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the “City Cell”!

Nucleus- “The city Mayor”
Welcome to the Cell
City Iron Man.

Hi, Mr. Mayor!! Thanks for inviting

me What problems are you facing?
Tell me your trouble. I’m here to help

Hi, l am Nucleus, mayor of the cell city.

Me being the mayor, am receiving
complaints from organelles about the
“Lysosome” attack. Lysosomes can
release the lytic enzymes as bombs and
can target any organelle.

Don’t worry, l promise

you that the lysosomes
will not launch their
bombs on other
organelles and would
soon be under control.

What a beautiful city

indeed. I promise I
will solve all the
problems and make
the residents of this
city happy once
Cytoplasm- “The Countryside”

Oh! You made me wet. Hi, I

am Iron Man. Who are you ?

Hi! I am cytoplasm. I am the

countryside of the cell city. I consist
of two layers, endoplasm and
ectoplasm. My job is to hold the
organelles in their places and not let
them move unnecessarily. But I am
afraid that lysosome may attack any
of the organelle. Please save them

Don’t panic, I assure

you that the
lysosomes won’t do
it again.
Endoplasmic Reticulum- “Highway
system of the City Cell”
Hi! I am Iron Man. You are
connected with every body.
Who are you ? What
functions do you perform?

Hi, I am Endoplasmic Reticulum, also

known as the E.R. I am the highway
system of the cell city. The
Ribosomes are situated on my rough
type . But the lysosomes have stared
shooting missiles at me. I am afraid
that I will not be able to save myself.

Don’t you worry, I’ll

make sure the
lysosomes don’t
assault you any more.
Mitochondria- “Powerhouse of
the City Cell”
Hi, I am Iron Man. Who
are you? You look very
powerful .Are you
doing all this?

Hi, l am Mitochondria. I am the

powerhouse of the cell. I supply
energy in the form of ATP to the
whole cell. No, I am not doing
this But it’s the lysosomes who
are throwing bombs at me. If l
stop functioning, the whole city
will collapse !

Don’t be terrified, l
guarantee you that that
the lysosomes won’t
attack you again.
Ribosomes- “Building block
of the city”
Hi! I am Iron Man. I
could see you doing
lot of work for the
city? Who are you?

Hi, I am Ribosome. I have the

construction rights for the cell city. I
am one of the major groups of
particles which travel from the Golgi
Apparatus. I make proteins, which
fulfill the nutritional requirements of
the cell city. But today my life is in
threat. Lysosome bombs may lead
me to death.

Don’t get perturbed. l

ensure you that the
lysosomes won’t do
it again.
Golgi Apparatus- “The city Post
Oh! lot of packing is
going on here. Hi, I’m
Iron Man. What are you

Hello! I’m the Golgi Apparatus, the post

office of the cell city. I consist of stacks
of membrane that package, sort and
deliver proteins to different organelles
of the city. Please save me from the
attack of lysosomes .

The lysosomes
shall soon be
stopped. I
assure you,
Don’t be afraid.
Cell Membrane - “The
I have reached the
city Shield”
boundary of the city.
Hi, I’m Iron Man?.
Please tell me
something about

Hi, I’m the cell membrane. I am the boundary

of the city. I surround the cytoplasm and don’t
let any virus or infectious particles to enter
the cell. I am also known as the semi-
permeable membrane.
Now is the time
to stop the
lysosomes and
save the cell city.

Lysosomes- “Recycle Center of the
Ah, I’ve finally reached
City Cell”
you lysosomes. I’m Iron
Man. I’ve been listening a
lot about you lately. Why
do you attack the other

I am the recycle center of the

cell city. Whenever I find some
unnecessary particles, I
dissolve it into enzymes. But
sometimes when I try to
dissolve some infectious
particles my membrane
ruptures and my lytic enzymes
come out and start to attack
the other organelles, even if I
don’t want to. I don’t attack the
other organelles intentionally!
It’s good to hear that you
don’t do it intentionally. I will
repair your membrane and
pack the enzymes back inside
you. I hope the cell city lasts
long. It was good to visit the
cell city.
We compared the
“Animal cell” to a city.
Some of the main organelles in a cell are:
1. Nucleus.
2. Ribosomes
3. Endoplasmic Reticulum
4. Golgi Apparatus
5. Vacuole
6. Mitochondria
7. Lysosomes (Also called as suicidal bags)

Jelly like substance in the cell is cytoplasm

and cell is surrounded by a cell membrane.
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