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Narrative essay - A regretful deed (A)

“She stood on the deck. Her hands were holding tightly to the railing. There
was somehow a devilish look on her angelic face . Her lopsided smile added to the
description. She could not keep her eyes off the beautiful island which had now
become a place full of hatred. The island gradually faded away as the ship sailed

I was awakened in the middle of the night, sweating profusely. As I looked

around, everyone was fast asleep. It was the same old nightmare that had haunted
me for years. I got down from my cosy bed and tiptoed to the window. A slight cool
breeze brushed over my face. Billions of twinkling stars held aloft a picture of peace.
Memories came flooding back before my eyes.

It was a sunny day. My fiancee Dan and I were waiting at a harbour , with our
luggage fully-stuffed Kylie invited all her course-mates to her birthday party . We
were to sail on her ship to her villa on an island. We were in good mood as we got on
board . Kylie , of course was overjoyed . I , as her best friend, too was happy for her.
Her father owned a beautiful villa . Although it is rather isolated , Kylie claimed that
the place was an ideal dwelling for a short stay . It indeed was.

We were just a short distance away from our destination when the villa
slowly came into sight . It was built high up on a hill . The villa stood there , majestic
and in solitude , and we were truly amazed by this beautiful sight . I felt a little
seasick but still managed to stay in a clear state . After the ship docked , I could not
stand the dizziness anymore and vomited violently . Dan gently patted my back . He
was always a loving and caring man.

Kylie thought so too . I knew that she liked him a lot. However , Dan used to
assure me that he would only have eyes on me . I was sceptical but still I tried to
believe him . He would never deceive me.

When we reached the villa . we were exhausted and needed to rest . I walked
around and observed the beautiful building . It had a majestic living room
downstairs . There was a piano placed beside a window overlooking a magnificent
flower garden. There was a flight of staircase made of fine wood which shone in the
light . The staircase led to a narrow passage way with rooms on both sides . Kylie and
I shared the master bedroom . Dan had his next to us while the others chose their
rooms for themselves.

That very night Kylie celebrated her birthday with us Music and dances went
on and on . Everyone was waltzing and partying . Dan and I were sitting in a comer
munching our food after several dances together. Suddenly, Kylie walked over to us
and reached her hand out to Dan . She asked , May I have the pleasure ? Dan was
undecided and he blinked at me . I smiled and said , " Have fun.” He smiled back and
said that he would be right back.
Kylie and Dan danced through the night . Kylie was happy and Dan looked
joyous and radiant . I grew moody and was green with jealousy as my fiancee was
dancing happily with another girl . A strange feeling overwhelmed me . I couldn't
watch them dance anymore I was left all alone at the corner while they were having
fun ! I stood up and dashed back to my room . I took a small dose of tranquillisers to
get myself into dreamland . Not long after that I was fast asleep

The clock struck one and the pendulum went " tick tock " . I opened my
sleepy eyes and everything looked blurred . I sat up . rubbed my eyes and tried to
figure things out . Kylie was not in the bed.

I called out, “Kylie?” No answer. I got down and opened the door. “They were
still dancing,” I thought to myself. “No, they wouldn’t be dancing at this unearthly
hour,” I reasoned to myself.

At that moment I heard a giggling sound coming from Dan’s room. His door
was ajar. My curiously was aroused and peeped in. Almost immediately, I felt an
agonizing pain in my heart. The haunting scent of Kylie’s perfume hung in the air. It
was Kylie! How could she? How could he? I hated them for their treachery. I stormed
into the room and the two stood rooted to the ground, aghast.

I ran to Dan and started hitting him with all my might. Kylie grabbed my hand
and pushed me away from Dan. I was swished and knocked my head on a rickety
cupboard. A vase landed on my head with a loud crash and broke into pieces. Swiftly,
I picked a piece of the broken vase and whirled around.

Kylie, not knowing what to do just stood there stiffly. I thrust forward and
plunged the sharp object into her stomach. I stabbed her over and over again. My
hands were smeared with her blood. Dan was hurt too when he tried to stop me.
Hatred and anger filled my mind. Then I passed out.

The police arrived the following day. I was handcuffed and brought away
from the island. I stood on the deck, holding tightly to the railing. A devilish look
appeared on my face. The island was a place full of hatred and sins. It gradually
faded away.

The doctors proved that I was mentally deranged and placed me in a mental
institution. I had lied to the whole world about my sanity in order to escape the
clutches of the law. I could not admit it. I would be sentenced to death. If only I had
known that Kylie was innocent. If only I had known that she was just discussing with
Dan about giving me a surprise for my birthday.

