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Arctic Rarity Roll Table RARITY

Allathorne Common 1-9 Very common

Arctic Creeper Common 10 - 18 Common
Ardulan Uncommen 19 - 22 Uncommen
Avataer Very Rare 23 - 24 Rare
Basilisk Breath Very Rare 25 - 26 Very Rare
Bija Tree Rare 27 - 29 Legendary
Birthnot Very common 30 - 39 Ultra Legendary
Bishop's Weed Uncommen 40 - 43 TOTAL
Bittermourn Legendary 44 - 44 1
Blueleaf Very common 45 - 54
Brelidar Uncommen 55 - 58
Ceran Very common 59 - 68
Coldwood Common 69 - 77
Covadish Very Rare 78 - 79
Darkwood Very Rare 80 - 81
Dragon's Breath Common 82 - 90
Eldaas Very common 91 - 100
Fennel Silk Common 101 - 109
Footleaf Uncommen 110 - 113
Gefnul Legendary 114 - 114
Goldencup Rare 115 - 117
Grendar Very common 118 - 127
Halcyon Crocus Legendary 128 - 128
Hare's Ear Very common 129 - 138
Hoggle Beans Very common 139 - 148
Ice Lotus Rare 149 - 151
Iceflower Uncommen 152 - 155
Jojopojo Uncommen 156 - 159
Kanishta Uncommen 160 - 163
Kathkusa Very Rare 164 - 165
Klagul Legendary 166 - 166
Obaddis Leaf Rare 167 - 169
Quivar Rare 170 - 172
Rouddan Rare 173 - 175
Salamander Orchids Rare 176 - 178
Scented Mayweed Common 179 - 187
Snowflake Lichen Uncommen 188 - 191
Snowwood Uncommen 192 - 195
Stonestream Very Rare 196 - 197
Thalsen Weed Very common 198 - 207
Thir Very common 208 - 217
Thistledown Very Rare 218 - 219
Zulsendra Very Rare 220 - 221
41.00% 9 10 40.72%
25.00% 6 9 24.43%
15.00% 9 4 16.29%
10.00% 7 3 9.50%
7.00% 8 2 7.24%
2.00% 4 1 1.81%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
d 221
Cities Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Aloe Very common 1-5 Very common
Basil Very common 6 - 10 Common
Dwarf Hops Very common 11 - 15 Uncommen
Gardenflax Very Rare 16 - 17 Rare
Ginyak Weed Common 18 - 25 Very Rare
Grim Flowers Common 26 - 33 Legendary
Haella Uncommen 34 - 38 Ultra Legendary
Harlequin's Harp Very common 39 - 43 TOTAL
Healwell Very common 44 - 48 1
Juniper Very common 49 - 53
Lizard Eaters Very common 54 - 58
Lumina Cap Rare 59 - 62
Marjoram Very common 63 - 67
Megillos Common 68 - 75
Mokodo Bush Very Rare 76 - 77
Navew Uncommen 78 - 82
Peony Common 83 - 90
Periwinkle Very common 91 - 95
Purple Pipeweed Uncommen 96 - 100
Redroot Uncommen 101 - 105
Salamander Orchids Rare 106 - 109
Sasami Tree Very Rare 110 - 111
Scholar's Dream Rare 112 - 115
Strawberry Very common 116 - 120
Thyme Very common 121 - 125
Verdant Goeleth Very Rare 126 - 127
Vodare Rare 128 - 131
Werasa Common 132 - 139
40.00% 11 5 39.57%
30.00% 5 8 28.78%
15.00% 4 5 14.39%
10.00% 4 4 11.51%
5.00% 4 2 5.76%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
d 139
Coastal Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Aloe Very common 1 - 10 Very common
Anserke Common 11 - 16 Common
Archangelica Common 17 - 22 Uncommen
Atramen Common 23 - 28 Rare
Calamus Common 29 - 34 Very Rare
Cat's Tail Very common 35 - 44 Legendary
Chromus Slime Very Rare 45 - 59 Ultra Legendary
Culkas Very common 60 - 69 TOTAL
Draaf Very common 70 - 79 1
Ecru Rare 80 - 84
Ember Root Common 85 - 90
Felmather Rare 91 - 95
Firethorn Rare 96 - 100
Gariig Legendary 101 - 104
Harfy Very common 105 - 114
Harlequin's Harp Very common 115 - 124
Hydrathistle Uncommen 125 - 129
Karat Very common 130 - 139
Lakeleaf Uncommen 140 - 144
Locust Needle Very common 145 - 154
Mountain Garlic Common 155 - 160
Quickweed Common 161 - 166
Sabito Uncommen 167 - 171
Sand Vine Uncommen 172 - 176
