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(NPM 22.14201.91.34.P)

SUPERVISOR : Aden Hapradespa, S.Pd, M.Pd





Praise be to Allah SWT because for His blessings and mercy I was able to
complete a paper with the theme of "Global Warming" smoothly.

This paper is compiled from the results of searching and compiling data
related to global warming. I realize in this paper there are still many shortcomings
and are far from perfection. It is therefore expected constructive criticism and
suggestions from the reader that I can improve and further be able to structure
another makal a h well. Hopefully this paper can be useful for all of us in terms of
adding insight into Global warming.



A. Background
This paper on Global warming is prepared to fulfill the requirements for
achieving the value of the English course. Here the author tries to make
suggestions to reduce the impact of global warming which until now has
not found a solution to global warming and through this paper maybe it
can help readers a little to know about the topic of Global Warming. Since
humans in ancient times until today, humans have experienced
developments in every period of time that they pass. The values of human
life also experience changes, especially in human interaction with the
environment. Changes that occur produce positive and negative impacts on
one of the industrial sectors that are still continuing in the present, this will
eventually have a negative impact on the condition of the earth and result
in one of them being Global Warming.

B. Purpose
The purpose of this paper is to complete the tasks that have been given and
also as a condition for achieving grades in English courses. In addition,
this preparation is also for knowledge about Global Warming which is
currently being widely discussed in the mass media. Hope that this paper
is useful for those who are in need of a reference or just reading about
Global Warming.

2.1. Global Warming

Global Warming is an increase in the average temperature of the

atmosphere, sea and land of the earth caused by several things. However, the most
dominating are the greenhouse effect, feedback effect and solar variation. Global
warming has a negative effect that we can feel today, namely changes in weather
and extreme climate change. the main trigger is carbon emissions, due to the use
of non-renewable energy. For example fuel oil and coal.

2.2. Relationship between Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect

Reporting from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

concluded that "much of the increase in global average temperatures since the
mid-20th century is most likely due to increased concentrations of greenhouse
gases due to human activities through the greenhouse effect". Global average
temperatures on Earth's surface have risen 0.74 ± 0.18 °C (1.33 ± 0.32 °F) over
the past hundred years. The greenhouse effect itself is the effect produced by
greenhouse gases that hold sunlight to stay inside the earth and not experience
radiation into space. Because there are greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the
earth remains warm at temperatures (60°F/16°C) for animals, plants and humans
to survive. In the absence of greenhouse gases, the world's average temperature
could be (-18°C).

2.3. Causes of global warming

Greenhouse effect

The surface of the Earth, will absorb some of the heat and reflect back the
rest. Part of this heat takes the form of long-wave infrared radiation into
outer space. However, some of the heat remains trapped in the earth's
atmosphere due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases, including
water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and methane which trap
these radiation waves. These gases absorb and reflect back the wave
radiation emitted by the Earth and as a result the heat will be stored on the
surface of the Earth. This situation occurs continuously, resulting in the
earth's average annual temperature continuing to increase.

Understanding the working process of the greenhouse effect that has been
sovereign as the exact cause of global warming:

The earth is enveloped by a layer of air called the atmosphere. The

atmosphere itself consists of various gases with different functions.
Among them, there are gases that function to keep the earth's surface
temperature warm called "greenhouse gases". Part of the heat is in the
form of infrared radiation,

When solar radiation reaches the Earth's atmosphere, some of the heat will
be reflected again into space by the atmosphere in the form of infrared
rays. And some of it will be passed on to the surface of the earth. This
keeps the earth's surface warm.
When the radiation arrives on the earth's surface, part of it will be
absorbed and part of it will be reflected into the atmosphere again.
Because the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is
getting bigger, this layer resists radiation that will return to space. As a
result, this radiation will be retained on the surface of the earth. The more
radiation that is retained on the earth's surface, the greater the earth's

The greenhouse effect is like a double-edged knife. On the other

hand, it is beneficial because it protects the earth to be warm in the midst
of cold space. It is because of this warm temperature that we can live on
this planet earth. Without greenhouse gases, the earth would be too cold to
live in at night because nothing to keep the sun's heat on the earth's

But on the other hand, if the heat trapped by the earth's atmosphere
is too much, then at a certain threshold, it will damage the balance of
nature which leads to extreme natural phenomena.

2.4. Impact of Gobal Warming

a. Climate change/ increasingly extreme weather

The weather changes that occur in the form of changing rainfall

patterns. Badain and the emerging typhoons have a tendency to get stronger
and stronger. Since January 2011, a number of provinces in China have
experienced drought due to rare rain patterns. Officials in Shandong province
reported that the province was experiencing the worst drought in 50 years.
About 240 thousand people are experiencing a shortage of drinking water with
338 small reservoirs drying up and 1.84 million hectares of farmland affected.

