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Virgo 2017: Sphinx. Hercules & Hippolyte. Healing & Herbs.

Greek Mysteries. Trump Eclipsed.

Isis is a goddess of Love-Wisdom and is connected to Sirius.

Virgo Keynote
“I am the Mother and the Child. I, God, I matter am.”
(Full Moon: September 6, 2017. 8.03 am GMT.)

“Virgo symbolises depths, darkness, quiet and warmth;

it is the valley of deep experience wherein secrets are discovered and eventually
“brought to light”; it is the place of slow, gentle and yet powerful crises and
periodic developments which take place in the dark and yet which lead to light.”1

Virgo and the Mystery of the Sphinx

Hercules and Hippolyte
Virgo-Pisces and the Greek Mysteries
Virgo-Pisces and Sirius
Virgo, Healing, Herbs and Essential Oils
August 21 Eclipse and Donald Trump
Release of HHH Video and New Book
Weekend Retreat in Sweden

Virgo and the Mystery of the Sphinx

The sign of Virgo the Virgin follows after Leo the Lion, speaking to us of the mystery of
the sphinx – with the body of a lion and the face of a virgin. In ancient Lemurian days
these two signs were dormant – but became activated when Humanity Individualised
and gained the “spark of mind,” becoming conscious, thinking souls: “The seed of
Christhood was planted in man and these two signs began to influence humanity.”

This is a good reminder of the fact that the zodiac signs are intimately connected with
human evolution; that they are essentially groups of angelic beings that focus the
energies pouring forth from the
constellations of the zodiac. Note the
difference between signs and
constellations, always a source of
confusion amongst students of
astrology and astronomy.

“Virgo and Leo together stand for the

whole man, for the God-man as well as
for spirit-matter … when the nature of
the world is revealed, then the
mystery of the Sphinx will no longer

This mystery is that of the solar Angels, our

souls – and the mediating principle of the mind,
higher and lower, plus their relation to one
another. Mercury or Thoth is involved as the ruler
of Virgo, and Messenger of the Gods, mediating
between the lower and higher mind. Mercury is
the Son of Mind, the soul, mediating between
Father and Mother, or Spirit and Matter. Yet
Mercury is also the result of father-mother
union. Here Leo might symbolically represent
father and Virgo, mother. (Capricorn-Cancer are
another duality like this.)

Similarly, this trinity may be traced in many

traditions. In the Egyptian culture, Mercury is
Thoth in one of his guises.
also Horus, Osiris the father and Isis the Mother,
the third principle of matter or intelligence. Yet,
Isis also represents the love-wisdom, the second aspect of the triple goddess, Eve, Isis
and Mary. Together these goddesses represent the perfecting of the expression of the
Christ consciousness through all vehicles of the personality – mental, emotional and
physical. The glyph for Virgo is also triple, representing the three goddesses of

personality .

Hence, the feminine Virgo mother nurtures these principles over many lifetimes, hidden
in the silent depths, gestating to a gradual awakening. When Eve ate the apple of
knowledge in the Garden of Eden, this was the moment of Individualisation in Lemuria
21 million years ago – and the gradual evolution of mind since that time:

“The lure of knowledge to be gained through the experience of incarnation. Eve,

therefore, took the apple of knowledge from the serpent of matter and started the long
human undertaking of experiment, experience and expression …
Isis stands for this same expression down on
to the emotional or astral plane. Eve has no
child in her arms; the germ of the Christ life
is as yet too small to make its presence felt;
the involutionary process is yet too close; but
in Isis the midway point is reached; the
quickening of that which is desired … has
taken place and Isis consequently stands in
the ancient zodiacs for fertility, for
motherhood and as the guardian of the child.
Mary carries the process down to the plane
or place of incarnation, the physical plane,
and there gives birth to the Christ child.

