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Criminal Sociology
Criminal sociology - investigates the social causes of criminal behavior in an effort to ultimately end
them.Criminal sociologist identify the sources outside of a person in society that influence and even as some
theorists believe,compel criminal action.

Criminology Theories

1. Strain Theory - people has aspirations like wealth and education.

     There goals are blocked along the way. They resort to illegal
     activities what they  can not achieved through legitimate means.
     People may reduce their aspirations or increase   opportunities.
2. Learning Theories - follow the lead of Sutherland's  theory of
     differential association. Criminals learn from their peers.

3. Control Theories - focuses on the relationship of  a person to

     their parents, teachers, officers of the law and other agents of
     socialization. Effective    bonding with such authority figure help
     keep people out of trouble from the law.
4. Labelling Theory - People who are branded as criminals will
     eventually criminal.

5. Conflict Theory - society is based on conflict  between competing

     interests group.

6. Radical Theory - crime is seen as a reflection of   class struggle.

7. Left Realism - people of the working class prey  upon one

    another.Poor people victimize other  poor people of their
    own race and kind.
8. Peacemaking Theory - making "war on crime"  will not work.
    Making peace is the solution to crime.

9. Feminism - crime can not be understood without  considering

    gender. Crime is shaped by the different social experiences and
    power is exercise   by men and women. Men may use crime to
    exert control over women and to demonstrate  masculinity.

10.Critical Theory - Inequality in power and material  well being

     create conditions that lead to street crime and corporate crime.
     Capitalism and its   market economy are especially criminogenic
     because they create vast inequalities that    impoverishes many
     and provides opportunities for exploitation for the powerful.
11.Social Disorganization - disorganized communities   cause crime
     because informal social controls breakdown and criminal cultures
     emerge. They  lack collective efficacy to fight crime and disorder.

12. Classical - crime occurs when the benefits      outweigh the

      costs,when people pursue self  interest in the absence
      of effective punishments.  Crime is a free willed choice.
13. Positivist - Crime is caused or determined.Placed more
     emphasis on biological deficiencies, while  later scholars would
     emphasize psychological and    sociological factors.Use science to
     determine the factors associated with crime.

14. Individual Trait - criminals differ from non criminals   on a number

      of biological and sociological traits.These traits cause crime in
      interaction with the   social environment.
15. Differential Association - crime is learned through associations
      with criminal definitions.These  definitions might be generally
      approving of   criminal conduct or be neutralization that justify
      crime only under certain circumstances.Interacting  with anti
      social peers is a major cause of crime.Criminal behavior will be
      repeated and become  chronic if reinforced.When criminal
      subculture exist then many individuals can learn to commit crime
      in  one location and crime rates, including violence  may become
      very high.
16. Anomie - the gap between a persons goal or   economic success
      and the opportunity to obtain this goal creates structural
      strain.Norms weakens   and anomie ensues,thus creating high
      crime rates.When other social institutions such as family are
      weak to begin with or also weakened by a persons goal, the
      economic institution is dominant.When   such an institutional
      imbalance exists,then crime rates are very high.
17. Rational Choice - Building on classical theory,crime  is seen as a
      choice that is influenced by its costs and benefits,that is, by its
      rationality.Crime will be  more likely to be deterred if its costs are
      raised especially if the costs are certain and immediate.
      Information about the costs and benefits of crime  can be
      obtained by direct experiences with  punishment and punishment
      avoidance and  indirectly by observing whether others who
      offend are punished or avoid punishment.
18. Routine Activities - crime occurs when their is an  intersection
     in time and space of a motivated offender,an attractive target,
     and a lack of capable  guardianship.Peoples daily routine activities
     affect the likelihood they will be an attractive target who 
     encounters an offender in a situation where no effective
     guardianship is present.Change in   activities in society can affect
     crime rates.
19. Developmental Life Course - crime causation is a  
      developmental process that starts before birth  and continues
      throughout the life course.  Individual factors interact with social
      factors to  determine the onset,length, and end of criminal 
      careers.The key theoretical issues involve
      continuity and change in crime.Some theories  predict continuity
      across the life course,others predict continuity for some
      offenders and change  for other offenders, and some predict
      continuity and change for the same offender.

20. Integrated - these theories use components from  other

      theories,usually strain,control, and social learning to create a
      new theory that explains   crime.They are often are life course
      theories,arguing that causes of crime occur in a sequence  
      across time.

Introduction to Criminology

Criminology - the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior and law enforcement.

3 Main School of Thought

1. Classical school

2. Positivist school

3. Chicago school

Classical school - based on utilitarian philosophy developed in the 18th century. This school of thoughts argues:

1. That people have free will to choose how to act.

2. Deterrence is based upon the notion of the human being as a hedonist who seeks pleasure and avoid pain and a
rational calculator weighing up the cost and benefits of the consequences of each action.

3. Punishment of sufficient severity can deter people from crime as the cost (penalties) outweigh benefits and that the
severity of punishment should be proportionate to the crime.

4. The more swift and certain the punishment, the more effective it is in deterring criminal behavior.

Prominent Philosophers of Classical school

1. Cesare Becarria - author of crimes and punishment.

2. Jeremy Bentham - inventor of the panopticon - type of institutional building designed to allow an observer to
observe inmates of an institution without them being able to tell whether or not they are being watched.

Positivist school - presumes that criminal behavior is caused by internal and  external factors outside of the individuals

Positivism can be  broken in 3 segments which include:

                 1. Biological
                 2. Psychological
                 3. Social - - one of the largest contributors  
                     to biological positivism and founder of      
                     the Italian school of criminology is Cesare

Italian School

 Cesare Lombroso - an Italian doctor and sometimes regarded as the father of criminology. Considered also as the
founder of criminal anthropology. He suggested that physiological traits such as the measurement of the check
bones or hairline or a cleft palate, considered to be throwbacks to neanderthal man, were indicative of "atavistic
criminal tendencies". This approach has been superseded by the beliefs of Enrico Ferri.

 Enrico Ferri - a student of Lombroso, believe that social as well as biological factors played a role and held the view
that criminals should not be held responsible when factors causing their criminality were beyond their control.

 Sociological positivism - suggest that societal factors such as poverty, membership of subcultures or low levels of
education can predispose people to crime.

