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EX. NO: 01 1.Listening to speeches by great speakers/TV News


Yes, we can!

My fellow Americans, it has been the honor of my life to serve you. I won’t stop. In fact,
I will be right there with you, as a citizen, for all my remaining days. But for now, whether you
are young or whether young heart, I do have one final ask of you as your President, the same
thing I asked when you took a chance on me eight years ago. I am asking you to believe. Not
in my ability to bring about change, but in yours. I am asking you to hold fast to that faith
written into our founding documents, that idea whispered by slaves and abolitionists tat sprit
sung by immigrants and homesteaders and those who marched for justice, that creed
reaffirmed by those who planted flags from foreign battlefields to the surface of the moon, a
creed at the core of every American whose story is not yet written. Yes, we can. Yes we did,
we did. Yes we can. Thank you. God bless you. May continue to bless the unites States of
America. Thank you.
Notes: ______________________________________________________________________________
















EX. NO: 02 2. Listening to Short stories

Once there were two good friends named Ron and John, who decided top travel and see
the world together. One day they decide to go to the forest. The forest was so dense that they knew anything
dangerous could happen to them at any time. So they promised each other that they would remain untied in
any case of danger, Suddenly, they heard a loud growling sound and they saw a large bear approaching
them. They got very scared. Ron quickly ran at once and climbed nearby tree, leaving John behind. John id
not knows how to climb the tree. He asked Ron Could you help me climb the tree? The bear will eat me up.
Help me, please! But Ron said. I can not come down. The bear is approaching and there no place up there.
Go and find a place for your self o hide. Ron did not help the John. But John was smart boy. In school he had
heard a teacher saying that the bear doesn’t eat creatures. Now led by his common sense, he laid down flat
the on the ground breathless, pretending to be dead man. The bear came near man lying on the ground. It
smelt in his ears and slowly left the place. Because the bears do not touch dead creatures. After the bear
went away the friend on the tree came down and asked his friend John, What did the bear whisper into your
ear? The bear advised me not to believe a false friend. Who leaves you in time of danger said John.


1. Who were the two friends who decided to go the forest?

2. What did the friends promise each other?

3. Who let down the other when a wild and dangerous bear was seen fast approaching them?

4. Finf out and write down the opposite word for ‘dead’ from the following:

a. alight b. aside c. alive d. abide

5. What is the moral of the story?












EX. NO: 03 3. Listen to Indian/ British/ American English Audio


a) According to the Mother Nature Net work, there can be a whole host of reasons;
we may see a purple sky. Sarah Keith-Lucas from BBC weather explained-dust, pollution,
water droplets and cloud formations can influence the colours of the sky. In addition to these
influences, wavelengths play large parts in the colours we see in the sky. Occasionally, pink
and purple will appear partially due to the optical illusion of the pink wavelengths lighting up
the base of the cloud, and these pink clouds superimposed on a dark blue sky. The
combination of pink and dark blue can make the sky appear a deep purple.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

According to the Mother ___________ Net work, there can be a whole host of
reasons; we may see a purple sky. Sarah Keith-Lucas from BBC weather explained-dust,
pollution, water droplets and cloud formations can influence the __________of the sky. In
addition to these influences, wavelengths __________ large parts in the colours we see in the
_________. Occasionally, pink and purple will appear partially due to the optical
__________of the pink wavelengths lighting up the base of the cloud, and these pink clouds
superimposed on a dark blue sky. The combination of pink and dark blue can make the sky
appear a deep purple.

b) Simple bandages are easy to use. The cover and protect wounds, giving them
to heal. Now, scientist says they are developing new kinds of bandages. They have begun
adding small sensors to bandages, making them more sensitive. This is the technology used
in popular wearable devices, such as smart watches and fitness trackers. Scientists are also
making new materials, called hydro gels.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

Simple bandages are easy to _________. The cover and protect _________,
giving them to heal. Now, scientist says they are developing new kinds of bandages. They
have begun adding small ____________ to bandages, making them more sensitive. This is
the technology used in popular ___________ devices, such as smart watches and fitness
trackers. Scientists are also making new ___________, called hydro gels.

EX. NO: 04 4. Reading Tongue twisters /Modulators/Conditioners


a) A really leery Larry rolls readily to the road.

b) I scream you scream, we all scream for ice cream.

c) We should fight for our rights as fight is might.

d) Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

e) I saw a kitten eating chicken in the kitchen.

f) I f a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he choose?

g) I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you.

h) I wish to wash my Irish wristwatch.

i) I saw a saw to saw a tree.

j) I never saw a saw as this saw saws.

k) Lucky rabbits like to cause a ruckus

l) I looked right at Larry’s rally and left in a hurry.

m) Round and round the rugged rocks the ragged rascal ran.

n) Lesser leather never weathered wetter weather better.

o) She sells seashells on the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells.
EX. NO: 05 5. Reading English News Papers


a) Read the given news paper passage with proper intonation.

b) Read the given news paper passage with proper intonation.

