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When / While 用法

 “when” 在某個時期發生的事情:
 I enjoy shopping when I am on vacation.
 When I was in high school, I used to do exercise every week.

 “when” 兩個單一行為有先後順序、時間差 or 兩個瞬間的動作:

 I met my friends when I arrived at the airport.
 I saw him when I took off my sunglasses.
 When the phone rang, I picked it up.

 “while / when” 都能使用;同一背景時空且持續進行:

 The power went out while/when I was taking a shower.
 While/when my mom was playing the piano, someone ran the doorbell.

 “while” 兩件事情同時發生、有持續動作:
 I am watching movies while my husband is working.
 I was doing homework while my sister is sleeping.

 “While = Although” ;放句首;雖然、儘管

 While/Although she hasn’t lived in America for years, she still speaks English
 While/Although he was stick, he still work hard.

 “While = but” ;放句中;而、但

 Mary drives an expensive car, while her sister only has a second-hand bike.

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