1. Adolphe Quetelet - made use of data and statistical analysis to gain insight into relationship between crime and
sociological factors. He found that age, gender, poverty, education and alcohol consumption were important factors
related to crime.

2. Rawson W. Rawson - utilized crime statistics to suggest a link between population density and crime rates with
crowded cities creating an environment conducive for crime.

3. Joseph Fletcher and John Glyde - also presented papers to the statistical society of London on their studies of crime
and its distribution.

4. Henry Mayhew - used empirical methods and an ethnographic approach to address social questions and poverty.

5. Emile Durkheim - viewed crime as an inevitable aspect of society with uneven distribution of wealth and other
differences among people.

Chicago school - arose in the early 20th century, through the work of Robert Park, Ernest Burgess and other urban
sociologist at the university of Chicago. Park and Burgess identified five concentric zones that often exist as cities grow,
including the zone in transition which was identified as most volatile and subject to disorder.

 Edwin Sutherland - suggested that people learn criminal behavior from older, more experienced criminals that they
may associate with. (differential association).

2 Main difference between the classical and positivist schools of criminology

Classical school                           Positivist school

1.Free will                                   1. Determinism

2. Philosophy                              2. Scientific methods

De minimis - is an addition to a general harm principle.The general harm principle fails to consider the possibility of
other sanctions to prevent harm, and the effectiveness of criminalization as a chosen option.

Thanatos - a death wish.

Tagging - like labeling, the process whereby an individual is negatively defined by agencies of justice.

Criminology Consists of 3 Principal Divisions

1. Sociology of Law - which is an attempt at scientific
    analysis of the conditions under which criminal law
    influences society.
2. Criminal Etiology - which is an attempt at scientific
    analysis of the study of causes or reasons for
3. Penology - concerned with control crime by
    repressing criminal activities through the fear of

Crime - is a wrong doing classified by the state as a felony or misdemeanor.

Felony - is a serious crime punishable by at least one year in prison.

Misdemeanor - is a crime for which the punishment is usually a fine and/or up to one year in jail.

*Crimes are defined and punished by statutes and by

  the common law.

Etiology - study of causes and reasons for crime.

Atavism - the view that crime is due to a genetic throwback to a more primitive and aggressive form of
human being.

Elements Necessary For A Crime To Occur

1. Desire or motivation on the part of the criminal.
2. The skills and tools needed to commit the crime.
3. Opportunity.

Spree killer - is someone who embarks on a murderous assault on 2 or more victims in a short time in
multiple locations.

Spree killing - killings at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders.

Spree murder - two or more murders committed by an offender/offenders without a cooling off period.

Serial murder - two or more murders committed by an offender/offenders  with a cooling off period.

Mass murderer - are defined by one incident with no distinctive time period between the murders.

Thrill killing - a premeditated murder committed by a person who is not necessarily suffering from
mental instability and does not derive sexual satisfaction from killing victims or have anything against
them and sometimes do not know them but instead motivated by the sheer excitement of the act.

Victimology -studies the nature and cause of victimization.

Psychology - the scientific study of the human mind and its functions.

Psychiatry - the branch of medicine dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.

Ecology - the environment as it relates to living organisms.

Demography - the branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations.

Epidemiology - the branch of medical science dealing with the transmission and control of disease.

Anthropology - the social science that studies the origins and social relationships of humans.

Impulse - a sudden strong urge or desire to act.

Kleptomania - is an irresistible impulse to steal in the absence of economic motive.

Prototype - is a standard or typical example.

Pathological - is caused by or evidencing a mentally disturbed condition.

Introduction To Criminology Reviewer 1

1. The field of criminology is a multi-disciplinary science. One of its

    aspect is the study of crime focused on the group of people and
    society which is known today as:
       A. Criminal Psychology
       B. Criminal Sociology
       C. Criminal Psychiatry
       D. Criminal Etiology

2. Macho means
       A. assertive
       B. angry
       C. heroic
       D. stubborn

3. Bilious means
       A. wealthy
       B. puffed out
       C. bad tempered
       D. irritable

4. Hypothetical means
       A. Temporary
       B. Exaggerated
       C. Provable
       D. Assumed

5. The theory in which reformation is based upon, on the ground

    that the criminal is a sick person.
       A. Positivist Theory
       B. Classical Theory
       C. Neo Classical School
       D. Sociological Theory

6. It is defined as a crime where a person of respectability and

    high social status in the course of his or her occupation commits
    the criminal act.
       A. Labor Crimes
       B. Organized Crimes
       C. High Collar crimes
       D. White collar crime

7. The strict code of conduct that governs the behavior of the Mafia
     members is called ___.
       A. Omerta
       B. Triad
       C. Silencer
       D. Mafioso

8. The groups of crimes categorized as violent crimes (Index crimes)

    and property crimes (Non Index crimes) are called ___.
       A. Conventional crimes
       B. Non-conventional Crimes
       C. Felony
       D. Offense

9.  What is the literal meaning of the term Cosa Nostra?

       A. This thing of ours
       B. Omerta
       C. Two Things
       D. 5th estate

10. The criminal activity by an enduring structure or organization

     developed and devoted primarily to the pursuit of profits through
     illegal means commonly known as ___.
       A. Organized crime
       B. Professional Organization
       C. White collar crime
       D. Blue collar crime

11. One of the following represents the earliest codification of the

     Roman law, which was incorporated into the Justinian Code.
       A. 12 Tables
       B. Burgundian Code
       C. Hammurabic Code
       D. Code of Draco

12. The generic term that includes all government agencies,

      facilities,programs, procedures, personnel, and techniques

concerned with the investigation, intake, custody, confinement,

      supervision, or treatment of alleged offenders refers to:
       A. Correction
       B. Penology
       C. Criminal Justice
       D. the base pillar

13. The Italian leader of the positivist school of criminology, who was
     criticized for his methodology and his attention to the biological
     characteristics of offenders, was:
       A. C Lombroso
       B. C Beccaria
       C. C Darwin
       D. C Goring

14.The theory in criminology, which maintains that a person commits

     crime or behaves criminally mainly because he or she is being
     possessed by evil spirits or something of natural force that
     his/her behavior is called:
       A. Devine Will Theory
       B. Demonological Theory
       C. Classical Theory
       D. All of these

15. Criminology changes as social condition changes. This means

     the progress of criminology is concordant with the advancement
     of other sciences that has been applied to it. This means that
     criminology is _____.
       A. Dynamic
       B. Excellent
       C. Progressive
       D. None of these

