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Organizational Theory and Behavior

Written Assignment Unit 3

University of the People

Submitted by: MUHAMMAD HAMZA

Written Assignment Topic:

The Employee Component dominated various studies on organizational behavior. Of note are

these important theories that affect motivation:

 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

 Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory

 McClelland’s Learned Needs Theory

 McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y

 Adam’s Equity Theory

 Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

 Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory 

Select 3 theories and explain how they have increased our understanding of motivation. Compare

and contrast their influences on human motivation in the contemporary work setting, then,

choose one theory that best applies to your own personal and developmental journey. 

In an organization, it is significant that workers monitor their objectives, objectives, and dreams.

The concentrating of various motivational hypotheses will give managers thoughts on the most

proficient method to impact and propel their representatives for work fulfillment.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy

Abraham Maslow introduced his theory of human necessities in a hierarchical way separated into

five classes. Maslow accepted that individuals will in general fulfill these necessities in a

particular request, which implies that lower level requirements are fulfilled before the powerful

need is thought of. His five classifications of human necessities are portrayed in the outline


In light of his theory, once physiological and wellbeing needs have been fulfilled, giving a

greater amount of these fulfilled necessities, won't give similar motivations. To give inspiration,
a higher degree of requirements should be fulfilled, into his case love or social necessities.

Regardless of reactions and questions about Maslow's Theory, it stays a mainstream theory of

inspiration in the working environment (Farooq, 2018).

Maslow's Theory stays a mainstream inspiration at work, albeit not initially expected. The theory

altogether affects management approaches to inspiration and the plan of associations to address

singular issues. It gives a valuable base to the assessment of inspiration in the work environment

and an advantageous structure for review various needs and assumptions for individuals and

furthermore the various helpers to be applied at various levels.

Herzberg’s Motivator-Hygiene Theory

Herzberg's Theory demonstrates that specific occupation factors are identified with

representative occupation fulfillment, while others can make work disappointment. Motivating

factors, otherwise called satisfiers, are components that lead to fulfillment and cleanliness

factors, otherwise called dissatisfies, are extraneous components of the workplace (2018).

Herzberg's Theory can be utilized to get the best presentation from representatives by getting to

the foundation of inspiration in the working environment. Herzberg recognized two factors in

particular inspirations and cleanliness factors. As per Herzberg, motivating factors makes

representatives work more earnestly and are secured in the actual position. Cleanliness factors

then again are absent in the genuine occupation itself however encompassing it and will make

representatives buckle down (2018).

Through appropriate administration of cleanliness factors representative disappointment could be

forestalled, yet don't fill in as a wellspring of fulfillment or inspiration. For instance, a worker

will remain in their work because of good working conditions; however will not really work
more diligently. Something contrary to course is valid, helpless working conditions may make a

worker to stop. As indicated by Herzberg, to inspire workers and increment work fulfillment, an

administrator needs to zero in on the satisfiers. Numerous satisfiers will build representative

inspiration; give work fulfillment and increment execution. The absence of satisfiers doesn't

really prompt disappointment as well as terrible showing, it might simply prompt satisfactory

occupation execution as opposed to performing, best case scenario (Gitman, et al., 2018).

McGregor’s Theory X & Theory Y

This theory proposes that administrators ought to adjust the workers needs to the association, so

they can perform better by managing their own behavior. McGregor's Theory X recommends

that representatives are lethargic and not intrigued by their work and ought to be invigorated to

appropriately play out their obligations. Theory Y then again, recommends that representatives

are inventive, adult and complex and are keen on acting in their positions. McGregor further

propose that when workers are set under the right conditions and are charge to upgrade their

gifts, they feature their abilities and inventiveness by choosing the fundamental strategies

themselves to achieving their errand prompting the objectives of the organization (Farooq, 2018).

Theory X might be seen for the most part in huge scope creation while Theory Y on developed

organizations and still these speculations influence the advancement of organizations these days.


I feel that Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs applies in my own and developmental excursion, as my

own needs is continually evolving. It's a good idea to believe that once a need is met, we want

another need. Inquire as to whether the compensation raise you got last year, will keep you
spurred for the following 5 or 7 years? Obviously not, Maslow's Theory comprehended these

certainties in our lives and that is the excellence of his hypothesis of inspiration.

Farooq, U. (2018, February 6). The Motivation Process. Retrieved from


Herzberg’s Motivation Theory – Two Factor Theory. (2018, December 3). Retrieved from

Gitman, L. J., McDaniel, C., Shah, A., Reece, M., Koffel, L., Talsma, B., & Hyatt, J. C. (2018,

September 18). Retrieved from


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