Sessali Uncommen 177 - 181
Sleeping Ivy Common 182 - 187
Surane Uncommen 188 - 192
Tereeka Root Rare 193 - 197
Umozokai Flower Very common 198 - 207
Waterorb Common 208 - 213
41.00% 9 10 42.25%
25.00% 9 6 25.35%
15.00% 6 5 14.08%
10.00% 4 5 9.39%
7.00% 1 15 7.04%
2.00% 1 4 1.88%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
d 213
Desert Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Alil Very Rare 1-4 Very common
Aloe Very common 5 - 24 Common
Angel's Cactus Uncommen 25 - 29 Uncommen
Arkasu Common 30 - 47 Rare
Arrowroot Rare 48 - 56 Very Rare
Balon's Plant Uncommen 57 - 61 Legendary
Barrelstalk Uncommen 62 - 66 Ultra Legendary
Bastit Common 67 - 84 TOTAL
Belan Very common 85 - 104 1
Bloodspine Common 105 - 122
Bloodstaunch Common 123 - 140
Calacaza Bush Uncommen 141 - 145
Caravara Rare 146 - 154
Cline Cactus Uncommen 155 - 159
Dathlil Very common 160 - 179
Djin Blossom Uncommen 180 - 184
Dragonspine Uncommen 185 - 189
Dragontears Common 190 - 207
Entriste Uncommen 208 - 212
Ephedra Rare 213 - 221
Gariig Ultra Legendary 222 - 222
Golden Coin Cactus Very common 223 - 242
Golden Desert Tree Rare 243 - 251
Hara'dan Uncommen 252 - 256
Hara'den Uncommen 257 - 261
Inari Very common 262 - 281
Juzam Very Rare 282 - 285
Karcatta Brambles Uncommen 286 - 290
Kelventari Very Rare 291 - 294
Maracan Very Rare 295 - 298
Nordra Very common 299 - 318
Oruighen Uncommen 319 - 323
Powdered Desert Milk Uncommen 324 - 328
Rose Campion Very Rare 329 - 332
Sandberry Bush Very common 333 - 352
Sinquoi Very Rare 353 - 356
Swordstalks Very Rare 357 - 360
Taran'ka Common 361 - 378
Tateesha Rare 379 - 387
Thurl Very common 388 - 407
Umozokai Flower Very common 408 - 427
Whistling Cactus Uncommen 428 - 432
Ylam Tree Very Rare 433 - 436
42.80% 9 20 41.28%
25.00% 6 18 24.77%
15.00% 14 5 16.06%
10.00% 5 9 10.32%
7.00% 8 4 7.34%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
0.20% 1 1 0.23%
d 436
Forests Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Aldaka Uncommen 1-8 Very common
Alether Common 9 - 18 Common
All-Heale Very common 19 - 36 Uncommen
Angakara Tree Very Rare 37 - 41 Rare
Angel's Stammerwort Very common 42 - 59 Very Rare
Arcasa Uncommen 60 - 67 Legendary
Ardulan Uncommen 68 - 75 Ultra Legendary
Asarabacca Uncommen 76 - 83 TOTAL
Ash Common 84 - 93 1
Ashline Uncommen 94 - 101
Ashvein Common 102 - 111
Astir Common 112 - 121
Azure Leaves Rare 122 - 127
Barberry Very common 128 - 145
Barisc Uncommen 146 - 153
Basil Very common 154 - 171
Bija Tree Rare 172 - 177
Bilberry Very Rare 178 - 182
Bison-Gourd Common 183 - 192
Blackberry Very common 193 - 210
Black Rose Common 211 - 220
Bloodgrass Common 221 - 230
Blueleaf Very common 231 - 248
Borneas Rare 249 - 254
Bronzewood Common 255 - 264
Butterspice Weed Uncommen 265 - 272
Cassil Very common 273 - 290
Chervil Common 291 - 300
Cinquefort Uncommen 301 - 308
Coldwood Common 309 - 318
Constrictor Vine Uncommen 319 - 326
Cotsbalm Rare 327 - 332
Cow-Wheat Very common 333 - 350
Crimson Ladies Rare 351 - 356
Dainaberry Common 357 - 366
Darkberry Rare 367 - 372
Darmanzar Stalk Uncommen 373 - 380
Darnell Common 381 - 390
Deadroot Very Rare 391 - 395
Delrean Common 396 - 405
Deva’s Tears Common 406 - 415
Dittany Very common 416 - 433
Dog Rose Very common 434 - 451
Dragons-Eye Oak Uncommen 452 - 459
Duskwood Common 460 - 469
Dwarf Hops Very common 470 - 487
Dwarven Oak Rare 488 - 493
Elven Willow Very common 494 - 511
Elvish Galingale Very common 512 - 529