EX. NO: 06 6. Frequently Mispronounced words


a) Pizza

b) Often

c) Dengue

d) Asthma

e) Coupon

f) Debris

g) Pronunciation

h) Breakfast

i) Bury

j) Data

k) Picture

l) Monk

m) Knight

n) Knock

o) Determine

EX. NO: 07 7.Making polite expressions

1. Greetings:

a) How will you greet your friend during their achievements in sports/ exams?

b) How will you greet somebody before taking up new initiatives/interviews/exams?

2. Request:

a) Make a request to your teacher for a book.

b) How will request your manager for a leave?

3. Thanking

a) Thanking your neighbour for his/her timely help.

b) How will you thank for your teacher help?

4. Apologizing:

a) How will you politely apologize for coming late to the meeting?

b) How will you apologize for your mistake?

EX. NO: 08 8 .Introducing oneself/ others


a). Introduce yourself as a candidate appearing for an interview.














b) Introducing a student –friend.














EX. NO: 09 9.Reciting quotes of Great Leaders/ Scholars/ Scientist


a) Dream is not that you see in sleep, dream is that does not allow you to sleep.

- A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

b) Learning gives creativity, creativity leads to thinking. Thinking provides knowledge.

- A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

c) To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.

-A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

d) Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs. – Henry Ford

e) What we know is a drop. What we don`t know is an ocean. –Sir Issac Newton

f) To every action there is always an equal and opposite or contrary reaction.

- Sir Issac Newton

g) Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education. – Martin Luther King.

h) Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

- Mahatma Gandhi

i) Be the change that you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

j) A man is but a product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes. - Mahatma Gandhi

k) If man neglects education, he walks lame to the end of his life. -Plato

l) I have not failed. I`ve just found thousand ways that won`t work. – Thomas Alva Edison

m) Arise! Awake! And stop not till the goal is reached. – Swami Vivekananda

n) Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.

– Winston Churchill

o) Failure comes only when we forget our ideals and objectives and principles.

– Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

EX. NO: 10 10.Face to Face conversation


a) Conversation between a Teacher and students.

The Teacher:

The Student:

The Teacher:

The Student:

The Teacher:

The Students:

The Teacher:

The Students:

b) Conversation between a Tourist Guide and Tourist.

The Guide:

The Tourists:

The Guide:

The Tourists:

The Guide:

The Tourists:

The Guide:

EX. NO: 11 11. Use of Thought Fillers

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable thought fillers given in the brackets.

1. (How can I say this, Somehow, Really, May be, Basically)

a) _____________________ I must find out the most appropriate words to explain.

b) _____________________ I managed the situation.

c) ______________________they are too weak to stand in the queue.

d) ______________________ he is an engineer.

e) ______________________ it is very interesting.

2. (Fantastic, I am sorry, Bad time, Good Heavens! Very well)

a) _____________________ I can not go there now.

b) _____________________ you have done great job.

c) ______________________ I forgot bring my Hall ticket.

d) ______________________ you found a very good solution to this complicated problem.

e) It is our ________________ that we lost the match.

3. (So, Almost Sort of, Just, Apparently)

a) __________________ his carelessness was the main reason for his failures.

b) ____________ wait till the next day.

c) We both like the same _____________ music.

d) _______, you mean to say that is your reward for them.

e) ________________ every reservoir in the State is full.

4. (Let’s see, Slightly, Actually, In fact, just a moment)

a) _____________, I don’t have a clear-cut solution for this problem.

b) ______________ When we face the situation

c) _______________ you have to modify your plan.

d) __________________ let me get ready and join you.

e) _______________ this is nothing but a blueprint of our proposed action plan.

EX. NO: 12 12. Completing an Incomplete story


1. Complete the following story by adding five more sentences and give a suitable title
to it.

There was brave king. But he was immodest. He used to derive pleasure in insulting
others. No one dared to resist or oppose him. There was jester in his court. He was a
resourceful person. One day he jocularly invited the king to play some game. The King as
usual boastfully accepted his challenge. The jester said that the winner will get a suitable

(Complete the story) Answer:




















EX NO: 13 13. Non verbal Communication


I. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of non verbal communication?

2. What does good eye contact mean?

3. What are the various types non-verbal communication?

4. What is the definition of non-verbal communication?

5. How verbal and non-verbal communication can influence the people?

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