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Zachary Scot D.

Learning Enhancement 1

Write a reflection in no more than 500 words, about a time when you were not sure what the
right thing to do was, and sum up the problem with a question. How were you able to resolve
the issue?


There are conversations everywhere—at work, in classes, at church, in stores, on dates,

and even in the gym. People frequently forget how challenging and stressful talks may be if they
are taking place in a language different than their own because they are such an ordinary part of
daily life. Me myself, have a hard time conversing to other people because of anxiety and this
makes my problem more challenging for me. So, how did I resolve this issue to myself?

One solution for me to develop more conversational confidence is to learn about the
society. I can be ready for talks since I know what people are often talking about and can even
seek up the vocabulary terms they need thanks to the Internet, which makes it quite simple to
find out what everyone else in the community is discussing. Paying attention to talks is another
method to boost your self-assurance. I can honestly say that this listening exercise helped me
get over my hesitation to participate in conversations.

I have a lot of options to address the issue of avoiding discussions, to sum up. I will be
able to communicate better and contribute to the development of deeper relationships with
others if I choose to work through one of these solutions. It is preferable to overcome the fear
via preparation rather than to restrict self-expression because talks are an inevitable aspect of
daily life and cannot be completely ignored. I will feel confident to be better conversational
partners whether I'm speaking to a boss, a classmate, a roommate, or a potential date.

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