16. In as much as crime is a societal creation and that it exist in a

     society, its study must be considered a part of social science.
     This means that criminology is __.
       A. Applied science
       B. Social Science
       C. Natural Science
       D. All of these

17. The term white- collar crime was coined by

       A. E. Sutherland
       B. R. Quinney
       C. E. Durkheim
       D. C. Darwin

18. What is means of "R" in the criminal formula?

       A. Total Situation
       B. Criminal Tendency
       C. Temperament
       D. none of these

19. His key ideas are concentrated on the principle of "Survival

     of the Fittest" as a behavioral science. He advocated the
     "Somatotyping Theory".
       A. W Sheldon
       B. R Merton
       C. E Sutherland
       D. Ivan Nye

20. When someone is tagged as criminal, he or she may reject it or

      accept it and go on to commit crime.
       A. Rational Choice Theory
       B. Control Theories
       C. Labelling Theory
       D. Social Disorganization Theory

Answers: Introduction to Criminology

1.   B
2.   C
3.   D
4.   D
5.   A
6.   D
7.   A
8.   A
9.   A
10. A
11. A
12. A
13. A
14. B
15. A
16. D
17. A
18. D
19. A
20. C

Introduction To Criminology - Definition Of Terms

Alienist – This term is applied to a specialist in the study of mental disorders.

Anthropology – Science devoted to the study of mankind and its development in relation to its physical, mental, and
cultural history.

Auto-phobia – (monophobia) A morbid fear of one's self or of being alone.

Behavior Systems In Crime – Progress in the explanation of disease is being made personally by the studies of specific
diseases. Similarly it is desirable to concentrate research work in criminology on specific crimes and on specific sociological
units within the broad area of crime and within the legal definition of specific types of crime such as kidnapping and

Biometry – A measuring or calculating of the probable duration of human life; The attempt to correlate the frequency of
crime between parents and children of brothers or sisters.

Bio-social Behavior – A persons biological heritage plus his environment and social heritage influence his social activity. It is
through the reciprocal actions of his biological and social heritages that a persons personality is developed.

Broader Social Group -

1. School

2. The Church

3. The Police

4. The Government

5. The Prosecution

6. The Court

7. Correctional Institutions

Broken Home – The modification of home conditions by death, divorce or desertion has generally been believed to be an
important reason for delinquency of the children.

Cesare Beccaria – In his book “An Essay Of Crimes And Punishment” London 1767, advocated and applied the doctrine of
penology that is to make punishment less arbitrary and severe than it had been; That all persons who violated a specific law
should receive identical punishment regardless of age, sanity, wealth, position or circumstances.
Cesare Lombroso – A medical doctor who made extensive research in physical characteristics of criminals, political
crimes and revolutions and relationships between the criminal and anthropology.

Charles Goring – An English statistician who studies the case histories of 2000 convicts. He found that heredity is more
influential as a determiner of criminal behavior than environment.

Colajani – A criminologist, describes the direct and indirect deficiency of the means to satisfy the numerous necessities
of man is sufficient stimulus for him to adopt honest or criminal methods in the struggle that ensues. “To this man
delinquency is strongly influenced by socio economic”.

Competitive Development Of Techniques Of Crime And Of The Protection Against Crime – Both sides may appropriate
the inventions of modern science so far as they are useful to them. When the police develop an invention for the
detection or identification of criminals, the criminals utilize a device to protect themselves.

Competitive Development Of Techniques Of Crime And Of The Protection Against Crime – Both sides may
appropriate the inventions of modern science so far as they are useful to them. When the police develop
an invention for the detection or identification of criminals, the criminals utilize a device to protect

Crime Statistics – A reported instance of a crime recorded in a systematic classification.

Criminality In The Home – One of the most obvious elements in the delinquency of some children is the
criminalistic behavior of other members of the child's family.

Criminal Psycho-dynamics – The study of mental processes of criminals in action, the study of the genesis, development
and motivation of human behavior that conflicts with accepted norms and standards of society; This study concentrates
on the study of individuals as opposed to general studies of mass populations with respect to their general criminal

Criminogenic Process – The process which explain human behavior, the experiences which help determine the nature
or a persons as a reacting mechanism, the factors or experiences in connection thereto impinge differentially upon
different personalities producing conflict which is the aspect of crime.

Criminology – Scientific study and investigation of crime and criminals as well as the identification of criminals and
detection of crime.

Cultural Conflict – A clash between societies because of contrary beliefs or substantial variance in their respective
customs, language, institutions, habits, learning traditions, etc.

Decriminalization – To remove or reduce in status the criminal classification through legislation of certain criminal laws.

Delusion – In medical jurisprudence, a false belief about the self caused by morbidity, present in paranoia and dementia

Dementia praecox – A collective term for mental disorders that begin at or shortly after puberty and usually lead to
general failure of the mental faculties with the corresponding physiological impairment.

Dr. Cesare Lombroso – Advocated the positivist theory that crime is essentially a social phenomenon and it can not be
treated and checked by the imposition of punishment.

Economic Approach – The unjust utilization of economic resources sometimes create resentment among individual
which often lead them to frustration and develop a feeling of hatred and provocative criminal conduct will result.

Edwin H. Sutherland – An American authority in criminology who in his book Principles of Criminology considers
criminology at present as not a science but it has hope of becoming a science.

England During The Last Half Of 19th Century – Place and period where and when the classical school of criminology
and of criminal law developed based on hedonistic psychology.
Episodic Criminal – A non criminal person who commits a crime when under extreme emotional distress; A person who
breaks down and commits a crime as a single incident during regular course of natural and normal events.

Erotomania – A morbid propensity to love or make love. Uncontrollable sexual desire or excessive sexual cravings by
member of either sex.

Euthanasia – It signifies the release from life given a sufferer from an incurable and painful disease.

Extrovert – As opposed to introvert (a person highly adapted to living in and deriving satisfaction from external world)
he is interested in people and things than ideas, values, and theories. He likes people being around them and being
liked by them.

Family – It is the first agency to affect the direction which a particular child will take and that no child is so constituted
at birth that it must inevitably become a delinquent or that it must inevitably be law abiding.

Fashions In Crime – Certain types of crimes have disappeared almost entirely thus the general situation may change
and cause the disappearance of crime.

