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' Hll'G' anvnv u.

J IIUUl:t Maximum Marks: 80

Part A (40 marks)

Reading (20 marks)

1.Read the following passage carefully. ( 11x 1O= 1O)

1.ln life, you'll always come across situations where there will be someone else
who's better than you, especially there is no one quality or standard that people can
be judged on. There will always be someone who looks better, has more money or is
more intelligent than you. How you choose to approach these situations, of course,
depends on the perspective you take. People in themselves aren't intimidating, it's
the opinions you form about them that make you feel so. Rather than judging people
on a single attribute and getting intimidated, be comfortable with who you are and
approach other people as complete indiv'iduals rather than a bundle of good or bad

2.The key to not letting others intimidate you is to know your own worth. Don't let
your sense of it be defined by what others think of you or how you compare yourself
to them.Know what you are, and be comfortable in your skin. Instead of feeling
threatened and letting your ego in the way, you could benefit a great deal by being
around people who might be better than you in some ways. Respect others for what
they are and use these opportunities to learn from the strengths and virtues of

3.Don't get bogged down by what you don't have or can't do. We all have limitations.
Learn to accept them and focus on your strengths. A lot of times, we come under
pressure from what people we believe to be more popular and influential than us. in
a bid to fit in with them. However, at times like these, it's Important for you to stay
true to yourself and say 'no' when you're expected to do something that makes you

4.Your first response to an intimidating person or situation would probably be to

avoid them altogether. However, avoidance only goes on to increase your anxiety.
Confront these situations head on, with more and more practise, you'll start finding
these situations easier to deal with . Alwaiys keep in mind that everybody has flaws
and everyone has his/her own share of struggles. even if you aren't able to spot
them. Our self-esteem gets lowered when we focus too much on our weaknesses
and neglect what we get right. Change this pattern and start giving yourself credit for
your strengths and success.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage, answer ANY TEN questions
from the eleven that follow. ( 1x 1O= 10)

i. In paragraph 1, the author does not mention that_ _.

(a) there can be people who are better than you
(b) people don't try to intimidate anyone
(c) if you believe In yourself, people will also do the same
(d) one must concentrate on who he/she instead of judging others

ii. Choose the option that best captures the central idea of the passage from the
given quotes.

Discussion is an Judging others is Build upon your A different

exchange of easy because itstrengths and your language is
knowledge, distracts us from the weaknesses will a different
argument -an responsibility of gradually take care vision of life.
exchange of judging ourselves of themselves.
ignorance. -Federico
Robert Qui/le - Charles F. -Anonymous Fellini

Option 1 Option 2
Option 3 Option 4

a) Option (1)
b) Option (2)
c) Option (3)
d) Option (4)

iii. According to the following context, it is imperative for a person to be _ _in one's
manner of presenting oneself and interacting with others.

'Don't let your sense of it be defined by what others think of you or how you compare
yourself to them. Know what you are, and be comfortable in your skin.'
1. confident
2. compassionate
3. relaxed
4. responsible
5. diligent
6. presumptuous

a)2 and 5
b) 3 and 6
c) 1 and 3
d)2 and 3

iv. Which of the following will be the most appropriate title for the passage?
(a) Know Yourself, Know Your Worth
(b) Trials and Tribulations
(c) Managing Stress
(d) The Grass is always greener on the other side
v. 'The key to not letting others intimid ate you is to know your own worth'.
This line in
the passag e means
(a)Peo ple will intimidate you if act confide ntly in front of them
(b) The way you perceive your value will affect how other people see
(c) You must not confront people when they try to play truant
( d) People will trust you if you have faith in yourself

vi. Select the option that makes the correc t use of the phrase 'head
on' as used in
the passag e, to fill in the blank space.

a) They strive to meet the trends head-on and keep you looking your
b) She cradled her throbb ing head on her arms and tried to relax.
c) She leaned her head on his should er.
d)The only way to resolve problems is to address them head-on.