In these three Virgins and these three Mothers of the Christ, you have the history of
the formation and the function of the three aspects of the personality through which
the Christ [or soul] must find expression. The sign of Virgo itself stands for a synthesis
of these three feminine aspects—Eve, Isis and Mary. She is the Virgin Mother, providing
that which is needed for the mental, emotional and physical expression of the hidden
but ever present divinity. These three expressions are brought to the needed perfection
in Leo, the sign of the individual, developed self-consciousness and personality

It is important to remember this

profound symbolism of Isis and
the divine feminine, in a world
where a terrorist group has
hijacked the name as its
acronym; the latter which stands
as an ugly reminder of
crystallised patriarchy and blind,
fanatical belief.

The period of history now, may

signal a balancing from the
Atlantean rootrace where at one
stage that civilisation was
dominated by a matriarchy. Lilith
was the last of these Virgin Winged Lilith.
goddesses and the Amazons
were part of the ancient Atlantean culture in Asia Minor.

As Humanity makes the transition to the coming Sixth Rootrace, a gradual marriage
between matriarchy and patriarchy will ensue, producing eventually a blended and
balanced hierarchy – in a civilisation totally different to the one that we know now. Of
this, the furthering of women’s rights and growing awareness of equality between the
sexes today, is its promise. (For another reflection, see the author’s Leo 2011: Leo-
Virgo, Mystery Sphinx. Lemuria. Hermaphrodite.)

Hercules and Hippolyte

The Amazon warriors hold a special place in the racial memory of humanity. The term
amazon meant in ancient Greek,
without (right) breast, (a
mazos). Hence, their origin is
not in South America as might
be assumed, but in the area of
ancient Thrace, near the Black
Sea – the Libyan amazons were
much earlier apparently. These
female warriors were so fierce
that they amputated (or burned
off) their right breast, lest it
impede their ability and
accuracy with a bow and arrow.
If one explores their history,
they were responsible for
Hippolyte offers her girdle to lionskin-clad Hercules. founding cities, including
Ephesus and Smyrna.

The story of Hercules slaying Hippolyte, the queen of the Amazon warriors is an
allegory about the emergence of spiritual wo/man from the control of matter. Yet,
Hercules also failed his sixth labour (Virgo):

“Only the women, gathered round their queen. Within the temple of the moon [matter]
they daily worshipped and there they sacrificed to Mars, the god of war. Back from their
annual visit to the haunts of men they came. Within the temple precincts they awaited
word from Hippolyte, their queen, who stood upon the steps of the high altar, wearing
the girdle given her by Venus, queen of love. This girdle was a symbol, a symbol of
unity achieved through struggle, conflict, strife, a symbol of motherhood and of the
sacred Child to whom all human life is truly turned.

“Word has gone forth,”

said she, “that on his
way there comes a
warrior whose name is
Hercules, a son of man
and yet a son of God; to
him I must give up this
girdle which I wear. Shall
we obey the word, O
Amazons, or shall we
fight the word of’ God?”
And as they listened to
her words and as they
pondered o’er the
problem, again a word
Amazons. (Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein)
went forth, saying that
he was there, ahead of
time, waiting without to seize the sacred girdle of the fighting queen.

Forth to the son of God who was likewise a son of man went Hippolyte, the warrior
queen. He fought and struggled with her and listened not to the fair words she strove
to speak. He wrenched the girdle from her, only to find her hands held out and offering
him the gift, offering the symbol of unity and love, of sacrifice and faith. Yet, grasping
it, he slaughtered her, killing the one who dowered him with that which he required.
And as he stood beside the dying queen, aghast at that which he had done, he heard
his Teacher speak:

“My son, why slay that which is needed, close and dear? Why kill the one you love, the
giver of good gifts, custodian of the possible? Why kill the mother of the sacred Child?
Again, we mark a failure. Again you have not understood. Redeem this moment, e’er
again you seek my face.” Silence fell and Hercules, gathering the girdle to his breast,
sought out the homeward way, leaving the women sorrowing, bereft of leadership and

Greek Mysteries of Virgo

Virgo rules the caves that
lay beneath the earth,
those womb-like spaces
where the Ancient Mysteries
were enacted for candidates
to initiation. The ancient
Greek festival of Demeter-
Ceres in the month of
Boedromion (September-
Virgo), is when the
“greater” Eleusinian
Mysteries were celebrated.
Candidates were led
through dark underground
caves in their quest for the
light of knowledge and wisdom, “running the gauntlet” of certain trials and tests. The
symbol of Virgo is the Virgin who holds a sheaf of wheat, the Bread of Christ, or the
Love-Wisdom ray which expresses potently in this sign, more than any other in this
current cycle.