Ferri – A sociologists who theorized that it is the impulse of opportunities more than innate tendency that determine
the crime.

Gang – Means of disseminating techniques of delinquencies of training in delinquency, of protecting its members
engage in delinquency and of maintaining continuity in delinquency.

George L. Wilker – A criminologist who in his book “The Scientific Adequacy Of Criminological Concept” argued that
criminology can not possibly become a science. Accordingly, general proposition of universal validity are the essence of
science, such proposition can be made only regarding stable and homogeneous unit but varies from one time to
another, therefore, universal proposition can not be made regarding crime and scientific studies of criminal behavior
are impossible.

Government – It is an organized authority that can influence social control through its branches, particularly in the
making of laws.

Hallucination – An apparent perception without any corresponding external object, especially in psychiatry, any of the
numerous sensations, auditory, visual or tactile experienced without external stimulus and cause by mental
derangement , intoxication or fever hence, maybe a sign of approaching insanity.

Heredity – It may be a transmission of physical characteristics, mental traits, tendency to disease etc. from parents to
offspring. In genetics, the tendency manifested by an organism to develop in the likeness of a progenitor due to the
transmission of genes in the reproductive process.

Heredity and Environment – Have been believe to share about equally in determining disposition that is whether a
person is cheerful or gloomy, his temperament and his nervous stability.

H. H. Godard – Advocated the theory that feeble-mindedness inherited as Mendelian unit cause crime for the reason
that feeble minded person is unable to appreciate the consequences of his behavior or appreciate the meaning of the

Home – Considered as the cradle of human personality for in it the child forms the fundamental attitudes and habits
that endure through out his life.

Home Discipline – it is considered as 4 times as important as poverty in the home in relation to delinquency; that it fails
most frequently because of indifference and neglect.
Insanity – Common Types

1. Dementia Praecox (madness)

2. Manic Depressive ( characterized by mania and mental depression)

3. Paralysis – condition of helpless inactivity or of inability to act.

4. Senile – mental deterioration often accompanying old age.

5. Alcoholic psychosis

Inspector to Superintendent – Appointed by the chief of the PNP as recommended by their immediate superiors and
attested by the civil service commission.

Introvert – An individual with strongly self centered patterns of emotion, fantasy and thought.

John Gaspar Lobater – A Swiss theologian, regarded the lack of beard in man, the swirly eye or angry eye and weak chin
serve as clues to unfavorable personality or characteristic traits of an individual.
                                  - phrenology or any of the protuberances of the skull as interpreted with reference to ones mental
faculties (pseudonym science) as popularized by Hanz Joseph Gall.

Jonathan Edwards family – One family tree that contradicted the theory that criminality is inherited. A famous preacher
in the colonial period, none of his descendants were found to be criminals.

Jukes Family – Family trees have been used extensively by certain scholars in the effort to prove that criminality is

Kleptomania – An uncontrollable morbid propensity to steal.

Legomacy – A statemetn that we would have no crime if we had no criminal laws and that we could eliminate all crime
merely by abolishing all criminal law.

Mania Fanatica – A morbid of insanity characterized by a deep and morbid sense of religious feeling.

Masochism – A condition of sexual perversion in which a person derives pleasure from being dominated or cruelly

Maturation – A process which appears in the life history of persisting criminals. This process describes the development
of criminality with reference first to the general attitudes toward criminality and second to the techniques used in
criminal behavior.

Mc Naghten Rule – Insanity is used to describe legally harmful behavior perpetrated under circumstances in which the
actor did not know the nature or quality of his act or did not know right from wrong. This explanation was formulated
in England in 1843.

Megalomania – A mental disorder in which the subject thinks himself great or exalted.

Melancholia – A mental disorder characterized by excessive brooding and depression of spirits; Typical of manic
depressive psychosis accompanied with delusions and hallucinations.

Mobility – The most significant social condition accompanying the industrial and democratic revolutions because of this
a condition of anonymity was created and the agencies by which control had been secured in almost all earlier societies
were greatly weakened.

Multiple Factors Of Cause Of Crimes -

1. Biological

2. personality

3. Primary Social Group

4. Broader Social Group

1. Heredity
2. Endocrine Glands
3. Anatomical Structure/Physical Disease/Disorder

Napolcom – Shall administer the qualifying entrance exam. For policeman.

Necrophilism – Morbid craving usually of an erotic nature for dead bodies.

Neurosis – Is any kind of the mental functional disorders characterized by anxiety, compulsion, phobia, depression,
dissociation, etc.

Organization Of criminals – This may be developed thru the interaction of criminal, this may be a formal association
with recognized leadership understanding, agreements and division of labor or it may be a formal similarity and
reciprocity of interest and attitudes.

Pedophilia – A sexual desire of an adult for children.

Personality -

1. psychopatic Personality

2. Psychosomatic Personality

3. Alcoholism

4. Other Personality Deviation

Physiognomy – Art of discovering character by observation and measurement of outward appearances especially the

Primary Social Group -

1. Home

2. Bad Neighborhood

3. Broken Home

a. Environmental Delinquents – which is characterized by being occasional law breakers.

b. Emotionally Maladjusted Delinquents – who are considered as habitual law breakers

and who therefore can not avoid or stop from doing it.

c. Psychiatrist Delinquent – refer to a child who becomes delinquent due to mental

illness coupled with serious emotional disturbance in the family.
Professionalization – When applied to a criminal refers to the following things the pursuit of crime as a regular day by
day occupation, the development of skilled technique and careful planning in that occupation and status among

Progressive Conflict – This process begins with arrest which is intgerpreted as defining a person as an enemy of society
and which calls forth hostile relations from representative of society prior to and regardless of proof of guilt, that each
side tends to drive the other side to greater violence unless it becomes stabilized on a recognized level.

Prussian Law of 1784 – prohibit mothers and nurses from taking children under 2 years old of age into their beds.

Psychosis – Is a major mental disorder in which personality is very seriously disorganized and contact with reality is
usually impaired.

Rafael Garofalo – A criminologist who pro-founded that society sets only 2 elements in crime, the opportunity and
victim. He classified criminals into murderers, thieves, sexual offenders (cynics) And violent criminals.
                          - Italian criminologist who developed a concept of the natural crime and defined it a violation of the
prevalent sentiments of pity and probity.

Regionalism – crime rate not only vary from one region to another but also generally among the several sections of
each nation.

