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Nowadays, Internet is growing, more progress, more civilized but with the growing internet, it has

advantage. The Internet has been praised as one of the greatest innovations of the 20th century.
The Internet is available in most countriest worldwide and is available to over 120 million people
globally, which is approximately 2% of the world population. This is because the internet have
been the driving force of information technology and is responsible for the major lifestyle change
that has been experienced in the world today. Hence, I believed that the internet is has many
advantages in real life than disadvantages.

In contrast to my stand, each person uses the internet in a different manner because it is
being used by many people to relieved stress, anxiety or depression. It also have been decreased
the depression with using and also share on the media social. The Internet also using as
communicate with someone who is family, relatives, strangers and other else who has been far
away and far countries with using the social media platform. However, with Internet, people can
do online shopping and it make people life much easier. Thus, Internet can make people life easier
and communicate each other in various platform during pandemic.

The opposing points of make sence, the Internet is popularly used to amused and comfort.
It’s because, using the internet as a communication tool can decreased depression and also can
make people relieved stress. This because of when you used to be shared in any social media
platform, you can perceived social support and self-esteem increased significantly. So why,
Internet can make people less personal when Internet can make people comfort with their

One of the most valid reasons for people to use the internet is their being able to
communicate with their friends, strangers, relatives who are living in other countries, far away
from them. Via Internet you know it is possible to see your friend and relatives as much as you
want. Or if you wanted to send a letter or calling you can use a platform who has been created
such as WhatsApp, Zoom, Google Meet and other else without using any postage stamp.

Convenience online shopping was come in Internet. In April 2020, percentage of online
shopping increased to 28.9% during Covid-19 situation. It’s also have been provided personal
shopper which is ordered with them and delivered by runner on your destination. Other that,
invidual shopping can make in application shopping such as Shopee, Lazada etc. In addition, the
internet can made it easier for inviduals to price compare between different online retailers to see
which one offers the best selections and prices.
In conclusion, using the internet a way to connects us with others can make your life easier
with our situation right now. We tend to use the Internet even when we wonder about something.
My first seasoning that it is decreased the depressed and loneliness because with sharing in
social media. Secondly, communicate with people from far away and another country. Thirdly, it’s
can be used as online shopping. Therefore the Internet can make people life easier and also can
make people calm and more happiness.


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