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Hello, my name is Jaqueline and I am currently studying for a degree in

I usually get up early at 7 a.m. then take a shower while brushing my
teeth and then prepare breakfast for myself and my family.
After breakfast, I do pending tasks while listening to music. My classes
always start after three in the afternoon and they are all online due to
the pandemic so I take them at home.
During each class, I take notes on the topics that were addressed.
I do not like taking classes online because many teachers do not teach
and only leave activities in addition to not explaining the topics.
After finishing my classes I always take a break.
I miss the routine before the pandemic as I was able to do many
activities such as eating out, going to the movies, etc. Although the
pandemic has also brought positive things to my life since I worry more
about my family and I am in constant communication with them.
Before the pandemic, the family was not united to the extent that if we
were on the street we pretended that we had not seen each other but
now things are different since we are better people.
What worries me is that classes are still online as the quality of
teaching is not good and learning is poor.

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