Ember Root Common 530 - 539
Falsifal Common 540 - 549
Febfendu Very Rare 550 - 554
Felsul Rare 555 - 560
Fey Cherry Very Rare 561 - 565
Fumitore Uncommen 566 - 573
Gallowbrush Uncommen 574 - 581
Gardenflax Very Rare 582 - 586
Goat’s Rue Very common 587 - 604
Goblin Rogue Very common 605 - 622
Golden Crown Very common 623 - 640
Golden Lungwort Uncommen 641 - 648
Goldenweb Uncommen 649 - 656
Gulthias Tree Ultra Legendary 657 - 657
Halfling Thistle Rare 658 - 663
Hands of Laretha Rare 664 - 669
Hangman Tree Rare 670 - 675
Harpy Nest Common 676 - 685
Hart’s Crown Rare 686 - 691
Hate Gartlet Common 692 - 701
Hawkweed Uncommen 702 - 709
Healing Apple Tree Common 710 - 719
Hidden Hibiscus Very Rare 720 - 724
Hiexel Common 725 - 734
Hiljirat Pepper Uncommen 735 - 742
Hyperia Very Rare 743 - 747
Iraster Very Rare 748 - 752
Ironhard Rare 753 - 758
Jaffray Common 759 - 768
Juniper Very common 769 - 786
Kae’la Rare 787 - 792
Kieros Rare 793 - 798
Kilmakur Rare 799 - 804
Kingsfruit Very Rare 805 - 809
Kylathar Legendary 810 - 817
Laishaberries Common 818 - 827
Larnurma Very common 828 - 845
Laspar Very common 846 - 863
Leopard’s Bane Very common 864 - 881
Lish Uncommen 882 - 889
Livewood Very Rare 890 - 894
Locust Needle Very common 895 - 912
Lordinberry Very Rare 913 - 917
Luhix Uncommen 918 - 925
Maiden’s Hair Very Rare 926 - 930
Mar’kerlan Rare 931 - 936
Marigold Very common 937 - 954
Maruera Rare 955 - 960
Mirenna Rare 961 - 966
Myrthis Common 967 - 976
Orticusp Very Rare 977 - 981
Osira Common 982 - 991
Pallast Very common 992 - 1009
Pennyroyal Rare 1010 - 1015
Phandar Very Rare 1016 - 1020
Pixie Table Rare 1021 - 1026
Quare Very common 1027 - 1044
Rampalt Common 1045 - 1054
Ripplebark Common 1055 - 1064
Rosecork Common 1065 - 1074
Rose of Forgetfulness Legendary 1075 - 1082
Ruby Apple Very Rare 1083 - 1087
Ruby Blushrose Uncommen 1088 - 1095
Sable Fir Common 1096 - 1105
Scarlet Heart Mushrooms Uncommen 1106 - 1113
Shadbush Very common 1114 - 1131
Shadowtop Very common 1132 - 1149
Silverwood Uncommen 1150 - 1157
Sparkleberry Common 1158 - 1167
Spectreflower Rare 1168 - 1173
Spiderwort Common 1174 - 1183
Spotty Dragonfire Common 1184 - 1193
Spring Adonis Common 1194 - 1203
Strawberry Very common 1204 - 1221
Stygian Pumpkin Common 1222 - 1231
Suaeysit Legendary 1232 - 1239
Suth Very Rare 1240 - 1244
Takara Bulb Very common 1245 - 1262
Tempin Uncommen 1263 - 1270
Tephrosia Uncommen 1271 - 1278
Thimbleweed Very common 1279 - 1296
Torchstalk Uncommen 1297 - 1304
Troll Poppy Common 1305 - 1314
Trueroot Legendary 1315 - 1322
Twilight Birch Very Rare 1323 - 1327
Varenia Ultra Legendary 1328 - 1328
Vinuk Uncommen 1329 - 1336
Waredan Very Rare 1337 - 1341
Waxtree Very Rare 1342 - 1346
Waxworm Very common 1347 - 1364
Weeping Tree Very common 1365 - 1382
Weirwood Uncommen 1383 - 1390
White Byrony Common 1391 - 1400
Wispstalks Very Rare 1401 - 1405
Wittlewort Very common 1406 - 1423
Woodrose Rare 1424 - 1429
Wood Sorrel Common 1430 - 1439
Wormwood Rare 1440 - 1445
Xitluchi Uncommen 1446 - 1453
Yagdav Bush Very common 1454 - 1471
Yaran Rare 1472 - 1477
Yarpick Common 1478 - 1487
Young Lad’s Love Very common 1488 - 1505
Zalanthar Rare 1506 - 1511
40.90% 34 18 40.50%
25.00% 38 10 25.15%
15.00% 28 8 14.82%
10.00% 26 6 10.32%
7.00% 21 5 6.95%
2.00% 4 8 2.12%
0.10% 2 1 0.13%
d 1511
Jungles Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Alether Common 1-8 Very common
Arcasa Uncommen 9 - 13 Common
Ash Willow Very Rare 14 - 17 Uncommen
