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Is it important to use social networks?

In these moments of great dynamism and great changes in the world, it is
necessary to interact with our family, friends, neighbors, co-workers,
classmates, teammates in many ways, via zoom, webex, skype, email and also
by social networks.
Personally I use Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Telegram, Twich but
professionally I use Linked in. I have been in social networks for more than 12
On Facebook I share when I go away, I talk personal experiences over can be
useful at work, in projects and several advices that the doctors give me in the
Hospital for take care we must have now in a pandemic, besides in whatsapp I
only meet with people with whom I get along.
However, in Linked in I share technical knowledge and look for professional
opportunities, however I took up entering Linked in due to workload.
To finish I would like to say that it is very important to participate in social

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