the function of the white blood Sir, WBC fights the different foreign
cells? organisms invading our body.

Very Good! There are different types of

white blood cells or leukocytes.
Neutrophils are active phagocytes that
engulf bacteria and other foreign
materials. Lymphocytes are also defensive
not as phagocytes by through intimate
involvement with the immune responses
of the animal. We also have the
monocytes which are capable of leaving
the circulatory system to become
phagocytes in tissues. The role of
eosinophils and basophils is poorly
understood, but they may play roles in the
immune system response in the animal.
On the other hand, we also have red blood
cells. These blood cells serve for
transporting oxygen. How do platelets
help in our body? Sir, platelets help in blood clotting.

Lastly, the fluid plasma transports most

materials carried in the bloodstream. It is
colorless in vertebrates while in
invertebrates it is either blue or red by
dissolved respiratory pigments. The third
major group of somatic tissues is muscular
tissues. Muscular tissue is the most
common tissue in the body of most
animals. What is the function of these Muscular tissues are responsible for
muscular tissues? contraction.

Very Good! It makes possible the

movements of the body and its parts. It
originates from the mesoderm, ad its unit
is the muscle fiber. The cytoplasm of
muscles is called sarcoplasm and the
contractile elements within the fibers are
the myofibrils. Functionally, muscles are
either voluntary (under control of will) or
involuntary (out of control of the will).
There are three principal types of muscle Sir, the three principal types of muscle
tissue in vertebrates. What are three tissues are skeletal muscles, smooth
principal types of muscle tissues? muscles, and cardiac muscles.

Exactly! Skeletal muscles are those

attached to the skeleton and are typically
organized into sturdy, compact bundles or
bands. These are extremely long,
cylindrical, multinucleate cells that may
reach from one end of the muscle to the
other. On the other hand, smooth muscle
lacts the striations typical of skeletal
muscle. Cells are long, tapering strands,
each containing a single nucleus. These
are organized into sheets of muscle.
Where can we find smooth muscles in our Sir, in the walls of the alimentary canal and
body? blood vessels.

Another? Sir, respiratory passages.

What else? Sir, urinary and genital ducts.

Very Good! We also have cardiac muscles

which are consists of closely opposed, but
separate, uninucleate cell fibers that
appear branching and interconnected.
What organ in our body is mainly Sir, our heart is mainly composed of cardiac
composed of cardiac muscles? muscles.

Exactly! The last major group of somatic

tissue is called nervous tissue. What Sir, nervous tissue is highly specialized for
makes it very special? the property of irritability and conductivity.

Very Good! The structural and functional

unit of the nervous system is the neuron. It
is made up of a body containing the
nucleus and its processes or fibers.
Neurons are arranged in chains and the
point of contact between neurons is the
synapse. Some of the fibers bear a sheath
(medullated or myelin) while others don’t
have sheath (nonmedullated). Neurons
have different parts namely – dendrites,
axons, and ganglion (pl. ganglia).
Dendrites is responsible for transmitting Sir, axon is responsible for carrying
stimuli to the cell body. How about axon? impulses away from the dendrite.

Very Good! Ganglion, on the other hand,

is a group of nerve cell bodies. A neuron
can be bipolar cells or multipolar cells.
Bipolar cells when they have one dendrite
and one axon while multipolar cells when
each have multiple dendrites and a single
axon. A group of fibers or process that
bound together by connective tissue is
called nerve.
Do you have any questions regarding our None, Sir.
topic for this day?

(The teacher gives the instruction for their


Bring out all your materials. I want you to

make a creative concept map regarding
our topic for this day which is all about (Students listens to the instructions of the
the animal tissues. The words are given to teacher)
be your guide in making your own
concept map. I will just give you 30
minutes to finish it.

Timer starts now!!! (The students start doing their concept map)
Are you done? Yes, Sir.

Now, I want you to paste your work in (Each group pastes their work in front and
front and kindly present it to us. present it)

Give yourselves a big clap!!! (students clap)

This presentation shows that you really

understand our topic for this day. Do you
have any questions or clarifications? None, Sir.

The quiz bee will be in pairs. There will be
three rounds: the easy round, average round
and difficult round. In easy round, there will
be 10 questions, all multiple choice and you
will be given 15 seconds to answer. In the
average round, there will be 7 questions,
combination of multiple choice, true or false Answer Key:
and identification and you will be given 30 EASY ROUND
seconds to answer. Lastly, on the difficult 1. B
round, there will be 5 questions and you will 2. C
be given 60 seconds to answer each question. 3. C
The pointing system are as follows: 4. C
Easy Round – 1 pt. each 5. D
Average Round – 3 pt. each 6. D
Difficult Round – 5 pt. each 7. A
8. B
1. These are group of cells with similar 10. D
B. Tissues 1. FALSE
C. Organ System 2. B
D. Tissue System 3. B
2. Leukocytes are commonly known as ____. 4. Medullated or Myelin
B. Platelets 6. Ganglion
C. WBC 7. Muscular Tissue
D. Plasma
3. The following are supportive tissues DIFFICULT ROUND
EXCEPT _______. 1. Contraction
A. Fat tissue 2. Sarcoplasm
B. Cartilage 3. Neurons
C. Cuboidal tissue 4. Neutrophils
D. Osseous tissue 5. Osseous tissue
4. It is the scientific study of tissues.
B. Herpetology 1. Fibroblast and Macrophages
C. Histology 2. Hemoglobin
D. Tissuology
5. Which of the following does not belong to
the group?
A. Epithelial
B. Muscular
C. Nervous
D. Adipose
6. These cells are responsible for the
continuance and reproduction of species.
A. Reproductive cells
B. Germ cells
C. Sperm and Egg Cells
D. All of these.
7. The following are types of epithelial
tissues based on the number of cell layers
EXCEPT _____.
A. Complex
B. Simple
C. Stratified
D. Pseudostratified
8. It is a dense organic matrix with mineral
deposits and calcium carbonate.
A. Cartilage
B. Bone
C. Osteoblasts
D. Chondrocytes
9. Reticular tissues are also known as _____.
A. Cartilage
B. Fat tissue
C. Areolar tissue
D. Adipose tissue
10. What type of animal tissues do the linings
of digestive tract have?
A. Connective Tissue
B. Nervous Tissue
C. Muscular Tissue
D. Epithelial Tissue

1. The fluid platelets transport most
materials carried in the bloodstream.
2. These are cells that have one dendrite and
one axon.
A. Unipolar Cells
B. Bipolar Cells
C. Tripolar Cells
D. Multipolar Cells
3. The walls of alimentary canals, blood
vessels, respiratory passages, and urinary
and genital ducts have what type of
muscle tissue?
A. Cardiac Muscle
B. Smooth Muscle
C. Skeletal Muscle
D. Sarcoplasmic Muscle
4. It is the term used when nerve fibers bear
a sheath.
5. Muscles of the intestine are voluntary.
6. These are group of cell bodies with
conspicuous nuclei.
7. It is the most common tissue in the body
of most animals.

1. Muscle is made up of elongated cells or
fibers specialized for _________.
2. It is the other term for the cytoplasm of
the muscles.
3. It is the structural and functional unit of
the nervous system.
4. These are active phagocytes that engulf
bacteria and other foreign materials.
5. Other term for true bone.

1. The two types of cells present in fibrous
connective tissues.
2. A red pigment that gives color to the RBC
Draw and label the parts of the skin. (The students copy assignment)

Are you done copying? Yes, Sir.

That’s all for today. Good Bye, Grade 12- Good Bye Sir!!!

Prepared by:


Biological Science Student Teacher

Submitted to:


Science Teacher, SBE

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