The symbolism of these initiatory enactments was around the abduction of Demeter’s
daughter Persephone, by Pluto into his underworld or Hades. This occurred in a cycle of
three phases, starting with the descent (loss), the search by Demeter in the
underworld or the realm of the dead, and finally the ascent from hell where Persephone
is reunited with her mother.

Persephone is the goddess of vegetation and daughter of Demeter or Ceres (cereals),

the goddess of the grain, or Mother Earth – the spirit of Virgo. She is abducted by Pluto
and taken underground for a third of each year to be his wife. Allegorically she is the
seed which lays in the ground for part of the year, returning to her mother as the crop
which rises out of the ground.
Hence Pluto, the Lord of Death,
comes to take/rape Persephone
(vegetation) every season. As soul
ruler of Pisces, which precedes
Aries and spring in the northern
hemisphere, Pluto represents the
darkness at the end of winter and
also rules over autumn-Scorpio,
just before winter. At the Virgo
harvest at the end of summer, polar opposite Pisces-Pluto is invoked. Esoterically,
Persephone refers to the burial of the body and the immortality of the soul – whose
gestation Virgo rules over in the womb of time.

In the myth, Persephone gathered flowers in the fields of Mount Etna, Sicily – an active
volcano – symbolising the subterranean forces of Pluto. (Sicily in modern times has a
reputation for being a very Scorpionic/Plutonic place.) Volcanoes are closely related to
Vulcan, who like Pluto,works deep in the Earth at the smithy’s forge, “fashioning his
instruments of beauty” for the soul’s use.

Virgo’s soul ruler is the Moon which “veils” Vulcan,

producing the craftsmanship and skill for which Virgo
is renown; it is this inner soul process that is behind
the outer creativity. In mythology, Vulcan, the lame
and ugliest god, was married to the beautiful Venus –
who is connected to “the descent of Spirit into the
womb of the virgin mother,” i.e. under the earth.

Virgo’s opposite sign/month is Pisces/February, when

the “lesser mysteries” were enacted for the masses.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune, a planet related to mass
consciousness, but it is also a “mass” sign. The
parable of the “loaves and the fishes” is closely
connected to Virgo (loaf)-Pisces (fishes). Virgo is
connected to the first initiation and the first awakening
of Christ consciousness, appropriate to the symbolism
Persephone (Archeological of mother Mary who births Jesus, vehicle for the
Museum, Athens. Author’s Christ:

“… the first initiation; the initiate-disciple still works in

the dimly lit “cave of the spiritual birth”; he has to continue his struggle to reveal
divinity, primarily on the physical plane—symbolised for us in the word “Bethlehem”
which means the “house of bread””6 “Simultaneously, large masses will take the first
initiation and “in the house of bread,” stand before the Initiator.”7

Virgo has a role to play in the reappearance of the Mystery Schools in the approaching
Aquarian Age. Modern Greece is a Virgo soul, reflecting its role as an ancient repository
of the Mysteries; all the Greek myths are essentially the ageless wisdom encoded.
Greece (or Syria) is where one of the prepatory esoteric schools will be located in the
future. New Zealand is a Virgo personality and will also have a preparatory school.
Australia and Ireland are Virgo souls and are the planned locations of two of the future
advanced schools.
Virgo-Pisces and
There is also another
dimension to this Virgo-
Pisces axis. As
described in another
newsletter, several
zodiac signs are related
to Sirius. We have just
passed through the sign
of Leo, one half of the
sphinx and, month of
the dog-star, Sirius.
Virgo is Isis,
synonymous with Sirius
(the “Nile star”). Part of
the Leo-Virgo riddle of
the sphinx is connected Winged goddess Maat, goddess of truth, balance, order, harmony,
law, morality and justice. In convocation with Isis who wears Hathor’s
to Sirius. With regard to
head-dress – with bull’s horns and the solar disk in between.
Pisces, there is a line of
energy upon the second
ray of Love-Wisdom, that passes from Sirius to Pisces, to Uranus and then passes to
the heart centre of a disciple. The Old Commentary contains an evocative description:

“The central light of Sirius shone through the eye of the Son; the vision came. The light
of wisdom penetrated into the waters and cast the radiance of the Heavens into the
depths. At this attractive call, the goddess rose unto the surface (the fish-goddess, the
symbol of Pisces) and welcomed the light within the depths and grasped it as her own

And then the heavens within the ring-pass-not responded to the light from Sirius
which, passing through the sea of Pisces, lifted the fishes into the heavenly sphere
(Uranus) and thus a lesser triple light appeared, the radiant sun of suns, the watery
light of Pisces, the heavenly light of Uranus …”

There is much to be reflected upon here, as Uranus does not traditionally connect to
Pisces; it is related to the synthesis of heart (Pisces) and mind (Uranus); Sirius
represents the blending of both.

Virgo, Healing, Herbs and

Asklepius and Hygiea Essential Oils
Virgo is more traditionally
associated with the healing of the
etheric-physical body through diet, nutrition, hygeine, yoga, tai chi etc. These are all
disciplines that align the physical body with the etheric body, particularly if an
individual has just “reversed the wheel” (or recapitulated it), and taken the first
initiation – connected to both Leo and Virgo. The newly impulsed soul force pours into
the etheric body, creating a higher frequency that must be equilibrised within the
physical body.

Hygiea (hygiene) was the daughter of the great healer Asklepius ; she used serpents to
help her find herbs for her healing craft, hence is depicted in art with these creatures,
also a symbol of Wisdom and energy currents in the body. (See here and here for two
other pieces on Hygeia.)

As Virgo is an earth sign, right nutrition from the vegetables and herbs of Mother Earth,
is one of the best things that an individual can try to achieve – at whatever stage of
spiritual growth they may be; especially in this age of polluted and processed foods,
overloads of sugar, additives and pharmaceuticals, is it any wonder that billions have
their health compromised? Much of the corresponding approach from allopathic
medicine, financially in bed with “Big Pharma,” is limited and hampered, although of
course, accomplishes much good work.

Hence, alternative or complementary medicine approaches are imperative, not only

because of their proven efficacy, but because it puts the patient in a place of
empowerment and control over their health. These days this is increasingly not the
case in various health systems of nations around the world where certain policies are
dictated. There are attempts to pass laws of compulsory vaccination for instance, whilst
Big Medicine and Big Pharma are making continuous and nonsensical attacks upon
herbal medicine, homoeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic
etc. The following was written 80 years ago, how far or fast has humanity gone in the
right direction since then?

“Medical science must

eventually seek
solution in a
simplification of
methods and a return
from a complexity of
drugs and operations
to an understanding
of the right use of the
energies which pour
through from the
inner man, via the
etheric body, to the physical.”11 … Wrong food of every kind, the inhalation of smoke
down the centuries, the breathing in of tainted air, the taking of medicines and pills and
tablets of every possible description, the rifling of the vegetable and mineral kingdoms
in search of their ingredients, and the injection of mineral substances, of drugs and of
serums, till one wonders sometimes at the remarkable assimilative powers of the
human frame.”12

The entry in Wikipedia for “Alternative Medicine” is appalling in its bias, without even
the usual disclaimer like, “there are problems with this article.” It has obviously been
written by parties who vociferously support only conventional medicine and have a
vested, monied interest in maintaining the status quo.

