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Grade-9 IG (English Lang.

) Question Bank

Name: Aryan Agarwal

__________________________ PAPER - 1 2nd Semester Exams – 2021-22



The prescriptive, paper book are reascending their popularity that causes a

boost in their sales.

The existence of both digital and physical book should be maintained simultaneously;

neither should be impeached by one another.

It was increased in all types of bookstores

It happened at the same time when the sales of e-book had hit a plateau

Lucarative categories

Students have tried both and preferred printed versions more

Human take in less information on screen

Adults find it less intuitive to navigate books on a tablet

Social media facilities distract the readers too

The sense of true ownership that one receives and the freedom of drawing, and scribbling

over pages impart utter satisfaction to people. The smell and feel of a printed book appeals to

all the senses and devise a different experience for the readers.

Furnishing a new-fangled look to the old-school and archaic bookshops, and diversifying the

genres of books available, are amongst many ways bookshops refashioned to attract customers.
Moreover, to compete with the alleviations of online shopping, booksellers amplified the

luminescence of their outlets and crafted them as well-ventilated, humungous emplacements.

Likewise, meeting the modern needs of the customers, the high-tech designs gain their existence;

in addition to which, the cultural tint rejuvenates its authentic eminence. Furthermore,
rectifying the deliverance of sparse services, effortless ways to peregrinate books using the

technological advancements devise a smooth, and beguiling experience for people of all age

groups. Furthermore, the subletting areas such as conference rooms satisfy the minutest of

the visitor's niceties, abolishing the stereotypical considerations of bookstores as clumsy.

have the look of antiquity

his eyes search the spine



the food industry business declined

moving away invincibly with an irresistible force

the sushi businesses shut completely

Cloistered beneath a wash of toasty crispiness, "soft interior" refers to the yielding, fluffy

texture inside. The velvety inner bun was not only inviting but the melt in your mouth

texture gave it a sense of sublime purity that could make anyone's mouth water. Moreover,

the writer's overstated attraction toward's it's inside evidences its sublimity.

The overall impression of paragraph one is that of the dramatic and dangerous sense of

Graphing the stygian aspect of the emplacement, "lost in shadows" literally refers to

the shortfall of escaping the obscurity. Implying to a sense of bewilderment, seclusion and

helplessness, it unveils Clay's vulnerability and unearths the traumatising and nightmarish

incidents she undergoes, and thus engendering an effect of dismay. However, outcasting her

attempts to demote these horrors, "huddle together" actually elucidates to the formation

of a clustered group - seeking comfort. Pertaining to a sense of cold-heartedness and

nervousness, it delineates the intensity of gloominess that strikes with each step over
the ladder. Casting an imprisoning atmosphere; it leaves Clay yearning to breathe free,

hence, constraining an effect of ruthlessness. Further enumerating her depreciating

situation, "fingers pressed white" clenches the dictionary meaning of a temporary

obstruction of blood flow to the fingers. This pale and abysmal colour undertones
Clay's exposure to excruciating pressure, both internal and external, assimilating the rundow

of life from her body, encapsulating an effect of agitation.

The general effect of paragraph twelve is that of an hyperbolic description of a bookshop

as magical and mystical.

Rendering the culmination of the bookshop as an unsaid mystery, "fading smoothly"

literally means gradually going faint and disappearing in an untroubled way. Inferring

to its spell-bounding elegance, the enigmatic beauty adorns it will ornaments of fairylike

fantasies, implanting an effect of bewitchment. Adding to its bedazzling divergence, "full of

wolves, witches" precisely alludes to the mythical creatures of fairy tale coming alive. Following

an awe of befuddlement, the pang of scary thoughts wave ways to a dwelling that is saturated with

childlike pleasures, diffusing and effect of glee. Contrasting the enthralling exterior of the bookshop

and its abhorrent interior, "gloom" literally pertains to an outspread of darkness, and murkiness.