Ashvein Common 18 - 25 Rare
Athelas Legendary 26 - 27 Very Rare
Bloodgrass Common 28 - 35 Legendary
Bloodkeep Common 36 - 43 Ultra Legendary
Bloodroot Rare 44 - 46 TOTAL
Bocraugh Legendary 47 - 48 1
Borneas Rare 49 - 51
Bronzewood Common 52 - 59
Butterspice Weed Uncommen 60 - 64
Caffar Common 65 - 72
Calacaza Bush Uncommen 73 - 77
Calamus Common 78 - 85
Callin Very common 86 - 106
Cassil Very common 107 - 127
Chervil Common 128 - 135
Choking Cinder Fungus Uncommen 136 - 140
Cosmos Glond Very Rare 141 - 144
Cotsbalm Rare 145 - 147
Crimson Ladies Rare 148 - 150
Darkberry Rare 151 - 153
Deadly Nightshade Uncommen 154 - 158
Deadroot Very Rare 159 - 162
Degiik Ultra Legendary 163 - 163
Delrean Common 164 - 171
Densewood Uncommen 172 - 176
Devarencia Very Rare 177 - 180
Dog Rose Very common 181 - 201
Dragons-Eye Oak Uncommen 202 - 206
Dramas Rare 207 - 209
Dripping Tree Rare 210 - 212
Eldritch Whorlwood Very Rare 213 - 216
Ember Root Common 217 - 224
Faranir Rare 225 - 227
Felsul Rare 228 - 230
Fiend’s Ivy Common 231 - 238
Fire Flower Ultra Legendary 239 - 239
Fleshshiver Uncommen 240 - 244
Floure-du-luce Very common 245 - 265
Furyax Legendary 266 - 267
Galda Very common 268 - 288
Gallowbrush Uncommen 289 - 293
Gardenflax Very Rare 294 - 297
Glaredak Rare 298 - 300
Glowvine Rare 301 - 303
Golden Lungwort Uncommen 304 - 308
Gulthias Tree Ultra Legendary 309 - 309
Hangman Tree Rare 310 - 312
Harpy Nest Common 313 - 320
Harrada Leaf Very Rare 321 - 324
Healing Apple Tree Common 325 - 332
Hidden Hibiscus Very Rare 333 - 336
Hiljirat Pepper Uncommen 337 - 341
Ipt Common 342 - 349
Jabberweed Uncommen 350 - 354
Jaffray Common 355 - 362
Jalap Very common 363 - 383
Jelly Moss Common 384 - 391
Jinab Rare 392 - 394
Karat Very common 395 - 415
Kilmakur Rare 416 - 418
Kinuka Tree Very common 419 - 439
Krakaem Pods Common 440 - 447
Land Caltrops Very common 448 - 468
Leopard’s Bane Very common 469 - 489
Luurden Uncommen 490 - 494
Mandrake Rare 495 - 497
Maraga Flowers Rare 498 - 500
Masthin Common 501 - 508
Melander Rare 509 - 511
Mordayn Rare 512 - 514
Olvar Very Rare 515 - 518
Ortona Rare 519 - 521
Pallast Very common 522 - 542
Poison Apple Uncommen 543 - 547
Pondstone Tree Uncommen 548 - 552
Poznan’s Chain Rare 553 - 555
Prickly Tea Common 556 - 563
Pygmy King Flower Rare 564 - 566
Rainbowpetal Very common 567 - 587
Ratavasa Flowers Very common 588 - 608
Rattlestalks Uncommen 609 - 613
Reath Rare 614 - 616
Ribwort Plantain Very common 617 - 637
Ripplewood Uncommen 638 - 642
Rose of Forgetfulness Legendary 643 - 644
Ruby Blushrose Uncommen 645 - 649
Saddilia Very Rare 650 - 653
Sasami Tree Very Rare 654 - 657
Serren Wood Very Rare 658 - 661
Shadbush Very common 662 - 682
Silver Hibiscus Legendary 683 - 684
Slimmerane Rare 685 - 687
Soarwood Uncommen 688 - 692
Sparish Nut Common 693 - 700
Sparkleberry Common 701 - 708
Spiderbush Rare 709 - 711
Spotty Dragonfire Common 712 - 719
Suth Very Rare 720 - 723
Swampwalker Uncommen 724 - 728
Swordstalks Very Rare 729 - 732
Tamarind Very common 733 - 753
Tamariske Uncommen 754 - 758
Thanalayla Uncommen 759 - 763
Tickleweed Rare 764 - 766
Twilight Green Rare 767 - 769
Umanhunan Common 770 - 777
Vaundyr Vine Very Rare 778 - 781
Vipervine Common 782 - 789
Visma Common 790 - 797
Wildwood Very Rare 798 - 801
Winclamit Legendary 802 - 803
Wispstalks Very Rare 804 - 807
Witchweed Common 808 - 815
Witchweave Palm Uncommen 816 - 820
Wittlewort Very common 821 - 841