Religion – It emphasizes of morals and life's highest spiritual values, the work and dignity of an individual and respect
for the person and property of others generally a powerful forces.

Rural Criminality – According to Marshall B. Olinard, this kind of criminality is explained by the persons identification
with delinquents and his conception of himself as reckless and mobile an explanation which is consistent with
differential association.

School – It is a strategic position to prevent crime and delinquency.

Segregation – This may be observed in the interaction between criminals and the public thus, a person with criminal
record may be ostracized in one community but may become a political leader in other communities.

Sixto de Leon – The first chairman of the board of criminology.

Social Institutions And Crime – The general explanation of one topic in relation to criminal behavior is that causes of
crime lie primarily in the area of personal interaction and that personal interaction is confined most entirely to local
community and neighborhood.

Social Psychological – Advocated by John Dewey, George Mead, Charles Cooley and W.I. Thomas, that development of
criminal behavior is considered as involving the same learning process as does the development of the the behavior of
a banker, doctor etc.; that the content of learning not the process itself is considered as the significant element
determining whether one becomes a criminal or non criminal.

Socialist School of Criminology – Based on writings of Marx and Engels, began 1850 and emphasized economic
determinism; that crime is only a by product, variations in crime rates in association with variations in economic

Sociological And Cultural Approach – It includes assessment of those forces resulting from man's collective survival
effort with emphasis upon his institution, economic, financial, educational, political, religion as well as recreational.

Sociological School – Interpreted crime as function of social environment; emphasizing importance of imitation in crime
Sociology – May mean a study of human society, its origin, structure, function and direction.

W. A. Bonger – Classified crimes by the motives of the offenders as economic crimes, sexual crimes, political and
miscellaneous crimes with vengeance as the principal motive.

White Collar Crimes – crimes committed by persons on the upper socio economic level or occupying a high position in
the organization.

Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System - is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control,
deterring and mitigating crime or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts.

Goals of Criminal Justice

1. to protect individuals and society

2. to reduce crime by bringing offenders to justice

3. to increase the security of the people

Criminal Justice System consists of three main parts

1. legislative - create laws

2. courts - adjudication

3. corrections - jail, prison, probation, parole

Participants of Criminal Justice System

1. police - first contact of offender since they investigate wrongdoing and makes arrest.

2. prosecution - proves the guilt or innocence of wrongdoers.

3. court - venue where disputes are settled and justice is administered.

4. correction - after accused is found guilty, he is put to jail or prison to be reformed.

5. community - where the convict after service of sentence comes back to be integrated to be a productive member of

Community Policing - the system of allocating officers to particular areas so that they become familiar with the local

Early History of Punishment

1. Early Greece and Rome
     a. most common state administered punishment
         was banishment and exile.
     b. economic punishment such as fins for such crime
         as assault on slave, arson, or house breaking.
2. Middle 5th to 15th century
     a. blood feuds were the norm.
     b. law and government not responsible for conflict.
3. Post 11th century feudal periods
     a. fine system, punishment often consisted of
         payment to feudal lord.
     b. goals, public order and pacifying the injured.
     c. corporal punishment for poor who can not pay.
4. 1500's
     a. urbanization and industrialization, use of torture
         and mutilation showed and punishment began to
         be more monetary based.
     b. use of gallery slaves - ship-rowers.
     c. shipped inmates to american colonies
5. 1700's - early 1800's
     a. increase in prison population
     b. gap between rich and poor widens
     c. physicality of punishment increases

Goals of Punishment
1. General Deterrence - the state tries to convince
    potential criminals that the punishment they face iscertain, swift, and severe so that they will be afraid
    to commit an offense.
2. Specific Deterrence - convincing offenders that the
    pains of punishment is greater than the benefits ofcrime so they will not repeat their criminal offending
3. Incapacitation - if dangerous criminals are kept
    behind bars, they will not be able to repeat their
    illegal activities.
4. Retribution/Just Desert - punishment should be no
    more or less than the offenders actions deserve, it
    must be based on how blameworthy the person is.
5. Equity/Restitution - convicted criminals must pay
    back their victims for their loss, the justice system
    for the costs of processing their case and society
    for any disruption they may have caused.
6. Rehabilitation - if the proper treatment is applied,
    an offender will present no further threat to society
7. Diversion - criminals are diverted into a community
    correctional program for treatment to avoid stigma
    of incarceration.The convicted offender might be
    asked to make payments to the crime victim or
    participate in a community based program that
    features counseling.
8. Restorative Justice - repairs injuries suffered by
    the victim and the community while insuring
    reintegration of the offender.Turn the justice
    system into a healing process rather than a
    distributor of retribution and revenge.

3 Broad Categories of Crime

1. Sensational crime
2. Street Crime
3. Corporate Crime, White Collar Crime, and
    Organized Crime.

Sensational Crime - certain offenses are selected for their sensational nature and made into national issues.Much of what
we know about crime comes from the media.

Street Crime - includes a wide variety of acts both in public and private spaces including interpersonal violence and
property crime.

crime so they will not repeat their criminal offending

3. Incapacitation - if dangerous criminals are kept
    behind bars, they will not be able to repeat their
    illegal activities.
4. Retribution/Just Desert - punishment should be no
    more or less than the offenders actions deserve, it
    must be based on how blameworthy the person is.
5. Equity/Restitution - convicted criminals must pay
    back their victims for their loss, the justice system
    for the costs of processing their case and society
    for any disruption they may have caused.
6. Rehabilitation - if the proper treatment is applied,
    an offender will present no further threat to society
7. Diversion - criminals are diverted into a community
    correctional program for treatment to avoid stigma
    of incarceration.The convicted offender might be
    asked to make payments to the crime victim or
    participate in a community based program that
    features counseling.
8. Restorative Justice - repairs injuries suffered by
    the victim and the community while insuring
    reintegration of the offender.Turn the justice
    system into a healing process rather than a
    distributor of retribution and revenge.

3 Broad Categories of Crime

1. Sensational crime
2. Street Crime
3. Corporate Crime, White Collar Crime, and
    Organized Crime.

Sensational Crime - certain offenses are selected for their sensational nature and made into national issues.Much of what
we know about crime comes from the media.

Street Crime - includes a wide variety of acts both in public and private spaces including interpersonal violence and
property crime.

