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Module 1: Learning Activity 1

Think back on your previous experiences (e.g. media, personal encounters) and
learnings (e.g. previous subjects) related to ethics and health. Based on these, give
three (3) possible examples of specific ethical questions raised by advances or issues in

1. Doctor and Patient Confidentiality - For instance, it might be unethical to

withhold information concerning a patient's condition if doing so could endanger
the patient or another person. The contrary might also be detrimental. A
healthcare professional who posts information regarding cases on social media
risk suspension or, in certain situations, termination. HIPPA regulations forbid the
disclosure of any health information on social media platforms, regardless of how
inadvertent a practice like that may be, on the grounds that a patient immediately
loses their privacy.

2. Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders - In certain circumstances, experts can manage

dire circumstances involving life or death by asking themselves whether the
degree of pain is worth the advantages. The DNR can only be used after a doctor
has spoken with the patient and contains no instructions for any more treatments.

3. Malpractice and Negligence - Occasionally, symptoms of diseases might

manifest in peculiar ways that make little sense until a doctor is specifically
searching for them. When medical professionals dispute on procedures or tests
required to deliver accurate therapy, boundaries can become hazy.

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