Woodrose Rare 842 - 844
Wormwood Rare 845 - 847
Xitluchi Uncommen 848 - 852
Yarpick Common 853 - 860
Yazur Legendary 861 - 862
40.80% 17 21 41.42%
25.00% 27 8 25.06%
15.00% 24 5 13.92%
10.00% 28 3 9.74%
7.00% 17 4 7.89%
2.00% 7 2 1.62%
0.20% 3 1 0.35%
d 862
Mountains Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Alligator Teeth Common 1 - 10 Very common
Angelica Very common 11 - 34 Common
Arctic Creeper Common 35 - 44 Uncommen
Ardulan Uncommen 45 - 53 Rare
Arnica Very common 54 - 77 Very Rare
Barisc Uncommen 78 - 86 Legendary
Base Mullein Very common 87 - 110 Ultra Legendary
Basil Very common 111 - 134 TOTAL
Basilisk Breath Very Rare 135 - 140 1
Bishop’s Weed Uncommen 141 - 149
Blackberry Very common 150 - 173
Black Rose Common 174 - 183
Bloodkeep Common 184 - 193
Bloodspine Common 194 - 203
Bloodstaunch Common 204 - 213
Bocraugh Legendary 214 - 216
Brandac Uncommen 217 - 225
Calithil Common 226 - 235
Ceran Very common 236 - 259
Darkanda Bush Uncommen 260 - 268
Dathlil 0 269 - 268
Devarencia Very Rare 269 - 274
Devil’s Crown Rare 275 - 281
Dragon’s Breath Common 282 - 291
Dragonspine Uncommen 292 - 300
Dwarf Mallow Uncommen 301 - 309
Dwarven Oak Rare 310 - 316
Elandir Very Rare 317 - 322
Ember Root Common 323 - 332
Entriste Uncommen 333 - 341
Ephedra Rare 342 - 348
Fire Flower Ultra Legendary 349 - 349
Flintmoss Rare 350 - 356
Footleaf Common 357 - 366
Fumitore Uncommen 367 - 375
Furyax Legendary 376 - 378
Gefnul Legendary 379 - 381
Goblinberry Bush Common 382 - 391
Golden Coin Cactus Very common 392 - 415
Green-Air Bramble Rare 416 - 422
Guardseye Legendary 423 - 425
Halfling Thistle Rare 426 - 432
Helmthorne Very Rare 433 - 438
Kathkusa Very Rare 439 - 444
Laumspur Common 445 - 454
Lesser Centaury Common 455 - 464
Mimetry Sprigs Very Rare 465 - 470
Mountain Garlic Common 471 - 480
Mountain Setwall Common 481 - 490
Oede Legendary 491 - 493
Oliosse Ultra Legendary 494 - 494
Orevine Rare 495 - 501
Poznan’s Chain Rare 502 - 508
Redgold’s Feather Rare 509 - 515
Redstar Flowers Uncommen 516 - 524
Sarasar Uncommen 525 - 533
Serapia’s Turbith Ultra Legendary 534 - 534
Shepherd’s Purse Uncommen 535 - 543
Silverleaf Rare 544 - 550
Silverthorn Very Rare 551 - 556
Sky Lotus Very Rare 557 - 562
Slimmerane Rare 563 - 569
Spellbane Ultra Legendary 570 - 570
Spring Adonis Common 571 - 580
Strawberry Very common 581 - 604
Tahtoalethi Ultra Legendary 605 - 605
Takara Bulb Very common 606 - 629
Thornapple Common 630 - 639
Thurl Very common 640 - 663
Umozokai Flower Very common 664 - 687
Wolfweed Very common 688 - 711
Yavethalion Common 712 - 721
Zulsendra Very Rare 722 - 727
40.50% 12 24 39.61%
25.00% 18 10 24.76%
15.00% 12 9 14.86%
10.00% 11 7 10.59%
7.00% 9 6 7.43%
2.00% 5 3 2.06%
0.50% 5 1 0.69%
d 727
Oceans Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Adamant Algae Rare 1-1 Very common
Entangle Weed Rare 2-2 Common
Gylvir Rare 3-3 Uncommen
Sand Vine Uncommen 4-8 Rare
Tangara Kelp Common 9 - 17 Very Rare
Nothing Very common 18 - 31 Legendary
Ultra Legendary
45.00% 1 14 45.16%
30.00% 1 9 29.03%
15.00% 1 5 16.13%
10.00% 3 1 9.68%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
d 31
Plains Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Adder’s Tongue Very common 1 - 10 Very common
Adgana Common 11 - 19 Common
Agrimony Very common 20 - 29 Uncommen
Alfengrape Rare 30 - 37 Rare
Alkanet Common 38 - 46 Very Rare
Amrans Uncommen 47 - 57 Legendary
Angel’s Stammerwort Very common 58 - 67 Ultra Legendary
