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Argumentative Writing Portfolio 1 Task 2.

Topic one: write a descriptive paragraph

A favorite place to relax

Caulin, a good option to forget the problems. It is a bay located about 30 minutes from
Ancud, has beautiful landscapes, with a beach of more than 4 km and with more than
1000 different birds, you can swim or dive safely, enjoying the chilota flora. It is
definitely a perfect place to rest.

Topic two: write a narrative paragraph

- playing a musical instrument.

The first time I played the guitar was a completely disaster. I dedicated a song to a
classmate who I loved but he had not clue about it. So while I was playing and looking
into his eyes, suddenly Laura kissed him. That was the moment when my heart broke
into pieces. It was an awful day

Topic three: write an argumentative paragraph

A favorite food to eat.

Atun, a favorite among Chileans, but it is a food to eat every day? Although it provides
omega 3 and helps to reduce illness, it can also present risks in pregnant and
breastfeeding people due to the high content of pollutants such as mercury. That is why
some experts recommend no consume it more than two or three times a week.
Topic one: Write a paragraph using details

Why I don’t like swimming.

I never liked swimming. First, because of the tactile sensation of the water, I hate to put
my face underwater, especially if it's cold. Secondly, I can't swim under the water, I
swim very slowly. Finally, because I have fear of depth, especially when I can't see the
bottom of the sea. Those are the real reasons of why I can't find any enthusiasm on

Topic two: Write a paragraph using an explanation

What freedom means to me

Freedom is being able to do many things without being forced into doing something. If I
didn't have freedom , I could not make decisions about what kind of job I want, or what
college I want to attend. I might even be forced to get married at a young age. In
summary less freedom would equal being "all controlled".

Topic three: Write a paragraph using an example

A unusual holiday.

Always I've had to work on my vacation and not a good experience. For example I can
not spend time with my family on Christmas and New years, or go to parties because I
come back to my house very tired. I recommend rest to start a good academic year.

Evaluation Rubric
Content 10
Communicative Achievement 10
Organisation (Cohesion) 10
Language (Vocabulary & Grammar) 10

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