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keysol Requirments

Step 1: Prepare the Profile , and generate at least 2000$ over the time of 3 months time
frame ,

Building the Bark profile and converting clients, to meet ROI matrics month on month

Step2: Once the profile is top rated and ina good position then generating 2000 - 3000$ per
month for next 3 months

then 5000 - 6000$ for the uper next months

Business Profiles needed


Resources Needed
Laptop (any good Machine )
100 - 200 $ connects Spending on Upwork

200 $ credits on Bark

Skype Number with Bundle
Static IP of the location from Surf Shark .
official Email Account

Why this project

Building the Business Online is More then just naming it , its a brand its the identity of
yourself that People believe its the trust for the idea not the services .

keysol Requirments 1
Building brand instead will save You from crisis and disasters .
Go Slow is better then Going nowhere , never repeat the same ness Mistakes that most of the
Business Do by relying on only one factor .

How will you do it

By building best out of the Stretigies to Achieve the Goals and utilizing my Experience to Tackle
all the Problems in Engineering , Product Development, testing , project management, Business
generation and Business Growth

Thanks and Regards

Muhammad adil raza

keysol Requirments 2

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