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Watch the video about radiation and answer the following questions:


1.-What is radiation?
Radiation is the emission, propagation and transfer of energy in any medium
in the form of electromagnetic waves or particles. Living beings coexist with
radiation from their origins. ... The higher the frequency of electromagnetic
radiation, the higher its energy.

2.- What is the difference between electromagnetic and nuclear

Radiation propagated in the form of electromagnetic waves (UV rays,
gamma rays, X-rays, etc.) is called electromagnetic radiation, while the so-
called corpuscular radiation is radiation transmitted in the form of subatomic
particles (α particles, β particles, neutrons, etc.

3.- How does the nuclear reaction originate?

Nuclear fission is the reaction in which the nucleus of a heavy atom, by
capturing an incident neutron, splits into two or more nuclei of lighter atoms,
called fission products, emitting neutrons, gamma rays and large quantities
in the process. of energy.

4.- From what natural source does nuclear radiation emerge?

The most important source of these radiations is the inhalation of radon, a
natural gas that is emitted by all materials, with effective dose values of 0.2
to 10 mSv per year.

5.-How do you obtain fuel from nuclear power plants?

The fuel used by PWR nuclear power plants is enriched uranium dioxide.
The process begins by introducing it in the form of pills in tubes. The fuel
elements are cooled by a water circuit (called the primary circuit) which, in
turn, serves as a moderator.

6.- When does radiation begin to be dangerous?

Beyond certain thresholds, radiation can affect organ and tissue function,
causing acute effects such as reddening of the skin, hair loss, radiation burns,
or acute radiation syndrome. These effects are more intense with higher
doses and higher dose rates

7.- What is ionizing radiation?

Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released by atoms in the form of
electromagnetic waves (gamma rays or X-rays) or particles (alpha and beta
particles or neutrons). The spontaneous decay of atoms is called
radioactivity, and the excess energy emitted is a form of ionizing radiation.

8.- What type of radiation is considered ionizing?

Ionizing radiation is a type of energy released by atoms in the form of
electromagnetic waves (gamma rays or X-rays) or particles (alpha and beta
particles or neutrons). The spontaneous decay of atoms is called
radioactivity, and the excess energy emitted is a form of ionizing radiation

9.- Define acute radiation exposure

Being exposed to a large amount of radiation for a short period of time, such
as during radiation emergencies, can cause skin burns. It can also lead to
acute radiation syndrome or "radiation sickness." Symptoms include
headache and diarrhea.

10.- What causes the acute exposure of a person to 1 sievert?

Being exposed to a large amount of radiation for a short period of time, such
as during a radiation emergency, can cause skin burns. It can also lead to
acute radiation syndrome or "radiation sickness." Symptoms include
headache and diarrhea.

11.- What is the average radiation that a person receives during

a year from all sources?
We are exposed to natural sources of radiation all the time. According to
recent estimates, the average person in the United States receives an effective
dose of approximately 3 mSv per year from natural radiation, which includes
cosmic radiation from outer space.

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