vii. Throug h his write-up, the author has tried to share his insight
ful observations
about _ __ with the reader.
a) how to tackle those who are gullible yet difficult to convince
b} the import ance of being true to your point and debating until it's proved
c) how to tactfully negate others' views and flatter them to win them over
to your side
d} perception of oneself and the approach to be adopted while
handling a

viii. Accord ing to the author, while trying to deal with others if you let
your ego in the
way, it would_ _ _
a) project you In a bad light and prove detrimental to your growth
b) allow you to come up with new ways of dealing with difficul t people
c) not preven t you from hearin g critical but necess ary feedback from
d} help you manag e your fragile identity while you figure out who you
ix. Choos e the option that correctly states the two meanin gs of 'anxiet
1. fatigue d
2. serenit y
3. worry
4. dilapid ated
5. uneasi ness
a) {1) and (4)
b) (3) and (5)
c)(1) and (2)
d} (2) and (4)

x. Which of the following statem ents is false?

a) learn from others' virtues and succes s stories
b) one must only see onese lf through the eyes of others .
c) A true assess ment of self is imposs ible if you compa re yourse lf with
d) Don't neglec t your streng ths

xi. Which of the following statem ents highlig ht the messa ge convey
ed in the
passag e?
a) It is best to avoid others when your opinions don't match theirs
b) You must unlearn all the things that confine you to a mediocre life
c) Discuss your weaknesses openly with others
d) Be optimistic and focus on your strengths

Q2 Read the passage given below and answer the questions. (1x10•10)

1.While life expectancy rises to 68.7 years, there is only one Government Doctor
For More Than 10,500 People In India. The 14th edition of National Health
Profile-2019 (NHP-2019), a comprehensive report highlighting India's current health
status, trends in demography, disease profile (communicable and
non-communicable/ lifestyle diseases). Compiled by the Central Bureau of Health
Intelligence (CBHI), the report was unveiled by Union Health Minister Dr Harsh
Vardhan at Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi on October 30.



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Rp,-. L2.S: Maternal Mortality btio In India a Major States

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2. Maternal, Neonatal, Nutritional Diseases And Other Communicable Diseases
Show A Downward Trend. As per the NHP 2019 the disease burden due to
communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases, as measured using
disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) (The disability-adjusted life year is a measure
of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill-health,
disability or earty death), dropped from 61 per cent to 33 per cent between 1990 and
2016. But there is an accelerated rise in the prevalence of chronic
non-communicable (NCO) diseases. As per the report, the disease burden due to
non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cancers, mental health disorders
and injuries increased from 30 per cent to 55 per cent between 1990 and 2016.

3 The report highlights that the Infant Mortality Rate in India which was at 74 (per
1000 live births) in 1994 has declined considerably to 33 (Per 1000 live births) in
2017.Whereas, India made 'ground-breaking progress' in reducing the maternal
mortality ratio (MMR) by TT% from 556 per 1 Lakh live births in 1990 to 130 per 1
Lakh live births in 2016 as per the NHP 2019 report.

4 .Anaemia continues to remain a huge health concern. According to the report,

over half the children between 6 and 59 months (58.4 percent) and women in the
age group 15-49 are anaemic. Life Expectancy rises to 68.7 years from 49.7 years.
According to the report, life expectancy in India increased from 49.7 years in
1970-75 to 68.7 years in 2012-16. For the same period, the life expectancy for
females is 70.2 years and 67.4 years for males.

