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Revision History

Date Description Author Comments

9-1-2022 <Version 1> Faiza Farzand <First Revision>

Document Approval
The following Software Design Discription Document has been accepted and approved by the following:

Signature Printed Name Title Date

Rubab Zahara Supervisor, CSIT 21306 21-092022
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Purpose........................................................................................................................................6
1.2 Scope...........................................................................................................................................6
1.3 Overview......................................................................................................................................6
1.4 Source..........................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Definitions and Acronyms............................................................................................................7
2 SYSTEM OVERVIEW.............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Technologies used.......................................................................................................................7
2.2 Application overview...................................................................................................................7
2.3 Design languages.........................................................................................................................7
2.4 System environment....................................................................................................................7
2.5 Assumptions................................................................................................................................7
2.6 General Constraint.......................................................................................................................8
3 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE.......................................................................................................................8
3.1 Architectural Design....................................................................................................................8
3.1.1 Web Architechture:.............................................................................................................8
3.1.2 Block diagram:.....................................................................................................................9
3.2 Decomposition Description..........................................................................................................9
3.2.1 Class diagram.....................................................................................................................10
3.2.2 State diagram.....................................................................................................................12
3.2.3 Use case.............................................................................................................................13
3.2.7 Sequence diagram.............................................................................................................25
3.2.8 Activity diagram.................................................................................................................26
4 DATA DESIGN.....................................................................................................................................27
4.1 Data Description........................................................................................................................27
4.2 Data Objects..............................................................................................................................27
4.3 Complete ER diagram................................................................................................................28
4.4 Data Dictionary..........................................................................................................................28
5 COMPONENT DESIGN........................................................................................................................29
6 HUMAN INTERFACE DESIGN..............................................................................................................30
6.1 Overview of User Interface........................................................................................................30
6.1.1 Log in.................................................................................................................................30
6.1.2 Registration........................................................................................................................31
6.2.1 Order from.........................................................................................................................32
Abstract is missing.

Online old Furniture Shop is the web application Software to mechanize a wide
range of operations in the Furniture shop/ showroom. The reason for this product is to
deal with Furniture Items in the shop/ Showroom. For the most part, it incorporates the
request preparing, Sale/Purchase, Stock Administration and records administration. We
built up this product to keep up records of offers, buy and staff records.

1.1 Purpose
The principal assurance of Software Design Documentation (SDD) is plan all
prerequisite they are expected to the proposed framework. it help the coder or
software engineer to pampering all necessities of outline. SSD used to characterize
the limitation that will be used as a part of the system. SDD is used in the framework
to test the analyzer to help use any test strategy. SDD is used to characterize the
structure of the structure.

1.2 Scope
The name of venture is Furniture shop/ Showroom. The goal of this venture is to
make and actualize a site for the Furniture shop. The site will be used primarily by
understudies. The Website will empower customer to make and keep up individual
anchored account, glance through the webpage of Furniture shop database for course
readings, and make anchored online Visa purchases/Money down. Applicant will
likewise have the capacity to contact site heads. The site makes obtaining reading
material snappier, less demanding, and more helpful.

1.3 Overview

The rest of the area Software Design Documentation (SDD) contains all data about
the proposed framework. The SDD of the store's shop management framework is
sorted out in succession. Segment two depicts are generally portrayal of Furniture
shop administration framework. Area three contains engineering outline of the
framework. It also provides the client perspective of the furniture.

1.4 Source
1.5 Definitions and Acronyms
SDD: software design documentation
DFD: Data Flow Diagram.
PHP: Personal Home Page.
HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language.
CSS: Case Cascading Style Sheet
CFD: Context Flow Diagram
IDE: Integrated Development Environments
SQL: Structured Query Language
GUI: Graphical user interface.
IP: Internet protocol

2.1 Technologies used
 PHP will be utilized as a part of the framework for improvement condition. We
utilized MySQL for database.
 PHP will be utilized as server side and other, for example, html, CSS, java
content, is utilized customer side.

2.2 Application overview

The primary objective of use to gives advantages to the client. This application
empower client to shopping of Furniture on the web. The product outline
improvement of venture is single record. The essential reason for Furniture shop
administration framework is to give data about various types of Furniture’s.

2.3 Design languages

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is used for model or construction of the
system UML is used for system design as user point of view

2.4 System environment

This application is design to work on all type of window operating system.

2.5 Assumptions
The user must have a browser and internet connection to visit the site and get the
benefit of the site.
2.6 General Constraint
The site must be utilized neighborhood server to store information in database.
MySQL server is utilized for database operation. Php is utilized for backend server
site coding. Bootstrap is utilized for front end.

3.1 Architectural Design
Register another part to give a greater number of rights than a basic client of the
site. Enlist client additionally share any data about various Furniture’s frame which
the diverse gets many advantages. After Registration the record of the client will be
put something aside for later client. Records are utilized to Log in Register client. It
additionally gives to buy Furniture on the web, costs of various organization
Furniture’s and home conveyance. The client chooses a Furniture which he/she needs
and fill the frame which gives the fundamental data about clients and client pay their
installment after home conveyance

3.1.1 Web Architechture:

Internet, Web Application, Web Server and Database are

used in Furniture shop site. Desktop computer or Laptop
connects with internet using TCP/IP.
3.1.2 Block diagram:

3.2 Decomposition Description

Register strategy is utilized to enlist new part and login used to get to his/her
record. Just Register clients are login into their records, in light of the fact that lone
those individuals sign in, who have enroll account there to get data about Furniture.
Client of the site can get the information or data about the distinctive Furniture
composes alongside their installment. Client additionally remark underneath the