Essential oils is one rapidly growing area where a lot of people are getting good results,
with scores of various oils available. Oils are a form of concentrated herbalism (not just
aromatherapy) and have a proven track record going back thousands of years; they are
mentioned in the Bible and many other ancient texts from all cultures. Some of the
more well known oils like Sandalwood, Frankincensse, Myrhh and Spikenard were worth
as much or more than precious metals in ancient times, so revered were they for their
healing properties.

These days some essential oil

companies13 are doing excellent
work in liasing with conventional
medicine and building networks
of understanding. There is
virtually an oil for every ailment
– it is the one of the best kind of
long term measures for good

Of course one must use these

very powerful remedies with
discrimination and care,
considering other methods of
healing, conventional or
alternative. Herbs and minerals
are specifically a way of healing
for those upon the third ray of
Frankincense resin. (Boswellia Serata)
active-intelligence. But as the
planetary centre that we call
Humanity is the third centre,
then it has a great affinity with the third ray and thereby its healing benefits in general.

When one penetrates deeply into the subject to really understand the power of oils (as
the author is still doing!)14, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual benefits
become readily apparent and proven by experimenting and experiencing. Here we see
how the triple Virgo goddess (the threefold personality) is serviced on all levels by
essential oils. And it is in the blending of oils where the real magical alchemy occurs.

There is also a vast scientific body of evidence on the chemical compounds of oils, the
processes and path of how they are absorbed externally into the body via the skin, via
scent, or taken internally. Bear in mind that many pharmaceuticals are derived from
plants or their synthesised chemical structures. With the latter however, there is an
absence of the pranic vitality that the original herb or oil possesses. Mineral drugs are
another issue:

“One of the great errors into which the human family has fallen has been the
endeavour to administer mineral drugs to man for medicinal purposes. It has resulted
in a combination of deva substances which was never intended. The relation of man to
the lower kingdoms, and particularly to the animal and mineral, has brought about a
peculiar condition in the deva world and has tended to complicate deva evolution.
The use of animal food (and the
use of minerals as medicine in a
lesser degree) has produced a
commingling of deva substance,
and of vibrations which are not
attuned to each other. The
vegetable kingdom is in a totally
different situation, and part of its
karma has lain in the providing of
food for man; this has resulted in a
needed transmutation of the life of
that kingdom into the higher stage
(the animal) which is its goal.

The transmutation of vegetable life takes place necessarily on the physical plane.
Hence its availability as food. The transmutation of the life of the animal into the
human kingdom takes place on kama-manasic [desire-mind] levels. Hence the non-
availability, esoterically understood, of the animal as food for man. This is an argument
for vegetarian living which needs due consideration.”15

Oils and herbs are ruled or associated with planets and zodiac signs, well known for
thousands of years. The British herbalist, Nicholas Culpeper, is one good example
through his several books, such as Astrological Judgement of Diseases from the
Decumbiture of the Sick, and, Urinalia Culpeper had the sun in balancing Libra, moon in
earthy Capricorn and Mercury-Venus in Scorpio, a great sign of healing. Culpeper says,
“Barley … a notable plant of Saturn … barley bread is so unwholesome for melancholy
people.” “Melancholic” was one of the four humours, commented upon in the book,
Esoteric Healing:

“The Basic Causes of Disease: This is the

problem with which all medical practice
down the ages has wrestled. In our
present mechanistic age [1940’s] we
have wandered far to the surface of
things and away from the partially true
point of view of earlier centuries which
traced disease back of the “evil
humours” bred and festering in the inner
subjective life of the patient.

Nicholas Culpeper. Author of “Culpeper’s English

In the evolution of knowledge on every
Physician and Complete Herbal.”
hand we are now on the surface of
things (note I do not use the word
“superficial”), and the hour has struck in which knowledge can again re-enter the realm
of the subjective and transmute itself into wisdom. There is today a dawning
recognition on the part of the best minds in the medical and allied professions, that in
the subjective and hidden attitudes of the mind and of the emotional nature, and in the
life of inhibited or excessive sex expression, must be sought the causes of all

Nicholas Culpeper had Sagittarius rising (his soul purpose), with Jupiter in Sagittarius
as well:
“A legendary rebel, radical, Puritan, and author of the great ‘Herbal’ … medicine’s first
freedom fighter set in London during Britain’s age of revolution. London’s medical
regime was then in the grip of the College of Physicians, a powerful body personified in
the ‘immortal’ William Harvey, anatomist, royal physician and discoverer of the
circulation of the blood. Working in the underground world of religious sects, secret
printing presses and unlicensed apothecary shops, Culpeper challenged this stronghold
at the time it was reaching the very pinnacle of its power … a medical rebel who took
on the authorities and paid the price.”