Anise Very common 68 - 77 TOTAL
Arkas Grass Uncommen 78 - 88 1
Arlan Common 89 - 97
Arnuminas Very common 98 - 107
Astir Common 108 - 116
Athas Rare 117 - 124
Atigax Uncommen 125 - 135
Balm Common 136 - 144
Barberry Very common 145 - 154
Barisc Uncommen 155 - 165
Basil Very common 166 - 175
Birthnot Very common 176 - 185
Bison-Gourd Common 186 - 194
Bittergar Bush Very common 195 - 204
Blackberry Very common 205 - 214
Black Rose Common 215 - 223
Bloodgrass Common 224 - 232
Borage Very common 233 - 242
Borneas Rare 243 - 250
Burdock Very common 251 - 260
Bursthelas Common 261 - 269
Cachuga Pepper Uncommen 270 - 280
Cassil Very common 281 - 290
Ceran Very common 291 - 300
Chamomile Very common 301 - 310
Coltsfoot Very common 311 - 320
Comfrey Very common 321 - 330
Common Coneflower Very common 331 - 340
Constrictor Vine Uncommen 341 - 351
Cow Parsnip Common 352 - 360
Cow-Wheat Very common 361 - 370
Dagmather Very common 371 - 380
Darsurion Very common 381 - 390
Dathlil Very common 391 - 400
Deva’s Tears Common 401 - 409
Devilweed Common 410 - 418
Dittany Very common 419 - 428
Dramas Rare 429 - 436
Dwarf Hops Very common 437 - 446
Dwarf Mallow Uncommen 447 - 457
Ebur Common 458 - 466
Ecru Rare 467 - 474
Elausa Common 475 - 483
Elecampane Very common 484 - 493
Elvish Galingale Very common 494 - 503
Fairy Bells Very common 504 - 513
Falsifal Common 514 - 522
Fennel Very common 523 - 532
Fetherfew Uncommen 533 - 543
Fieldcress Very common 544 - 553
Firmanon Uncommen 554 - 564
Flame Clove Very common 565 - 574
Flame Petal Very common 575 - 584
Fleshwort Common 585 - 593
Garadar Rare 594 - 601
Gardenflax Very Rare 602 - 614
Giant Grass Very Rare 615 - 627
Ginyak Weed Common 628 - 636
Goat’s Rue Very common 637 - 646
Goblin Rogue Very common 647 - 656
Grim Flowers Common 657 - 665
Gyumin Beans Very common 666 - 675
Haella Uncommen 676 - 686
Halfling Thistle Rare 687 - 694
Hands of Laretha Rare 695 - 702
Hate Gartlet Common 703 - 711
Hawkweed Uncommen 712 - 722
Healwell Very common 723 - 732
Henbane Uncommen 733 - 743
Hiljirat Pepper Uncommen 744 - 754
Horehound Very common 755 - 764
Horseweed Very common 765 - 774
Hyperia Very Rare 775 - 787
Iazutl Very common 788 - 797
Jaffray Common 798 - 806
Jelly Moss Common 807 - 815
Juniper Very common 816 - 825
Juxi Root Very common 826 - 835
Kae’la Rare 836 - 843
Kaitlin’s Weed Common 844 - 852
Kiss of Discord Rare 853 - 860
Laishaberries Common 861 - 869
Latimer Orchid Very Rare 870 - 882
Lavender Ragweed Very common 883 - 892
Lichbriar Rare 893 - 900
Lizard Eaters Very common 901 - 910
Makebate Very common 911 - 920
Mallow Uncommen 921 - 931
Maraga Flowers Rare 932 - 939
Marigold Very common 940 - 949
Marisia 0 950 - 949
Marjoram Very common 950 - 959
Masterwort Common 960 - 968
Meadow Giant Uncommen 969 - 979
Megillos Common 980 - 988
Milkworte Very common 989 - 998
Mokodo Bush Very Rare 999 - 1011
Mugwort Legendary 1012 - 1029
Mule Pollen Rare 1030 - 1037
Myrthis Common 1038 - 1046
Napweed Very common 1047 - 1056
Nararoot Very common 1057 - 1066
Navew Uncommen 1067 - 1077
Old Man’s Friend Rare 1078 - 1085
Orach Very common 1086 - 1095
Orevine Rare 1096 - 1103
Palma Eldath Common 1104 - 1112
Pattran Common 1113 - 1121
Peony Common 1122 - 1130
Periwinkle Very common 1131 - 1140
Petiveria Very common 1141 - 1150
Pomow Common 1151 - 1159
Prince’s Feather Very common 1160 - 1169
Purple Pipeweed Uncommen 1170 - 1180