Recent case studies conducted by researchers representing the World

Bank, the United Nations, the European Union, and the World Vision
Foundation, have identified several cities across Asia that are at risk of major
flooding in the future. Among them are Guangdong, Shanghai, Dhaka,
Bangladesh, Kolkata, Mumbai, Rangoon, Myanmar, Hanoi, Hai Pong, Au Lac
and Bangkok.

b. The heat wave is becoming more and more violent

In 2003, Southern Europe experienced a severe heatwave attack and

claimed the lives of at least 35 thousand people. France is the country with the
most casualties at 14,802. Other casualties were spread across the UK, Italy,
Portugal, Spayol etc.The year 2007 was a record for the highest temperature
reached in the Death Valley area of California which was recorded at 53°C. A
temperature of 48°C was also recorded in St. Georgia, Utah. Followed by Las
Vegas and Nevada reaching 47°C. The heat wave caused many deaths, killed
hundreds of fresh fish, damaged agricultural products, sparked devastating
wildfires, and killed farm animals.

c. Increase in cases of Disease Epidemics

The last few decades of allergy and asthma cases that have plagued
among Americans have naturally increased. Lifestyle and pollution are
considered triggers. Studies by scientists show that high levels of CO 2 and
recent temperatures are the triggers. The condition also makes the plant bloom
earlier and produce more pollen.

Bloody deman, malaria, chikungunya fever, yellow fever are some of

the diseases that arise due to mosquito intermediaries. Mosquitoes easily breed
at hot temperatures. Air pulusion can also result in the development of
diseases such as asthma and allergies, heart, chronic lungs,
coccidiodamycosis, etc. Cholera, Hepatitis A, Leptospirosis, fish and shellfish
poisoning are some of the diseases caused by vibrio and salmonella bacteria.
d. Certain animals and plants are threatened with extinction
Some types of animals are believed to be extinct due to global
warming. As a result of melting polar ice caps, the habitats of polar bears,
penguins, and some other polar animals are endangered. Researchers in
Indonesia have recorded at least the loss of various types of flaura and
fauna, especially in Indonesia, which has various types such as coral
bleaching covering an area of 30% or as much as 90-95% of dead corals in
the Thousand Islands due to rising seawater temperatures.
e. Habitats of living beings move to higher ground

Indonesia estimates that by 2070, around 800 thousand coastal homes

will have to be moved and as many as 2,000 of Indonesia's 18,000 islands will
sink due to rising seawater.

At a meeting organised by the UK's Tyndall Climate Change Research

Centre, researchers predicted global warming would leave one billion people
homeless by 2100, and three billion short of access to clean water.

2.5. Steps to combat global warming

a. Food and Beverage Field

1. Reduce meat consumption, vegetarianism is best. Based on research, to

produce 1 kg of meat, the resources spent are equivalent to 15 kg of grain.
Imagine how we can save the earth from food shortages if we are
vegetarians. Animal husbandry also contributes 18% of the world's
"carbon footprint", which is greater than the transportation sector (cars,
motorcycles, planes, etc.).

2. Eat and cook from fresh ingredients. Avoiding processed or packaged

food will reduce the energy wasted due to repeated processes and
transportation. Fresh food is also healthier for our body.
3. Buy local products, local agricultural products are very cheap and also
save energy a lot, especially if we calculate the energy and transportation
costs. Organic foods are more environmentally friendly, but also check
their origin. If imported from other regions, the probability of carbon
emissions produced will outweigh the benefits.

4. Recycling aluminum, plastic and paper. It would be even better if you

could use it over and over again. The energy to make one aluminum can is
equivalent to the energy to turn on the TV for 3 hours.

5. Buy in bulky packs. It will be much cheaper, it also saves resources for
packaging. If it's too much, invite your friends or relatives to share when
buying it.

6. Turn off your oven a few minutes prematurely. If it remains closed, then
the heat will not disappear.

7. Avoid fast food. Fast food is the largest producer of waste in the world.
In addition, the consumption of fast food is also bad for your health.

8. Bring a reusable bag. Bring your own shopping bags, thereby reducing
the number of plastic bags/crackles required. Recently, several large
shopping centers in Indonesia have begun to educate their customers to
use this kind of system.

9. Use washable glasses. Turn to our old ways. By using glass cups,
ceramics, or food grade plastic that we can wash and reuse.

10. Shop around your neighborhood. It will greatly save your

transportation and fuel costs.

11. Plant trees whenever there is a chance. It can be by donating seedlings,

funds, etc. or directly down to the object of planting trees. It depends on
your respective opportunities and abilities.

b. At Home
1. Lower the temperature of your air conditioner. Use the air conditioner
at the level until we feel comfortable enough and prevent leaks from your
air-conditioned room. Do not leave any gaps open if you are using your air
conditioner because it will make the air conditioner work harder to cool
your room.

2. Use a timer to avoid forgetting to turn off the air conditioner. Use a
timer according to your habits. Let's say your office hours are 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. Set your AC timer according to those office hours. That way
there are no more incidents of forgetting to turn off the air conditioner
until the next day.

3. Use a solar water heater. Although it is more expensive, in the long run
this will save your electricity bill. (Even today there are already street
lights with solar power).