Another example
of zodiac energies
associated with
essential oils and


jasmine, morning
glory, narcissus,
petunias, sage,
wintergreen. Small
brightly colored
Herbs: Caraway, Lavender fields in France.

chervil, dill,
fennel, horehound, lavender, lily, marjoram, mint, salad burnet, southernwood,
summer savory.
Bach Flower Remedy: Centaury.
Essential Oils: Cypress, dill, fennel, lavender, patchouli, peppermint.

Lavender has long been considered to be a herb of Mercury (the Ruler of Virgo). Virgo
is a sign of service and work and it is often described as being closely connected with
health and healing.

For Lord Virgo, lavender is blended with patchouli, for its nurturing qualities and
cypress for strength and comfort and can promote confidence, patience and wisdom.

For Lady Virgo, lavender is combined with peppermint for humility and fennel for
mothering. Essential Oil Synergies Lord Virgo Lavender – 12 drops Patchouli – 6 drops
Cypress – 5 drops Lady Virgo Lavender – 10 drops Peppermint – 3 drops Fennel – 5
August 21 Eclipse and Donald Trump
Donald Trump has Mars in Leo and is due for
his Mars return just before the Virgo full
moon period. Shortly thereafter, transiting
Mars will go over the degree of the recent
August eclipse, activating that energy
pattern for the world in general, but very
specifically for Trump.

Before discussing this, it might be useful to

share a recent Facebook post. (Friend me if
you wish to see some of these posts that do
not generally feature in newsletters.) I was
asked about the two yearly Mars in Leo
transit to natal Pluto, for the Pluto in Leo
generation. Transiting Mars in Leo is very revealing, regarding unregenerated feelings,
as Mars rules the solar plexus, seat of the emotional body.

Mars is like the Moon in that this God of War brings into dramatic focus and often
conflict, what is not whole in the lower self. So all sorts of issues can come up during a
Mars-Pluto transit – personal pride particularly, attachment to a sense of your own
authority, “lording it over” or trying to dominate others, angry ego clashes etc.

So it can be a very challenging period of a few days because Mars transits applying to
Pluto can be felt several degrees applying to the conjunction. Pluto’s job is to dredge all
these things up from the depths (our personal “hell”) and reveal them in the light of
day. Hence this transit can magnify intensely any unconscious issues, creating a painful
period, which is ultimately cathartic if one surrenders to Pluto’s healing force.

Recognising Leo pride that we all carry to

some degree, is why this transit might be
humiliating for some. Hubris (pride) is an
absence of humility, and this word comes
from “humus” meaning “earth, on the
ground.” Hence, incidents that occur during
a Mars-Pluto transit can bring a person
back down to Earth, when realising their
inflated sense of self (The Ahamkara), after
having the ego punctured!

Doing hard physical work can be a good

way of working this transit out, like
working in the garden or cleaning up the
tool shed, like I did yesterday on my Mars-
Pluto transit, lol! (You see, I don’t just sit on my computer all day writing!) But be
careful not to over do it, or create an accident through misdirected anger, like putting a
spade through your toe or getting a touch of road rage! An endurance marathon would
be a good expression of Mars-Pluto.