Queen’s Ambrosia Very common 1181 - 1190
Rampalt Common 1191 - 1199
Rasira Common 1200 - 1208
Razorvine Uncommen 1209 - 1219
Redgold’s Feather Rare 1220 - 1227
Redroot Uncommen 1228 - 1238
Rewk Common 1239 - 1247
Rose of Forgetfulness Legendary 1248 - 1265
Ruby Blushrose Uncommen 1266 - 1276
Rue Very common 1277 - 1286
Saffron Common 1287 - 1295
Sanicle Common 1296 - 1304
Saracen’s Compound Very common 1305 - 1314
Scholar’s Dream Rare 1315 - 1322
Sezarad Uncommen 1323 - 1333
Silverleaf Rare 1334 - 1341
Sleeping Ivy Common 1342 - 1350
Sleepweed Uncommen 1351 - 1361
Slimmerane Rare 1362 - 1369
Slumberweed Uncommen 1370 - 1380
Snakespike Very common 1381 - 1390
Snapping Grass Uncommen 1391 - 1401
Sparkleberry Common 1402 - 1410
Spiderwort Common 1411 - 1419
Spotty Dragonfire Common 1420 - 1428
Stirge Traps Very common 1429 - 1438
Stonewort Very Rare 1439 - 1451
Strawberry Very common 1452 - 1461
Stygian Pumpkin Common 1462 - 1470
Sunberry Bush Very common 1471 - 1480
Sunflower of Pelor Common 1481 - 1489
Suth Very Rare 1490 - 1502
Tai-Gi Very Rare 1503 - 1515
Tangled Waybread Very common 1516 - 1525
Terbas Very common 1526 - 1535
Thimbleweed Very common 1536 - 1545
Thistledown Very Rare 1546 - 1558
Throw-Waxe Very common 1559 - 1568
Thyme Very common 1569 - 1578
Troll Poppy Common 1579 - 1587
Tyrant’s Sword Common 1588 - 1596
Ur Very common 1597 - 1606
Valerian Very common 1607 - 1616
Verdant Goeleth Very Rare 1617 - 1629
Vinuk Uncommen 1630 - 1640
Vodare Rare 1641 - 1648
Werasa Common 1649 - 1657
Whitecandle Very common 1658 - 1667
Wild Fireclover Rare 1668 - 1675
Willow-Herb Very common 1676 - 1685
Windwhip Tree Common 1686 - 1694
Witchweed Common 1695 - 1703
Wolfsbane Rare 1704 - 1711
Woodrose Rare 1712 - 1719
Wood Sorrel Common 1720 - 1728
Yagdav Bush Very common 1729 - 1738
Yaran Rare 1739 - 1746
Yarrow Very common 1747 - 1756
Yavethalion Common 1757 - 1765
Young Lad’s Love Very common 1766 - 1775
41.00% 71 10 40.00%
25.00% 48 9 24.34%
15.00% 25 11 15.49%
10.00% 24 8 10.82%
7.00% 10 13 7.32%
2.00% 2 18 2.03%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
d 1775
Rivers Rarity Roll Table RARITY
Air Plant Uncommen 1 - 11 Very common
Arfandas Very common 12 - 24 Common
Arpusar Very common 25 - 37 Uncommen
Attanar Very common 38 - 50 Rare
Belramba Very common 51 - 63 Very Rare
Calamus Common 64 - 78 Legendary
Cat’s Tail Very common 79 - 91 Ultra Legendary
Colewort Common 92 - 106 TOTAL
Dahkra Common 107 - 121 1
Darkroot Rare 122 - 125
Dragonwort Common 126 - 140
Edram Uncommen 141 - 151
Elven Willow Very common 152 - 164
Ember Root Common 165 - 179
Entangle Weed Rare 180 - 183
Fjor’da Uncommen 184 - 194
Flintmoss Rare 195 - 198
Harfy Very common 199 - 211
Horehound Very common 212 - 224
Lakeleaf Uncommen 225 - 235
Lashar Common 236 - 250
Lizuara Legendary 251 - 257
Lungwort Very common 258 - 270
Marshmallow Very common 271 - 283
Maruera Rare 284 - 287
Melander Rare 288 - 291
Nahre Lotus Very Rare 292 - 299
Olus Veritis Very Rare 300 - 307
Orevine Rare 308 - 311
Palma Eldath 0 312 - 311
Panaeolo Uncommen 312 - 322
Pennyroyal Rare 323 - 326
Sweet Arcane Very Rare 327 - 334
Sweet Trefoile Rare 335 - 338
Tereeka Root Rare 339 - 342
Watercress Very common 343 - 355
41.00% 11 13 40.28%
25.00% 6 15 25.35%
15.00% 5 11 15.49%
10.00% 9 4 10.14%
7.00% 3 8 6.76%
2.00% 1 7 1.97%
0.00% 0 0 0.00%
d 355
Swamps Rarity Roll Table
Aadarna Rare 1-7
Athelas Legendary 8 - 11
Blackcorn Common 12 - 32
Bloodpurge Uncommen 33 - 36