Connoting a sense hopelessness one experiences upon entering the store, it frames the tower of

expectation as a ramshackle, winding an effect of disdain.

To bring attention to the service of all doctors (living or dead)

The inputs and efforts they put into preserving strangers' heath and their welfare

without complaining.

Being considerate about the fitness of those who spend their lives looking after
our health.

Demotivated in work

Negative attitude towards patients

Reduce the number of patients in one day

Devise more reasonable working hours

Pressure of maintaining their strong demeanour.

Stigma attached to ask for help.

Insufficient time and opportunities to ask for it.

Since the majority of doctors o not get a day off from their ever-hissing pressure cooker of

work, it is not worthwhile for them. Some other reasons include the mere accessibility to

lunch as a source of gratitude and the lack of feelings of true thankfulness from within.

All that is delivered in lofty words of appreciation as a way to show that we care without feeling it.

Having to explore various foreign lands and to work alongside passionate, regional doctors

are amongst many attractions of being a MSF doctor. Moreover, hired to beaver for no more

than five months a year, MSF doctors can concede to multiple jobs at once. In addition

to the bestowal of admiration and appreciation, majority envies working with MSF. Espied

as a "dream job", it satisfies one's desires to payback to society in an unbiased and truthful way;

miles away from the reflection of political dominions. However, challenges too chase these

frontline workers, some of which include: immutably obscured dwellings to reside in and

an inconsistency of portable water. Furthermore, having to tackle hazardous diseases, both

communicable and non-communicable, compound the risk involved. Abrupt possibilities of

conflict and the surfeit of logistics also father it's remonstrance.

active carrer decision

propelled me towards my goal

turn theory into practise


incessantly merciless expeditions for doctors

Providing a nickname to show love

doctors were the sole proprietors and were answerable towards the

fluctuating conditions of their patients.

Rostering the surfeit of work, "endless stream" pertains to the continuity of increasing pressure.

Surrounded with situations that are impossible to tame, Adam feels overwhelmed and distressed

that creates a atmosphere of distress for him.

The overall impression of paragraph two is that of Adam's arduous adventure that contrasts its

idealism with reality .

Exfoliating the recession of information, "exhaustive knowledge" connotes to a retainment of

facts throughout the didactics of being a doctor. Implying wisdom as a weapon of defence,

it undertones the theoretical literacy as ineffective in the domain of practicality, cobbling an

effect of mislay. However, contrasting this bemusement, the use of simile, " like a superhero"

pertains reference to comic characters with eccentric peculiarities. Ascending the similitude

between a doctor and a superhero, it illustrates both of the two professions' sole purpose -

to save humanity. This propinquity unfurls the sense of responsibility a doctor inherits,

interlacing an effect of reverence. Further carrying this sense of solidity, "propelled me"

clenches the dictionary meaning of being driven to conquer by an array of endearing forces.

The bestowal of motivation and the development of felicity towards a doctor's task renders the

sense of pride and drive this profession imparts, unveiling its eminence and thus, engendering

an effect of perforation.

The general overview of paragraph four is that of the disdains and satires that dispose the

vanity of this exercise.

Disporting the crises and the aftermaths of being a doctor, "troops past" hints towards the

sloth-like movement of the doctors. Compressed under the burdensome responsibilities with

the minutest amount of enthusiasm, it portrays the doctors' lack of persistent resilience, and

the inadequacy of sympathy towards patients when hovering over them as soldiers in a parade.

This sense of ambiguity, congers an effect of disgust. Paralleling Adam's vulnerability and the doctor's

inertness, "like a hypnotised duckling" literally alludes to the disorientation of a naive creature.

Relating to the consequences of a ghastly milieu, it unearths the implementation of cruel control

over honest helpfulness, and the strength of this unbreakable chain of loftiness, assimilating an

effect of glum. Evidencing the reasons of apathy, "dozens, sometimes hundreds" precisely refers to

the surfeit of unexpected, paperwork. The hyperbolic transfuse of the overwhelming desk

confinements showcases how little time a doctor receives to cure his/her patients, heightening their

vulnerability, and hence, summarising and effect of pathos.