4. Turn off unused lights and do not leave dripping water. In addition to
saving energy and clean water, it will save you a lot of your bills.

5. Use energy-saving lamps. Despite the more expensive, on average they

are 8 times stronger and save up to 80% more than ordinary incandescent

6. Maximize lighting from nature. Use light colors on the walls, use glass
tiles on the ceiling, maximize the lighting through the windows.

7. Avoid stand by positions on your electronics. Use a light plug that has
an on-off button. Or unplug the cable from its power source.

8. If your battery is fully charged, unplug it immediately! Mobile

phones, electric shavers, electric toothbrushes, cameras, and more. If it is
full immediately unplug it.

9. Reduce time in opening your fridge. For every minute you open the
refrigerator door. It will take 3 minutes of full energy to restore the
temperature of the refrigerator to the desired temperature.
10. Do not buy cut flowers. If your area is not a producer of decorative
flowers, then you can be sure that they are sent from other places. This
will result in a large "carbon footprint".

11. Cut food in smaller sizes. A smaller cut size will use less energy to cook

12. Use cold water to wash and wash in large quantities. If you have a
small family, there is no need to wash every day. Collect it until the
capacity of your washing machine is met, this will save water, reduce
electricity consumption and also reduce pollution due to your detergent.

13. Use environmentally friendly detergents and cleaners. At this time, it

may indeed cost more. But if you can, do it for the future of our children
and grandchildren.

14. Reuse your home furnishings. If you are already tired of your furniture,
you can do a sale in the garage of the house, give it to someone else. Or
take it to the crafter to modify it to your liking.

15. Donate toys that are no longer appropriate for your child's age. This
will reduce the production of toys that will only continue to consume our
earth's resources. If using deodorant or other spray products, do not
use aerosols. The choice of spray with glass bottle packaging will be
better. Aerosols are also a big contributor in air pollution.

2.6 The fact of Global Warming

 Polar Ice Melting Manhattan city-sized ice melted into the Arctic ocean in
2006. The ice-covered surface of the Earth in Canada now lives only 90%
of what it was 100 years ago. (Reuters, 2006)
 Heat Waves (Solar Storms) Are More Deadly In 2003, an extraordinary
heat wave resulted in more than 35,000 deaths in Europe, with 15,000
deaths occurring in France. (, 2003)
 Increasingly Extreme Weather The largest natural disaster in American
history; Hurricane Katrina killed more than 1,700 people and destroyed
more than 200,000 homes. (Wikipedia, 2006)
 Sea Level Height Is Increasing The increase in sea level has submerged
uninhabited (and partly inhabited) islands on part of the Earth's surface.
For example, Lohachara has claimed 10,000 lives. (The Independent,
 Russia - For the first time Moscow's temperature reached 37.8 degrees
Celsius. The heat creates forest fires and drains peatlands, enveloping
Russia with toxic haze. Deaths rise to 700 per day. In 2007, an IPCC
report predicted drought disasters in Russia to increase twice and looked at
the possibility of fires over the years. Russia is also said to be losing
agricultural products.
 Pakistan - Continuous heavy rains for 36 hours made the Indus river in
Pakistan overflow. An estimated 14 million Pakistanis have been affected
by the floods. The Pakistani government called it the worst disaster in the
nation's history. In 2007, an IPPC report declared 40 years of heavier rains
in the north of Pakistan and predicted devastating flooding would hit this
southern part of Asia.
 China - The world's largest populated country experienced the worst
flooding in a decade, especially in the northwestern province of Gansu.
Floods and landslides killed 1,117 people and left 600 people missing. In
2007, an IPPC report stated that rain increased in northwestern China by
33 percent compared to 1961. Flooding across the country increased seven
times compared to 1950. And floods will occur frequently in this century.
 Arctic - A 260-square-kilometer chunk of ice has floated northwest of
Greenland. This chunk of ice is the largest recorded in history separating
from the Arctic.

This melting ice is causing surface rise around the world, as a result of the
expansion of hot weather into the polar regions. Sea level rise is 3.4
millimeters per decade, double the figure in the 20th century. (Associated
Press umi)



3.1 Conclusion

The negative impacts of global warming are indeed numerous.

Whether it is directly or indirectly in humans. Indirectly, namely by
damaging the environment which will interfere with the fulfillment of
human needs. Directly, it is with temperatures that feel hotter and hotter
which interferes with human health. Global warming cannot be prevented,
but it can still be slowedt. Start with the development of environmentally
sound technology and implement recycling principles, reuse items that are
still usable, and reduce the unnecessary use of natural resources.

Global warming has become a major issue for humanity. This

phenomenon is nothing but the result of man's own actions and the impact
suffered by that human being as well. To overcome global warming
requires a very hard effort because it is almost impossible to complete at
this time. Global warming is difficult to overcome, but we can reduce its

3.2. Advice

This life originated from earth life long before living things
existed. Therefore, to maintain and preserve the earth, there must be
several decades that we must achieve so that the earth remains in good
condition and always provides nature for us. Let us work together to save
the earth that has given us life. Stop Global Warming!


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