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Please find the discussion topics and pointers which will help you refresh and recall

what we discussed in last 4 sessions.

1) How organizations shape our lives? (From “hospital (birth) to Morgue (death)”
2) How organizations create value? Example, Narayan Hryudalaya
3) Paradigm Shift (From single “P” to triple “P”) Example, BP: From British Petroleum
to Beyond Petroleum.
4) How industries are gearing up to VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and
Ambiguity) & BANI?
5) Examples: Netflix destroying entire Video Rental industry; Facebook’s acquisition of
Whattsapp, Instagram & Oculus.
6) Dimensions of Organizational design: Contextual factors & Structural Factors.
7) Why do we need Organizational Structure? Example, BP Deep water horizon
8) Henry Mintzberg’s 5 organizational elements.
9) Simple Structure , Example of Startups
10) Functional Structure, Example, Blue bell creameries.
11) Why to move from Functional to Vertical? Example, Microsoft vs Apple (Article
“Microsoft’s Lost Decade”, Vanity Fair)
12) Divisional Structure: Product (J& J) & Geographical (Nike & Walmart)
13) Matrix Structure: Example, ABB
14) The need to create Alphabet (Google story)
15) Horizontal Structure: The need for speed (not efficiency and control) of response
towards environmental uncertainty. Example, Insurance companies
16) Mixed Structure (The best of multiple structures). In reality most companies have
mixed structures which help them benefit from the advantages of multiple
organizational forms.
17) Task Environmental factors. Example, Diwali without a bang (SC playing spoil sport)
18) PESTEL Analysis.
19) Technological Obsolescence. Example, Netflix, Microsoft’s Encarta.
20) Socio-cultural Factors. Example, Nike’s Performance enhancing hijab for Middle
East; Aloo-tikki burger for Indian palate.
21) Environmental Uncertainty Model: Simple-Complex (No. of factors) ; Stable-
Unstable (Pace of change)
22) How Organizational Strategy determines organizational structure
23) GAP & SWOT Analysis
24) Competitive Opening & Positioning. Examples, Mimeo, WOW momo, Robinson
25) Miles & Snow Typology with examples

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