Boomshroom Uncommen 37 - 40
Bull-Rush Rare 41 - 47
Choke Mold Uncommen 48 - 51
Choking Cinder Fungus Uncommen 52 - 55
Chromus Slime Very Rare 56 - 60
Corpsebomb Uncommen 61 - 64
Creeping Mangrove Very common 65 - 89
Darkshine Uncommen 90 - 93
Devil’s Bloodflower Legendary 94 - 97
Dripping Tree Rare 98 - 104
Fjor’da Uncommen 105 - 108
Goblin-Trap Common 109 - 129
Guklulla Uncommen 130 - 133
Hathlil Uncommen 134 - 137
Kinuka Tree Very common 138 - 162
Krakaem Pods Common 163 - 183
Marsh Maw Uncommen 184 - 187
Marshmallow Very common 188 - 212
Musk Muddle Very common 213 - 237
Ordul Uncommen 238 - 241
Pallast Very common 242 - 266
Pondstone Tree Uncommen 267 - 270
Pygmy King Flower Rare 271 - 277
Rattlestalks Uncommen 278 - 281
Redflower Uncommen 282 - 285
Scarlet Heart Mushrooms Uncommen 286 - 289
Shaggy Ink Mushrooms Rare 290 - 296
Spirit Moss Very Rare 297 - 301
Stirge Traps Very common 302 - 326
Swampwalker Uncommen 327 - 330
Sweet Arcane Very Rare 331 - 335
Tekkil Very Rare 336 - 340
Thelmallow Flower Very Rare 341 - 345
Torment Toadstool Common 346 - 366
Vaundyr Vine Very Rare 367 - 371
Violet Slime Rare 372 - 378
Vipervine Common 379 - 399
Willow-Herb Very common 400 - 424
Very common 41.00% 7 25 41.27%
Common 25.00% 5 21 24.76%
Uncommen 15.00% 16 4 15.09%
Rare 10.00% 6 7 9.91%
Very Rare 7.00% 6 5 7.08%
Legendary 2.00% 2 4 1.89%
Ultra Legendary 0.00% 0 0 0.00%
1d 424
Underkdark/Caves Rarity Roll Table
Abyssal Blackgrass Uncommon 1-5
Amanita Uncommon 6 - 10
Barrelstalk Uncommon 11 - 15
Blackroot Common 16 - 28
Bluecap Very common 29 - 108
Bone Fungus Rare 109 - 112
Calcena Mushroom Rare 113 - 116
Cave Moss Very common 117 - 196
Cave Star Uncommon 197 - 201
Cephalophage Very Rare 202 - 205
Choke Mold Uncommon 206 - 210
Chromus Slime Very Rare 211 - 214
Cornus Rare 215 - 218
Corpsebomb Uncommon 219 - 223
Cosmos Glond Very Rare 224 - 227
Darkberry Rare 228 - 231
Darkhorn Uncommon 232 - 236
Darkshine Uncommon 237 - 241
Darkwood Very Rare 242 - 245
Deep Imaskari Waterplant Common 246 - 258
Devil’s Bloodflower Legendary 259 - 264
Dragontongue Mushrooms Uncommon 265 - 269
Dungeon Fungus Rare 270 - 273
Elandir Very Rare 274 - 277
Elora Rare 278 - 281
Fennel Silk Common 282 - 294
Fire Lichen Common 295 - 307
Fleshwort Common 308 - 320
Fordamna Ultra Legendary 321 - 321
Glowvine Rare 322 - 325
Grammax Creeper Common 326 - 338
Gravefist Uncommon 339 - 343
Ironvine Uncommon 344 - 348
Jelly Moss Common 349 - 361
Korogg Uncommon 362 - 366
Light of Mystra Common 367 - 379
Luhix Uncommon 380 - 384
Lumina Cap Rare 385 - 388
Maiden’s Hair Very Rare 389 - 392
Moonstern Rare 393 - 396
Mothflowers Uncommon 397 - 401
Nightcall Rare 402 - 405
Orevine Rare 406 - 409
Quicksilver Lichen Uncommon 410 - 414
Rare-Blue Very Rare 415 - 418
Ripplewood Uncommon 419 - 423
Serpent Sweat Very Rare 424 - 427
Shadowrose Rare 428 - 431
Shaggy Ink Mushrooms Rare 432 - 435
Silver Hibiscus Legendary 436 - 441
Stoneshroom Rare 442 - 445
Sunflower of Pelor Common 446 - 458
Sussur Very Rare 459 - 462
Torchstalk Uncommon 463 - 467
Trathua Common 468 - 480
Wispstalks Very Rare 481 - 484
Wizard Hats Very common 485 - 564
Zur Rare 565 - 568
Zurkhwood Common 569 - 581
Very common 40.90% 3 80 41.31%
Common 25.00% 11 13 24.61%
Uncommon 15.00% 17 5 14.63%
Rare 10.00% 15 4 10.33%
Very Rare 7.00% 10 4 6.88%
Legendary 2.00% 2 6 2.07%
Ultra Legendary 0.10% 1 1 0.17%
1d 581
Vortax ???

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