I truly regretted that my impulsive actions had brought me into this terrible
and pathetic situation. I had lost a friend. I had lost my fiancee. I had lost everything.
I would be stranded here forever with the other mental patients. Tears rolled down
my cheeks as I sobbed bitterly and wallowed in self pity.
Narrative essay - A Regretful Deed (B)

The downpour was enough to let Noah’s Ark set sail again. The fat drops
splattered incessantly at every surface exposed to the sky. Yet at the back of my
mind, I was vaguely aware that I was the only one left at the meticulously planned

I continued staring at the thinly moss-covered tombstone. Tears welled up as

my eyes scanned the inscribed wordings on it - Robert Nicholas Phillip Neville, 1960-
1999. An epitaph graced the stone at the bottom. The words, “May thy soul fly with
angels in eternal peace” set forth a fresh torrent of tears gushing out from my
swollen eyes, just when I thought there were no tears left for him.

Resignedly, I took out a black velvet box that I kept in my handbag. Slowly, I
placed the Purple Heart medal on the tombstone and stood back. In my mind I could
still see the image of the man who shadowed my days and haunted my nights. His
soft black hair that framed his finely chiselled features, his square jaws that brook no
arguments, the way his grey eyes seemed to pierce into my very soul and the smile
that played across his sensuous lips. He was my life, my everything.

Reluctantly , I made my way through the quagmire. The rain had turned into
a light drizzle . I never had a bad moment during my years with Robbie , except for
that horrendous incident which I had come to regret for the rest of my life.

I met Robbie at a Sears chain-store . We always tumbled upon each other

while patronizing it . It seemed like our destinies were bound to cross. Though
throngs of people shop at Sears , his striking appearance was a wee hard to forget .
Standing at six feet five , he was the embodiment of the perfect male specimen.

After a month or so , he made his first move. Naturally I was wary of his
Intention but soon it was obvious that he was sincere . It did not help that I fell
madly over with him . Furthermore my friends encouraged our relationship . It was
apparent that he took monumental efforts not to let his Job as a U.S. Air Force pilot
to disturb our relationship. Six month later, we were married with a grand reception
at his hometown, Orlando.

Everything was idyllic for the first few years . On the third year of our
marriage , he was recruited to fight in the Gulf War . I was working with one of the
major news agencies at that time . I wanted to follow him but he forbade me as it
was rather risky . Not wanting to create a row , I gave in . I stayed back in the United
States , working late hours to minimize the anxiety over his life . After two years of
duty , he was sent home and awarded the Purple Heart for bravery . He gave the
coveted medal to me .

I sensed that something was wrong . His demeanour was different . He

valiantly tried to act as if nothing was amiss . Then I broke the happy news that I was
pregnant . He froze and haltingly asked
that her I wanted to keep the baby or not . He said , he did not want a baby yet .
That was the last straw . His words confirmed my greatest fear that he had found
another woman . We argued that night and the better words that were exchanged
wrenched my heart . I stormed out of the house and stayed in a motel.

During the next three months , he made efforts to woo me back , but I felt
betrayed beyond Imagination.

One day , I received a telephone call from the hospital . Robbie was in the
Intensive Care Unit dropped all pretensions and rushed to his side . Belatedly I
realized how I missed that infuriating man,

I learned from the doctors that he had cancer as a result of the missions in
the Persian Gulf . I wept silently when they brought me to see him . In three months
he had withered and his body was a now a bag of bones . His gaunt face screamed of
the agony that he went

“Sorry for keeping this from you,” he whispered.

“No , forgive me , Robbie, for abandoning you at the first sign of a problem . Please ,
don't leave me . I can't live without you.” I broke down and sobbed bitterly.

“Come on honey my..." he paused..." death is inevitable . The doctors had done their

I gazed into his eyes . The shining grey orbs challenged me to face the
prospect of continuing alone
in his beautiful eyes I saw tenderness and pain when he mentioned death . It
dawned upon me that he hated to leave me alone.

“Andrea . I know what it is like to be left alone . Since the day you refused to
let me into your world again , all hopes deserted m e I was given heaven and have it
taken from me was hell . I couldn't see , hear or think of anything but you . Baby ,
promise never to leave me again , " the naked pain in his plea made me regret the
day I stepped out of our house.

“I' ll never leave you again , forever . " I promised . His smile of joy further
heightened the sadness that wrapped my soul . We kissed for the last time and he
closed his eyes . He never opened them again.

The sun had slowly inched its way into the arms of the welcoming horizon .
Dusk was at hand . Sighing , I started the car engine.

I had now realized that Robbie did not want a baby because he feared that it
would be crippled or retarded as a result of his illness . Yet , Michael , my boisterous
three and a half year old son , could never be healthier . Perhaps , it was a
compensation from the Divine for taking Robert from me.

Looking back one last time , a tear rolled down my cheek . I could never cry
enough tears for my Robbie. The incident which was the catalyst that separated me
from him was the deed I regretted most in my life

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