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Recommended application:
1. Application: 2. Application: 3. Application:
First unfolded leaves, upper sides become Beginning of shoot growth, 10 to 30% of Flowering, at least 50% of flowers are
green. (BBCH 15) final length. (BBCH 31 - 33) opened. (BBCH 65)

TIP: A combination with fungicides or herbicides is possible, unless these agents have a spectrum of activity at low pH.

Selecting the right LITHOvit product: Generally speaking, any type of LITHOvit TRIBOdyn foliar fertilizer can be used for any application.
The use of LITHOvit GUANO 25 or LITHOvit UREA 50 is recommended for higher yield.
Recommended dosage: LITHOvit concentration of between 0.3% and 0.5%.

Dosage Table Amount of spread fluid per hectare

LITHOvit concentration in % 50 l 100 l 150 l 200 l 250 l 300 l 500 l 750 l 1000 l 2000 l
0,30% 0,15 kg 0,30 kg 0,45 kg 0,60 kg 0,75 kg 0,90 kg 1,50 kg 2,25 kg 3,00 kg 6,00 kg
0,40% 0,20 kg 0,40 kg 0,60 kg 0,80 kg 1,00 kg 1,20 kg 2,00 kg 3,00 kg 4,00 kg 8,00 kg
0,50% 0,25 kg 0,5 kg 0,75 kg 1,00 kg 1,25 kg 1,50 kg 2,50 kg 3,75 kg 5,00 kg 10,00 kg

Wetting agents: Wetting agents enhance the effectiveness and reduce the blotches left on the leaves by spraying. If LITHOvit is used in
combination with a wetting agent, the LITHOvit dosage can be reduced by up to 100 g per 100 l of spraying suspension.
Spraying suspension: First let the water (with a pH of between 6 and 10) into the spraying tank, and then add any other fertilizers or
plant protection agents that are to be used. Then add LITHOvit, while stirring constantly. Care should be taken to see that the fertilizers
or plant protection agents do not cause the pH of the mixture to go outside the range of 5–10.
Method of application: Spraying should be carried out in dry weather. Any agricultural pesticide spray with an agitator (nozzle diameter
>50 µm and pressure >3 bar) or any commercially available garden spray (to be shaken repeatedly!) can be used. The suspension is
sprayed onto the leaf surfaces as a fine mist, either by itself or in combination with a plant protection agent or another fertilizer. If the
greatest degree of effectiveness is to be achieved, the crops must be able to dry off completely after the spraying. After use, the sprayer
must be properly and thoroughly cleaned in order to remove any residues.
Incompatibility with other fertilizers or plant protection agents: Only known in a few individual cases: for example, LITHOvit does affect
the properties and effectiveness of other plant protection agents if their effectiveness is dependent on an acid pH. If LITHOvit is used in
combination with large quantities of a soluble magnesium fertilizer such as magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts), a small amount of
ammonium chloride (sal ammoniac) should be added to the suspension before spraying, otherwise the nozzles of the sprayer can
become blocked by precipitate.
Shelf life: If kept in dry conditions and in a closed container, LITHOvit can be stored indefinitely. Once LITHOvit has been mixed into
water to form a suspension, the mineral micro-particles will settle to the bottom after some time unless the suspension is constantly
stirred. Such a suspension must therefore be properly remixed before use.
Safety precautions: Do not breathe in LITHOvit powder/dust or the suspension aerosol while spraying. Avoid contact with the eyes.
International emergency number and advisory centre: +49–(0)89–19240 (24 hours) – German and English.

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