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Jhon Lloyd B.



CODE 536

Among the prophets of the Northern and Southern Kingdom, Isaiah inspired me to proclaim the mission
of God. The symbol of Dweninmmen, or "the horns of a ram," represents strength, humility, wisdom, and
learning; all the mentioned characteristics depict the qualities of Isaiah because he got a vision of God—of his
enormous power, his glorious majesty, and his purifying holiness. Seeing God’s majesty led him to a humble
view of himself and his society. Isaiah inspired me in a way that no matter how great I am at achieving a lot of
things, I need to be humble because humility enables me to completely surrender to God. When I begin to put
my whole faith in God, I humble myself to the point where I am completely reliant on Him, and there is nothing
God will not do for me, and His love is more than I can comprehend.

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