Both planets are associated with the solar plexus, so it is a good opportunity to “drain
the swamp” and raise it all up to the fiery crucible of the heart. Here Pluto’s new
symbol of the vertical up-pointed arrow describes this process.”19
Well, Trump had his Mars transit over Pluto in early August, so perhaps for his staff, it
was a more irksome period than usual! And of course, the “swamp” is still not drained,
probably more alligators and anacondas have been added! With his two-yearly Mars
return in Leo, Trump will be severely tested with all the above factors. Here is the
timeline of critical days for health, resigning, staying in power, being impeached or

Aug. 31 Trump’s Mars return – in orb of influence several days


Sept. 4-8 Beginning of Virgo full moon period, before and after.

Sept. 4 Transiting Mars exact conjunction with August 21 solar

eclipse at 28° Leo 52’.

Sept. 5 Transiting Mars exact conjunction with Trump’s ascendant

at 29° Leo 55’. Transiting Mars exact conjunction to fixed
star Regulus at 0° Virgo 03’.

Sept. 6 Exact full moon. Transiting Mercury in Leo passes over

eclipse degree.

Sept. 7 Transiting Mars conjunct Trump’s progressed Sun in early


Donald Trump’s Mars Return 2017.

(Using NYC for location, not sure where he will be on that day. Washington location is almost the same

The Mars return chart has many dynamic patterns. Some interesting points for this
horoscope that will condition the next two year cycle of Mars:

1. Leo rising – like his natal chart, with Venus in Leo conjunct the ascendant.

2. Sun opposite Neptune, like the following full moon chart, that will create a grand
cross to his Gemini sun-Sag moon opposition. Much idealism and even vision, big
possibility of deception. Perhaps his own party is scheming to remove him from office?

3. Void of course
Moon in Sagittarius –
in its last degree,
interpreted in the
Sabian Symbols as:
VATICAN. Wealth of
spiritual resources
which can be tapped
for the glorification of
every relationship.
With Pope Franky so thrilled at Trump’s last visit, he can hardly wait
Concrete form of
until family Trump return again!
ideals.”20 Trump also
has natal Moon in
Sagittarius, with Saturn hovering stationary over it for some months.

The moon in Sagittarius makes a challenging square to Chiron in Pisces, the wounded
healer. This “wound” may especially be about learning to listen. Sagittarius-Gemini (so
prominent in his natal chart), are the worst listeners of the zodiac, Pisces the best!

4. Grand trine between Moon in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries and Mars in Leo. This is a
very powerful formation, especially as Uranus sits on the midheaven and dominates the
chart. The best effect might be some revolutionary new ideas and their
implementation; at worst, erratic and unpredictable behaviour, Trump’s rebellion toward
those who seek to guide or unduly influence him.

Trump’s Mars and ascendant are opposite USA’s moon in Aquarius, a factor which gave
him the popular vote, as the moon rules the masses. Now this dynamic is triggered
again, will his voters be so enthusiastic now, given Trump’s several U-turns on the
policies that got him elected? Transiting Saturn is still making a station on Trump’s
moon in Sagittarius and it looks like Mars’ eclipse trigger will set a series of events in

“You yourself have said the first word as the soul, descending into the
womb of time and space in a far and distant past. The time has now come
when you can, if you so choose, proclaim your identity with both divine
aspects—matter and Spirit, the mother and the Christ.”21
Release of HHH Video and New
The Hidden History of Humanity
video (2 hrs. 37’) has been recently
released in two parts on Vimeo. Now
it is available as one video on
YouTube – and is downloadable. All
versions can be found at this link
above, including trailers. The HHH
video explains the mysteries of the
rootraces and cycles, Lemuria and
Atlantis, and the evolution of
consciousness into the coming sixth rootrace. It is the first in a series of planned
videos. (It took several years to create, so please consider making a donation at the
link above.)

Following soon, hopefully before Christmas, will be the release of the original The
Hidden History of Humanity book, under a new name: Genesis Unveiled: Mysteries of
the Rootraces and Cycles. This edition is extensively re-written and updated – it will be
a weighty tome pushing almost 700 pages. The original HHH book may have been
difficult to access for many students, but in this new version, there are hundreds of
diagrams, tables and artwork added, that will make this complex and deeply esoteric
subject much easier to comprehend.