Criminal Justice System Reviewer 1

1. It is the act of committing the crime.

       A. Mens Rea
       B. Actus Reus
       C. Abberatio Ictus
       D. Pro Reo                            

2. It is the mental knowledge of committing the crime.

       A. Mens Rea
       B. Actus Reus
       C. Abberatio Ictus
       D. Pro Reo                   

3. In Latin, It literally mean "Stand by things decided".

       A. Abberatio Ictus
       B. Pro Reo
       C. Stare Decisis
       D. Actus Reus               

4. It involves community supervision in lieu of prison.

       A. Parole
       B. Probation
       C. Community Service
       D. Incarceration              

5. It entails the supervised release of offenders after they have

    served a portion of their sentence.
       A. Parole
       B. Probation
       C. Community service
       D. Incarceration           

6. Behaviors that are law violations only for youth of juvenile

       A. Misdemeanor
       B. Minor offenses
       C. Delinquency offenses
       D. Status Offenses          

7. It is an act committed by a juvenile for which an adult could

    be prosecuted in criminal court.
       A. Misdemeanor
       B. Minor Offenses
       C. Delinquency Offenses
       D. Status Offenses             

8. The 3 Components of the American Criminal Justice system.

       A. Police, Prosecution, Community
       B. Police, Courts, Community
       C. Police, Prosecution, courts
       D. Police, Courts, Corrections    

9. One of the following is a status offense.

       A. Prostitution
       B. Truancy
       C. Theft
       D. Robbery             

10. Which of the following is not a status offense.

       A. Prostitution
       B. Truancy
       C. Curfew Violations
       D. Underage Drinking


1.   B
2.   A
3.   C
4.   B
5.   A
6.   D
7.   C
8.   D
9.   B
10. A


1. Criminal Justice System - The Interdependent actors and

    agencies, law enforcement agencies, the courts, the
    correctional systems, and victim services at the local and
    national levels of govt. that deal with the problem of crime.

2. Secondary Victims - family and friends of an individual who has

    been victimized.

3. Wedding Cake Model - An explanation of the workings of the

    criminal justice system that shows how cases get filtered
    according  to the seriousness of the offense.

4. Crime Prevention - Measures taken to reduce the opportunity

    for crime commission by individuals predisposed to such.

5. Crime Control Model - A model of the criminal justice system

    that emphasizes the efficient arrest and processing of alleged
    criminal offenders.

6. Due Process Model - A model of the criminal justice system

    that emphasizes individual rights at all stages of the
    justice process.

7. Moral Panic - The reaction by a group of people based on

    exaggerated or false perceptions about crime and criminal

8. Victim Advocate - A professional who assists the victim during

    the post victimization period.

9. Parole - An early release from prison based on complying

    with certain standards while free.

10. Probation - An alternative to prison or jail in which the    

     offender remains in the community under court supervision

Criminal Justice System Reviewer 2

1. The Scientific study of the causes, consequences, prevention,

    and control, and treatment of crime and delinquency.
       A. Penology
       B. Correction
       C. Criminology
       D. Sociology

2. The Systematic, organized effort by society to punish offenders,

    protect the public and change the offenders behavior.
       A. Penology
       B. Correction
       C. Criminology
       D. Sociology

3. Prescribed consequences intended to reinforce peoples

    conformity to norms.
       A. Sanctions
       B. Social Norm
       C. Deviance
       D. Norm

4. A Rule that makes clear what behavior is appropriate and

    expected in a particular situation.
       A. Sanctions
       B. Social Norm
       C. Deviance
       D. norm

5. The Violation of a norm.

       A. Sanctions
       B. Social Norm
       C. Deviance
       D. Norm

6. A Rule that specifies how people are expected to behave.

       A. Sanctions
       B. Social Norm
       C. Deviance
       D. Norm

7. An Act that is criinal because it is prohibited by law.

       A. Statutory Crime
       B. Mala Prohibita
       C. Mala In Se
       D. Offense

8. A Statutory crime that reflects public opinion at a moment

    in time.
       A. Sanctions
       B. Mala Prohibita
       C. Mala In Se
       D. Offense

9. A Behavior categorized as morally wrong or evil in itself.

       A. sanctions
       B. Mala Prohibita
       C. Mala In Se
       D. Offense

10. Bases its decisions on precedence.

       A. Common Law
       B. Statutory Law
       C. Procedural Law
       D. Political Law

1.    C
2.    B
3.    A
4.    D
5.    C
6.    B
7.    A
8.    B
9.    C
10.  A


1. Mala Prohibita - A behavior that is morally wrong. Wrong in any

    context, even if there is no law against it.

2. Mala In Se - Also known as statutory crimes. Are Acts that are

    criminal because they are prohibited by law.

3. Retribution - (Vengeance)(Revenge) punishment inflicted on

    someone as vengeance for a wrong or criminal act.

4. Deterrence - A thing that discourage or intended to discourage

    someone from doing something.

5. Punishment - the infliction or imposition of a penalty as

    retribution for an offense.

6. Rehabilitation - restore someone to health or normal life by

    training and therapy after imprisonment, addiction, or

7. Recognizance - a bond by which a person undertakes before

    a court to observe some condition especially to appear when

8. Curfew - a regulation requiring people to remain indoors

    between specified hours, typically at night.

9. Truancy - the action of staying away from school without good

    reason; absenteeism.

10. Criminal Justice system - the system of law enforcement that

      is directly involved in apprehending, prosecuting, defending,
     sentencing and punishing those who are suspected or
     convicted of criminal offenses.  

 In 1829, England, The Metropolitan Police Act was passed to the leadership of Home Secretary Robert Peel

 Bobbies - first salaried police to patrol London.

 Boston - began its police department in 1838.

 New York City - 1845 created a police force.

 U.S. Marshall Service 1789.

 U.S. Coast Guard 1790.

 Department of Homeland Security - was created to coordinate the work of intelligence and security agencies.

 Texas Rangers - 1835, became the first state police organization.

 William Penn - in the new world in 1682, established houses of correction.

