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Cell- Structure and functions

Q1. ' Cells are the basic structural units of living organisms." Explain.

Ans A cell is the smallest unit of life and is capable of all living functions. Cells are the building blocks of life. This
is the reason why cells are referred to as 'the basic structural and functional unit of life'. All cells vary in their shapes,
sizes, and activities they perform. Example – Nerve cell is the basic structural and functional unit of the nervous

Q 2 Why do cells have different shape and size?

Ans Cells have different shapes because they do different things. Each cell type has its own role to play in helping
our bodies to work properly, and their shapes help them carry out these roles effectively. Example- WBC’s in humans
can change their shape so that they can slip into various parts of the body to carry out their function.

Q3. What were the postulates of cell theory given by Schleiden and Schwann.

Ans. The cell theory postulated that all living organisms are made up of cells.

 Cell is the basic functional & structural unit of the body.

 All living organisms are composed of one or more cells
 All cells arise from the division of pre-existing cells.

Q4. Differentiate between multi cellular and unicellular organisms.

Unicellular Organisms Multicellular Organisms

Unicellular organisms are composed of a single Multicellular organisms are composed of more than
cell one cell

A single cell carries out all necessary life

Multiple cells perform different functions

Includes both eukaryotes and prokaryotes Includes only eukaryotes

A lifespan of a unicellular organism is usually Multicellular organisms have a comparatively

short longer lifespan

Injury to the cell leads to the death of the Injury to a cell does not cause the death of the
organism multicellular organism

Bacteria, amoeba, paramecium, and yeast are Humans, animals, plants, birds and insects, are
examples of unicellular organisms examples of multicellular organisms

Division of labour is absent Division of labour is present

Work efficiency is comparatively low High

Q5. Differentiate between Protoplasm and Cytoplasm.

Ans. Protoplasm and cytoplasm - Protoplasm is the content of the cell including the cell membrane, cytoplasm and the cell
nucleus whereas cytoplasm is the jelly-like substance surrounding the nucleus within the cell membrane. The cytoplasm
contains the cell organelles like mitochondria, ribosomes etc.

Q6.What is the role of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell.

Ans. Chromosomes are thread-like structures present in the nucleus. They are important because they contain the basic
genetic material DNA( Deoxy ribo nucleic acid). These are present inside the nucleus of plants as well as animal cells.
Chromosomes help in transformation of charateristics from parent to offsprings.

Q7. Name these:

a) outermost covering of cell.
b) Control centre of a cell
c) Porous membrane that regulates the entry and exit of substances in cell

Ans. a) Plant cell – Cell wall

Animal cell – cell membrane

b) Nucleus

c) cell membrane

Q8. Write short notes on functions of the following:

a) nucleus
b) lysosomes
c) vacuole

a) Nucleus- Nucleus is the master of the cell. It commands all the functioning of the cell. It is generally located in the
center of the cell and is spherical in shape. A membrane called nuclear membrane separates it from cytoplasm. It
contains the genetic material DNA and RNA in it. This porous membrane allows the transfer of material in the
nucleus and cytoplasm. Nucleus contains a dense body called Nucleolus which actually contains chromosomes, the
genetic material.

b) cytoplasm- It is a fluid that fills the cell and occurs between the plasma membrane and the nucleus. Cell organelles
such as mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi bodies, etc. are suspended in the cytoplasm. The cytoplasm helps in the
exchange of materials between cell organelles.

c) cell membrane -The cell membrane is also known as the plasma membrane. It is the outermost covering of animal
cells. It is a semi-permeable ( permeable or permitting- allows only certain materials to pass through it) membrane
composed of lipids and proteins. The main functions of the cell membrane include:

* Protecting the integrity of the interior cell.

* Providing support and maintaining the shape of the cell.

* Helps in regulating cell growth through the balance of (endocytosis absorbing in the cell) and exocytosis (materials
exiting out of the cell).

* The cell membrane also plays an important role in cell signalling and communication.

* It acts as a selectively permeable membrane by allowing the entry of only selected substances into the cell.

d) vacuole - Vacuoles are membrane bound transparent organelle present in both animal and plant cell.

* They are small and many in animal cells whereas large and one in most of the plant cells.
* Vacuoles preserve the turgidity of the cell and also store waste material in them.

Lysosome- Is a membrane bound cell organelle that contains digestive enzymes. It breaks down excess or worn out
cell parts. They are also called the suicidal bags because they burst themselves against the cell boundary to carry out
their functions.

Q9 Distinguish between:
i) plant cell and animal cell. (Draw diagram also)

ii) Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic


Plant Cell Animal Cell

Large, with a distinct outline. Usually small, with a less distinct outline.

Cell wall is present. The cell membrane is Cell wall is absent.

surrounded by the cell wall.

Plastids are present. Plastids are absent.

A large vacuole is present in the centre. Vacuoles are absent; however, if present, they
are small.

Cytoplasm is not so dense. Cytoplasm is denser and more granular and

almost fills the entire cell.

Q 10. Explain why chloroplasts are found only in plant cell.

Ans. Chloroplast is specific to plant cell because plants are the autotrophs which can prepare their food by conversion
of light energy to chemical energy. It is the vital photosynthetic pigment in leaves as it involves the conversion of
light energy into chemical energy.

Q11. Define cell division. Show it with the help of diagram.

Ans. Cell division is a process in which cell divides to give rise to daughter cells. The cell grows in size and attains
maturity. The nucleus divides and thereafter the cell divides thus giving raise to daughter cells.

Q12. What would happen if a cell forgets to undergo cell division?

Ans. If the cell stops to divide it ceases/stops to reproduces and is unable to give raise to daughter cells. If this
process continues for such organisms. The species will soon perish from the face of this earth.

On the contrary, if the cell forgets to stop dividing it will create an unmanaged mass of numerous cells and thus give
rise to a tumour.

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