5.0nly One Government Doctor For 10,926 People. The NHP 2019 report also
states that there is only one allopathic government doctor for every 10,926 people in
India against the WHO's recommended doctor-population ratio of 1:1000. Moreover,
the report also highlighted that India's publlic spending on healthcare continues to
remain the lowest globally. As per the report, India's public expenditure on health
which is way lower than the average
now stan ds at 1.28 per cen t of the GD P,
ng the Mpoorest". Even the country's public
exp end itur e b~ cou!'1tries clubbed as amo
th-East Asian countries like Nepal, Sri
hea lth exp end itur e 1s low er than oth er Sou
Lan ka, Bhu tan , Indonesia, Thailand.
in parts of India, Ethiopia and Nigeria hav
6 .Com mun ity-b ase d health programmes s
e for mothers and newborns, but inequitie
bee n suc ces sful in imp rovi ng health car
published in the Canadian Medical
still exist, say s a new study. The stud y was
Ass ocia tion Jou rna l (CM AJ) .
inequities in these rural settings mean that
Acc ord ing to the researchers, underlying
t families, who bear the greatest burden of
mo re wor k is nee ded to reach the poo res
ings have both an optimistic and a
mat ern al and new born mor talit y. Our find
from all socio-economic status groups
pes sim istic interpretation, in that fam ilies
ed, said Indian-origin researcher Tanya
ben efit ed, but inequities hav e also persist
and Tropical Medicine in the UK.68 per
Ma rch ant from Lon don School of Hyg iene
Ind ia caused by Malnutrition In 2017.
cen t of chil d dea ths und er five years in
the above passage, answer ANY TEN
On the basis of you r understanding of (1x10•10)
que stio ns from the eleven given below.
the following indicators supports the
I. Acc ord ing to the passage, whi ch one of
work in the health field in the last few
arg um ent that Ind ia has don e rem arka ble
yea rs?

a. Bet ter doc tor pat ient ratio

e facilities
b. Lot of pub lic exp end itur e on health car

c. Improved life expectancy

d . Mar gina l shif t in the mortality rates
NO T TRUE according to the
11. Pic k the opt ion that lists statements tha t are
pas sag e.
tn the NH P report, India has made
a 'ground-breaking progress' in
,. - --~,fo-. n
Ill. Figure 1. 2. 3 indicates_ _ __

a more improvement in urban as compared to rural areas

b. varied disease profile in rural and urban areas

c. poor rate of improvement in urban and rural areas

d. .a similar trend In rural and urban areas

Iv. Based on the passage, choose the option that correctly states the correlation
between various factors.

a. Infant mortality rate is inversely proportional to maternal mortality rate

b. Infant mortality rate is on the rise unlike maternal mortality rate

c. Infant mortality rate cannot be correlated to maternal mortality rate

d. Both Infant mortality rate and maternal mortality rate show decline due to
better healthcare facllltles.

v. According to the graph, the state with the lowest maternal mortality rate from
2010-16 is
a. Haryana
b. Kerela
c. West Bengal
d. Punjab

vi According to the graph, the states with the highest mortality rates in 2010-11 are
a. Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan
b. Odisha and Uttar Pradesh
c. Assam and Haryana
d. Assam and Uttar Pradesh

vii. The study by the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) presents

a. a pessimistic perspective of things

b. a very optimistic scenario
c. a mixed view of things
d. a dismal aspect of the state of things

viii. On the basis of the trend select a pair of factors that reflects a rising trend.

a. Life expectancy and infant mortality rate

b. Infant Mortality rate and Mortality rate

c. Maternal mortality rate and chronic Non-communicable diseases

d. Chronic Non-communicable diseases and Life expectancy

d. k>st lifespan due to other financial factors

x. India's health care facilities in the gk>bal scenario _ __

a. are in accordance with international guidelines
b. reflect a dearth of financial resources to aid the healthcare sector

c. show improvement and sustainability

d. present a dismal view at macro level but much better at the micro level

xi. Pick the option that lists statements that a re NOT TRUE according to the

a. In India a large chunk of child deaths under five years were due to Malnutritio n
in 2017.
b. India fails to maintain the doctor population ratio advised by the WHO
c. India's expenditure on healthcare facilities and overall percentage in GOP
seems to be judicious
d. In India Anaemia is a huge healthca,. concern which has been
successfully handled by the government.

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