Criminal Justice System Reviewer 3

1. It means incapable of criminal intention or malice.

       A. Doli Incapax
       B. Corpus Delicti
       C. Corpus Juris
       D. Corpus Juris Civilis   

2. It means body of civil law.

       A. Doli Incapax
       B. Corpus Delicti
       C. Corpus Juris
       D. Corpus Juris Civilis     

3. It means body of law.

       A. Doli Incapax
       B. Corpus Delicti
       C. Corpus Juris
       D. Corpus Juris Civilis     

4. It means body of the crime.

       A. Doli Incapax
       B. Corpus Delicti
       C. Corpus Juris
       D. Corpus Juris Civilis      

5. A British Social Reformer, He is regarded as the founder of

    modern utilitarianism.
       A. Jeremy Bentham
       B. Cesare Beccaria
       C. Samuel Romilly
       D. John Howard

6. He is an Italian Criminologists and author of the book

    Crimes and Punishment.
       A. Jeremy Bentham
       B. Cesare Beccaria
       C. Samuel Romilly
       D. John Howard

7. He argued that the effectiveness of criminal justice

    depended more on the certainty of punishment than on its
       A. Jeremy Bentham
       B. Cesare Beccaria
       C. Samuel Romilly
       D. John Howard

8. He is the first English prison reformer.

       A. Jeremy Bentham
       B. Cesare Beccaria
       C. Samuel Romilly
       D. John Howard

9. He was a British legal reformer whose chief efforts were

    devoted to lessening the severity of English criminal law.
       A. Jeremy Bentham
       B. Cesare Beccaria
       C. Samuel Romilly
       D. John Howard

10. He developed the anomie theory in 1938.

       A. Henry Fielding
       B. Robert Merton
       C. Edwin Sutherland
       D. John Fielding


1.   A
2.   D
3.   C
4.   B
5.   A
6.   B
7.   B
8.   D
9.   C
10. B   

Criminal Justice System Reviewer 4

1. It regulates the conduct of individuals, defines crimes, and

    provides punishment for criminal acts.
       A. Procedural Law
       B. Political Law
       C. Civil Law
       D. Criminal Law

2. In England, The Right to bring a thief caught in one's land to

    the lord's court is known as
       A. Infangthief
       B. Outfangthief
       C. Thief-takers
       D. Bow street runners

3. In England, The Right to bring a thief caught beyond one's

    land to the lord's court is known as
       A. Infangthief
       B. Outfangthief
       C. Thief-takers
       D. Bow street runners

4. A Branch of law dealing with disputes between individuals

    and /or organizations, in which compensation may be
    awarded to the victime.
       A. Procedural Law
       B. Political Law
       C. Civil Law
       D. Criminal Law

5. In England, They are  a specialist and present cases in

       A. Attorney
       B. Solicitor
       C. Barrister
       D. Bench

6. In England, They are the office lawyers. The legal advisor

    to the public.
       A. Attorney
       B. Solicitor
       C. Barrister
       D. Bench

7. It is the UK's domestic counter-intelligence and security

       A. MI5
       B. MI6
       C. Mossad
       D. CIA

8. In England, Men who would solve petty crime for a fee are
       A. Infangthief
       B. Outfangthief
       C. Thieft-takers
       D. Constables

9. The Marine Police Force that was formed on 1798 in England

    to tackle theft and looting from ships anchored in the pool
    of London and the lower reaches of the river.
       A. Thames River Police
       B. Eden River Police
       C. Trent River Police
       D. Avon River Police

10. The First Marine Police in England was founded by

       A. John Fielding
       B. Henry Fielding
       C. Patrick Colquhoun
       D. Robert Merton


1.   D
2.   A
3.   B
4.   C
5.   C
6.   B
7.   A
8.   C
9.   A
10. C

Criminal Justice System Reviewer 5

1. He was a Scottish magistrate and founder of the first regular

    preventive police force in England, the Thames River police.
       A. Patrick Colquhoun
       B. John Fielding
       C. Henry Fielding
       D. Samuel Romilly

2. He established the basis for the first police criminal records

    department in England.
       A. Patrick Colquhoun
       B. John Fielding
       C. Henry Fielding
       D. Samuel Romilly

3. He founded London's  first police force.

       A. Patrick Colquhoun
       B. John Fielding
       C. Henry Fielding
       D. Samuel Romilly

4. London's first professional police force.

       A. Bow Street Runner
       B.  Thames River Police
       C. Scotland Yard
       D. Metropolitan Police Force

5. The Bow Street Runners was founded on what year ?

       A. 1749
       B. 1748
       C. 1747
       D. 1746

6. A Magistrate appointed to hear minor cases, perform

    marriages, grant licenses in a town, country, or other
    local district.
       A. Constable
       B. Solicitor
       C. Barrister
       D. Justice of the Peace

7. A Member of a body of people employed to keep watch in

    a town at night.
        A. Constable
       B. Watchman
       C. Solicitor
       D. Justice of the Peace
8. A Peace officer with limited policing authority, typically
    in a small town.
       A. Constable
       B. Watchman
       C. Solicitor
       D. Justice of the Peace

9. The Metropolitan Police of London was created on

       A. 1829
       B. 1828
       C. 1827
       D. 1826

10. The Pursuit of a felon announced with loud shouts to alert

      others who were then legally obliged to give chase.
       A. Infangthief
       B. Outfangthief
       C. Hue and Cry
       D. Arrest


1.   A
2.   B
3.   C
4.   A
5.   A
6.   D
7.   B
8.   A
9.   A
10. C

Criminal Justice System Reviewer 6

1. The person bringing the case.

       A. Plaintiff
       B. Defendant
       C. Judge
       D. Prosecutor

2. A Minor offense and its maximum sentence usually do not

    exceed  one year.
       A. Vagrancy
       B. Felonies
       C. Infractions
       D. Misdemeanor

3. Crimes punishable usually by fines which can be paid

    without even going to court.
       A. Vagrancy
       B. Felonies
       C. Infractions
       D. Misdemeanor

4. He developed the anomie theory in 1938.

       A. Lloyd Ohlin
       B. Edwin Sutherland
       C. Robert Merton
       D. Richard Cloward

5. He developed in 1934 the differential association theory.

       A. Lloyd Ohlin
       B. Edwin Sutherland
       C. Robert Merton
       D. Richard Cloward

6. This theory contends that kids in stable lower-class

    neighborhoods are more likely to find criminal role models

who help them achieve some level of criminal success by

    apprenticing the kids into a variety of criminal enterprises.
       A. Neutralization Theory
       B. Differential Association Theory
       C. Differential Opportunity Theory
       D. Strain Theory