3.2.1 Class diagram User and its type Customer class diagram Complete class diagram

3.2.2 State diagram

3.2.3 Use case
Use case 1 .login.
Use case 2.Register new member.
Use case 3.change password.
Use case 4.serach Furniture.
Use case type.
Use case operating system
Use case 7.price range
Use case 8.add Furniture.
Use case 9.delete Furniture.
Use case 10.customer view detail.
Use case 11.order.
Use case Furniture
Use case 13.home delivery.
Use case Use Case # 1: Customer login

Actor System
Precondition If the user have an account login system.
Post condition User successful log in
Description User can access their account.
Actor action System Response
Users click the login from. 2) System display log in from.
User enter name and password 4) System process login successful or not.
3.2.4 Use Case # 2: Registration of new customer

Actor System
Precondition System display registration from
Post condition System process for new customer register.
Description New user registers in the system.
Actor action System response
1) Costumer clicks the registration from.
2) Customer enters the name, email and System display registration from.
password. System check the customer enters the correct
User enters the correct data system display
message the costumer successful register.
3.2.5 Use Case # 3 Change password

Actor System
Precondition System display from for reset password.
Post condition System process change password.
Actor action System response
1) User click the reset from. 2) System display reset from.
1) User request for change password. 4) System receive old password for reset
5) If the user enter correct old password the
display message password change successful. Use Case #4 Search Furniture Use Case #5 Search by types Use Case #6 Search by operating system Use Case #7 Range price

Actor System
Precondition User select range of price.
Post condition System process select range price avail in
system or not.
Description If user range product avail in system Furniture
display otherwise display message your range
Furniture not avail in the system
Actor action System response
1) User selects range of price. 2) System checks user avail here.
3) If user range Furniture avail in system
Furniture display otherwise display message
your range Furniture not avail in the system Use Case #7 Furniture add

Actor System
Pre-condition Admin must have product and product id.
Post condition System process and add the product in
Description Admin can be new adding product in system.
Actor action System response
1) Admin click the add item bottom. 2) System display add item from.
2) Admin enters the item name and id. 4) System check the product already avails in
5) System process and add item in database
and display massage to admin item successful
enter. Use Case #Delete item Use Case # Customer view the detail of Furniture

Actor System
Precondition User must have product name and to view the
detail product.
Post condition System process.
Description System provides product detail.
Actor action System response
User selects the product. System provides the detail. Use case# customer order

Actor System
Precondition User must have an account to order the
Post condition System response to user.

Description User orders the Furniture .system process the

avail in system here or not.
Actor action System response
1) User clicks the order from. 2) System displays the order from.
3) User enters the name of Furniture want to 3) System check the Furniture avail or not.
order. 4) If Furniture avail in the system display
Furniture. Use case # Buy a Furniture

Actor System
Precondition User must have an account to purchase.
Post condition System display response.
Description Customer purchase the furniture item.

Actor action System response

1) User click the purchase from. 2) System display purchase from.
3) User fill from. 4) System check user fill all filed or not. Use case # Home delivery

Actor System
Precondition User must have a account and request for
home delivery and enter the address.
Post condition System process and address valid or not.
Description System process and check the address valid or
not. If address valid salesman deliver the
1) User enters address. 2) System check address valid or not.

3.2.6 Use case # Feedback

Actor System
Precondition User must have an account.
Post condition After feedback user get a message of
successfully comment.
Description After feedback user purchase the Furniture he
shows whether satisfied or not.
Actor action System response.
1) User clicks the product. 2) System displays the product.
3) User comment or like the product. 3) System reply the comment or answer.
3.2.7 Sequence diagram Sequence diagram for log in customer Sequence diagram for Admin add new item Sequence diagram for Admin add new item

3.2.8 Activity diagram

4.1 Data Description
In Furniture shop management system is use MySQL database for store data .Php
is used to back end to store data .Php is used retrieve data from database server.

4.2 Data Objects

Id: To uniquely identify each admin in database.
Name: Indicate the name of admin.
Age: Indicate the age of admin.
Address: Show the address of admin.
E-mail: E-mail of admin used to interact with system.
Phone Number: Phone number is used for communication with admin.

Id: To uniquely identify each user in database. .
Name: Indicate the name of user.
Age: Indicate the age of user
Address: Show the address of admin user
E-mail: E-mail of admin used to interact with system.
Phone Number: Phone number is used for communication with user.
Name: it identify name of Furniture.
Price: it identify price of Furniture.
Id .id uniquely identify of Furniture.

Order id: identify odder id
Date and time: identify order date and time.
Customer name: identify name of customer.
Bill id. It identify id of bill.
Bill name: it identify bill name.
Customer name. it identify name of customer.

4.3 Complete ER diagram

4.4 Data Dictionary

Parameter Type of parameter
Id: Int….
Name String…..
Age Int……
Address String…….
Email String…..
Phone Int……..

Parameter Type of parameter
Id: Int……
Name String…….
Age Int……
Address String……
Email String…..
Phone Int……
Parameter Type of parameter
Bill id. Int…..
bill Name String……
Customer name String……..
Parameter Type of parameter
Name String……..
Price Int…...
Company name String….
Model String…….
6.1 Overview of User Interface
6.1.1 Log in
Firstly user open the side log in display .user enter the password and id .if
the user log in successful the home page display .after log in the site see detail
about the Furniture such price ,specification ,incoming Furniture etc.log in page
as will display, incoming Furniture etc.log in page as will display.
Log in from
6.1.2 Registration
If the user have not account user click on registration from .user fill all
field and enter correct data such email, name and password.
Registration from

6.2.1 Order from

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