The first one third of the original HHH book was a

synthesis of The Secret Doctrine and it has now been
mostly dispensed with. As the title implies, there is a
greater concentration in this new book on the esoteric
interpretation of Genesis, according to rootraces and cyles.
But it is not only a Western interpretation, it has many
Eastern elements from the Hindu and Buddhist tradition,
plus plenty of that great universal esoteric key –

Genesis Unveiled is a synthesis of The Secret Doctrine,

Genesis and The Book of Enoch the Prophet, augmented
by the writings of the Master Dwjhal Khul through Alice A.
Bailey. The following represents a few themes that are covered in this newly revised
book, also discussed in the video:

1. Through the 4320 cipher, reveals and confirms the true chronology of Earth’s history.
2. Dating and precise chronology of all the rootraces and subraces since ancient
3. Explains the Hindu Yugas and their application in dating rootraces and civilisations.
4. Explains pre-history and the place of Earth – within and beyond the solar system.
5. Examines the geological key, timing of those eras and the emergence of humanity.
6. Untangles the diverse races and civilisations into their time periods, subraces and
7. Compares the Hindu and Old Testament dating systems, revealing them as almost
8. Turns the key of Greek Mythology, revealing and confirming rootraces and subraces.
9. Explores many civilisations and their links to one another: Persians. Akkadians,
Phoenicians. Zoroastrians. Hindus. Ethiopians. Mayans. Toltecs. Olmecs. Cambodians.
Arabs. Chaldeans. Assyrians. Moors. Jews. Afghans.

Weekend Retreat in Sweden

(November 24-26)
For my Scandinavian and
northern European students and
co-workers, I will be offering a
three day weekend retreat of
meditation, esoteric astrology
and esoteric history. (Friday to
Sunday) It will be located in the very quiet and beautiful Swedish countryside where I
live, with a 30 minute access to Skavsta or Norrkoping airports.

The workspace, accommodation and food catering that has been prepared is excellent,
and will make for a very enjoyable stay. There is accommodation for 14 people, plus a
B&B across the road for any extras. (I had planned to visit Norway and Denmark this
year but cannot manage it in my schedule, so those students may consider visiting
Sweden.) For further enquiries, please contact me via email.

And for those Swedish students who have been working in the Cosmic Fire study group,
I look forward to seeing you all in our next retreat at Hillesgarden in early October.

Phillip Lindsay © 2017.

Please support this work via the donation button below.

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Esoteric Astrologer Website

The Hidden History of Humanity


Esoteric Astrology

Hidden History of Humanity

Books by Phillip Lindsay

The Shamballa Impacts

Masters of the Seven Rays

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays I

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays II

Soul Cycles of the Seven Rays III

Destiny of the Races & Nations I

Destiny of the Races & Nations II

The Hidden History of Humanity I

The Initiations of Krishnamurti

Songs to Varuna

1. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.260. [ ]

2. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.159. [ ]
3. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.288. [ ]
4. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.253. [ ]
5. The Labours of Hercules, Alice A. Bailey. p.112. [ ]
6. The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.672. [ ]
7. The Rays and the Initiations, Alice A. Bailey. p.581. [ ]
8. Letters on Occult Meditation, Alice A. Bailey. p.308. [ ]
9. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.427. [ ]
10. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.432. [ ]
11. Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.108. [ ]
12. Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.323. [ ]
13. For example DoTerra based in the USA. The oils can be obtained at wholesale price. If you wish to create an
account, please contact the author for assistance. [ ]
14. Please contact the author via email for more information about obtaining and
using the oils. [ ]
15. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Alice A. Bailey. p.645. [ ]
16. Esoteric Healing, Alice A. Bailey. p.9. [ ]
17. The Herbalist [ ]
18. Hawkins, Beverley. Aromatic Lords and Ladies of the Zodiac: An exercise in creating energetic essential oil
synergies. (Kindle Locations 9183-9244). Kindle Edition. [ ]
20. Dane Rudhyar. [ ]
21. Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey. p.284. [ ]

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on Esoteric Astrology and The Hidden History of Humanity.

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