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11th December, 2022

Problem 1. Do there exist 2011 positive integers a1 < a2 < . . . < a2011 such that gcd(ai , aj ) = aj − ai
for any i, j such that 1 ≤ i < j ≤ 2011?

Problem 2. Sabbir noticed one day that everyone in the city of BdMO has a distinct word of length 10,
where each letter is either A or B. Sabbir saw that two citizens are friends if one of their words can be
altered a few times using a special rule and transformed into the other ones word. The rule is, if somewhere
in the word ABB is located consecutively, then these letters can be changed to BBA or if BBA is located
somewhere in the word consecutively, then these letters can be changed to ABB (if wanted, the word can
be kept as it is, without making this change.) For example AABBA can be transformed into AAABB
(the opposite is also possible.) Now Sabbir made a team of N citizens where no one is friends with anyone.
What is the highest value of N.

Problem 3. Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral with AB < CD. The diagonals intersect at the point F
and lines AD and BC intersect at the point E. Let K and L be the orthogonal projections of F onto lines
AD and BC respectively, and let M , S and T be the midpoints of EF , CF and DF respectively. Prove
that the second intersection point of the circumcircles of triangles M KT and M LS lies on the segment

Problem 4. Let a, b and c be positive real numbers with abc = 1. Determine the minimum possible value
a b c ab bc ca
+ + · + +
b c a a+b b+c c+a
as well as all triples (a, b, c) which attain the minimum.

Problem 5. Let m > 1 be a natural number and N = m2017 + 1. On a blackboard, left to right, are
written the following numbers:

N, N − m, N − 2m, . . . , 2m + 1, m + 1, 1.

On each move, we erase the most left number, written on the board, and all its divisors (if any). This
procces continues till all numbers are deleted. Which numbers will be deleted on the last move.

Problem 6.Find all polynomials P (x) with integer coefficients such that P (P (n) + n) is a prime number
for infinitely many integers n.

Language: English Each problem is worth 17 points

4 hours only

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