Future of food for our planet

Delivers everything your body needs

Exhausted by the hassles involved in having to take a eatery break during midday

when at work.

Pulverised grains of dehydrated solids that are an substitute to freshly cooked meals

Comments ranged from outraged

My mum suggested I ate a banana

Time to do extra work

Lose weight

The revolting taste

It's lumpiness

The feel of vomiting backwards that it provided

Haunted by the dreadful idea of dealing with that clumsy sufferance was enough for the

writer to dismiss Erfoo. However, some of the other reasons include: high preparation

time and the availability of zero variety.

The addition of saccharine chemicals and the appalling, and ghastly taste of the meal
replacement powders are amongst many concerns people possess about this "time-saving"
diet. Moreover, the deceptive and ambiguous claims about these powders shudder their

impressions with indents of loftiness and amazement. Promulgated as beneficial products,

it limelights the manufactures' sole priority of making profit. Furthermore, the aloof

allocation of its constituents compounds the fallaciousness of its packaging, alongside

which the beige and abysmal colour of the powder ventilates its awful taste; squeezing
the luminescence of cultural diversities and leaving behind chunks of over processed,

synthetic sufferance. Decimating the joy of eating, these substitutes devourer over

one's emotional experience, establishing its gimmickry.

cavernous construction


stifled human creativity

wide, eager greeting

nearly all


not differentiable, exact replica

Showcasing Lois's unwanted emancipation from his parents, "locked in" depicts that Lois

cannot share the same roof with his parents. The best way for her to maintain contact was

to see their image over a screen. Apart from her seclusion it portrays Lois's love towards

her parents and how much she misses them.

The overall impression of paragraph ten is that of the delightful and engrossing powers of

the menu.
Embarking upon the menu's mysterious appearance, "dark confident script" literally pertains

to the bold, deep and intense colours used to formulate the letters. Being compelled towards

the writing, Lois renders the self -assuring character of the menu writer, that to her conveys

personality. This persuasive and seductive handwriting, excogitates an effect of entice.

Further revamping her reason of amazement, "exuberant letters" withholds the dictionary

meaning of joyously unrestrained alphabets. Admitting a sense of engagement, the words

are sketched as involving and alive; as if they were jumping out and excitedly calling out

to be read. The prismatic and luring effulgence of the food items, prompt and entreat Lois

to order, brewing an effect of verve. Employing to the mesmerising details, "curling

connectors" befriends the cursive handwriting and its loopy structure. Deriving reference

to moving tendrils, it illuminates its cyclic flow which undertones a sense of charismatic

rings that enshrine Lois's subconscious adding onto the intensity of fascination, yielding

an effect of sway.

The general overview of paragraph sixteen is that of the joy of wholesomeness and the
rejuvenation of optimism by bites of delicious food.

Reminiscing the delight of her first combo, "healing powers" literally alludes to the soulful

and comforting abilities of a flavoursome meal. After consuming bowls of abysmal ready-to

eats, a bite of freshly prepared food made her feel better, both physically and emotionally,

almost resembling a spiritual experience, and hence, weaving an effect of concrete. Moreover,

the "fluorescent red" colour of the sauce contrives an image of a vivid and bright sauce, oozing out

of the bread. Epitomising the beauty of life and good health, it awakens Lois's palate from a

coma of awfulness. The sweet and sour red sauce manufactures harmony in her life, unwrapping an

effect of dulcet. Towards the end of this pacifying consumption, Lois endued a "rippling burp"

which actually proclaims to a wavy and giggling belch of satisfaction. Enticing the delight of

this physical reaction, it kneads a disposition of tastelessness and a diffusion of nurturing fulfilment,

and hence, concluding an effect of joy.


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