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1 pull oneself together = calm down

2 be in hot water = be in trouble

3 for good = forever
4 a straight face = kiềm chế cảm xúc
5 be in favor of = in support of
6 make a getaway = escape
7 a big shot = an important person
8 get on sb's nerves = irritate
9 drive sb crazy = make sb crazy
10 set sb's heart on st/ doing st = determine to V
11 take to st like a duck to water = giỏi
12 on the spur of the moment = hấp tấp
13 beyond sb's means = too costly for one, more than one can afford.
14 make a mountain out of a molehill = chuyện bé xé ra to
15 a dead loss = useless
16 tell on = affect
17 due to V = should have p2
18 take sb for a ride = treat sb with sincerity
19 cast/shed/throw (any/some) light on st = clarify st
20 go back on st = fail to keep promise
21 a race against the clock/time = get st be p2 as fast as possible
22 at line = at risk
23 be a man of substance = become a rich and powerful man
24 throw caution to the wind = take some risks
25 be employed in Ving st = spend time Ving something
26 down the ages = all periods of history
27 a second chance = a second bite of the cherry
28 Out of the corner of sb's eyes = accidently see sb
29 in the buff = naked
30 see st in pink = see st in rose-coloured spectacles
31 under the weather = not well
32 rack sb's brains = think very hard ( kiểu là lắc não)
33 make an example of sb = punish sb as an example to warn the others
34 a fish out of water = không quan với
35 a big fish in a small pond = a big boss in small company
36 try in vain to V = fail to V
37 feel in sb's bones ; linh cảm
38 out of question - không đáng để nhắc tới
39 on a whim = ngay lập tức
40 at a loss to V = không thể hiểu
41 get wind of st = nghe bí mật

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