7. This Theory states that crime isn't just a function of lower

    classes and that both the rich  and the poor can become
    criminals depending on whom they hang out with and what
    values and beliefs they learn.
       A. Neutralization Theory
       B. Differential Association
       C. Differential Opportunity Theory
       D. Strain Theory

8. This Theory points out that people who commit crime

    actually fluctuate back and forth between criminal conduct
    and law abiding conduct.
       A. Neutralization Theory
       B. Differential Association
       C. Differential Opportunity Theory
       D. Strain Theory

9. This Theory contends that most people in society share the

    same goals of achieving wealth and success. But some people
    in lower classes dont have the same opportunities that their
    wealthier counterparts do and as a result, they get angry
    when they can't achieve there goals. This frustration leads to
       A. Neutralization Theory
       B. Differential Association
       C. Differential Opportunity Theory
       D. Strain Theory

10. This Theory states that criminals think about their actions,
       weighing the pros and cons including the risk of punishment
       and making decisions based on their calculations.
       A. Lower Class Reaction Theory
       B. Rational Choice Theory
       C. Strain Theory
       D. Social Disorganization Theory

1.   A
2.   D
3.   C
4.   C
5.   B
6.   C
7.   B
8.   A
9.   D
10. B


1. Social Disorganization Theory - This Theory argues that more

    crime occurs in neighborhoods that have fraying social
    structures such as poor schools, vacant and vandalized
    buildings, a mix of commercial and residential property,
    changing ethnicity and high unemployment.

2. Anomie - Another word for strain. It refers to the difference

    between what a person aspires to do and what he can
    actually achieve.

3. Lower Class Reaction Theory - Holds that as kids in lower

    classes fail to live up to society's expectations, they reject
    middle-class values and develop their own value systems,
    being so allows them to maintain their self-esteem.

4. Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin - In 1960, developed another

    sub-culture theory called differential opportunity theory.

5. Manor - A large country house with lands; the principal house

    of a landed estate.

6. Statute of Winchester - (1285) Declared that each district or

    hundred would be held responsible for unsolved crimes. Each
    man was to keep arms to take part in the Hue And Cry when

7. Tithing - Earliest type of community organized policing. Based

    on principles of self-help and collective responsibility. Each
    Tithing consisted of 10 men who were accountable for
    policing each other.

8. Sheriff - Supervision of the tithing was a responsibility of

    the sheriff, the local representative of the king.

9. The Act of Settlement of 1701 - In England, Was designed to

     secure the  protestant succession to the throne and to
     strengthen the guarantees for ensuring parliamentary system
     of government. The act also strengthened the bill of rights
     (1689) which had  previously established the order of
     succession of Mary II's heirs. One of the most important
    provisions of this act was  the recognition that judges should
     hold office only during  good behavior and could be removed
     only with the consent  of the parliament.

10. Bill of Rights - A statement of fundamental rights and

     privileges. The bill of rights is an act of the Parliament of
    England whose title is " And Act Declaring The Rights and
    Liberties of the Subject and Settling the Succession of the
    Crown". It is often called the English Bill of Rights.

11. Writ of Habeas Corpus - A writ ordering a prisoner  to be

     brought before a judge. It is a writ or legal action through
    which a prisoner can be released from unlawful detention.
    The remedy can be sought by the prisoner or by another
    person coming to his aid.

12. Constitution - A body of fundamental principles or

     established precedents according to which a state or other
     organization is acknowledged to be governed.

13. Magna carta - A Charter of Liberty and political rights

     obtained from King John of England by his rebellious Barons
    at Runnymede in 1215 which came to be seen as the
     seminal document of English constitutional practice.

14. Euthanasia - helping another person commit suicide.

15. Shaken Baby Syndrome - A situation of shaking a baby. An

      infants brain is so vulnerable, just one or two violent shakes
      can result in serious injury or even death.

16. Sodomy - Refers to forced anal or oral sex or those same

      acts when they're done concensyally between an adult
      and a juvenile.

17. Narcissistic personality Disorder - Someone with this

      disorder generally sees herself as very important, needs
      others to see her as important, and lacks the ability to
      experience empathy with others.

18. Anti-Social Personality Disorder - Someone with these

      disorder has a pattern of disregarding the rights of others
      that starts when she's a juvenile and progresses into

19. Psychopath - is a predator who uses charm, manipulation, and

      violence to control others and achieve her own selfish needs
      without experiencing any guilt or remorse.

20. Pyramid Scheme - a form of investment in which each

      paying participant recruits two further participants with
      returns being given to early participants using money
      contributed by later ones.

21. Ponzi Scheme - a form of fraud in which belief in the success

      of non existent enterprise is fostered by the payment of
      quick returns to the first investors from money invested by
      later investors.

22. Fence - would buy stolen items for a huge discounts and then
      resell those items.

23. Embezzlement - is the act of stealing from your employer.

Criminal Justice System Reviewer 7

1. Noncriminal behavior, such as truancy and running away from

    home, which is in violation of law applicable only to juveniles.
       A. Criminal Offense
       B. Status Offense
       C. Vagrancy
       D. None of the Above

2. A document issued by a magistrate authorizing an officer to

    make an arrest, seize property, make a search, or carry out
    a judgment.
       A. Petition
       B. Summons
       C. Writ
       D. Warrant

3. A document notifying a party of a court action and requiring

    that a party respond within a certain time frame.
       A. Warrant
       B. Petition
       C. Summons
       D. Habeas Corpus

4. The process of placing an authorized judicial penalty on a

    person who pleads guilty or is convicted of a crime.
       A. Sentencing
       B. Probation
       C. Restitution
       D. Commutation

5. Unlawful taking or attempted taking of property that is in the

    immediate possession of another by force or threat of force.
       A. Theft
       B. Robbery
       C. Carnapping
       D. Malicious Mischief

6. Removing or re-mediating presumed causes of crime by

    providing economic, psychological, or socialization assistance
    to offenders to reduce the likelihood of continuing in crime.
       A. Conviction
       B. Rehabilitation
       C. Commutation
       D. Sentencing

7. Coordinates the government’s response to crime by pressing

    charges, presenting the case against the accused at the trial,
    and sometimes making sentence recommendations.
       A. Judge
       B. Police
       C. Prosecutor
       D. Attorney

8. A sentencing alternative in which incarceration is avoided

    and the offender remains in the community under the
    supervision of an officer.
       A. Parole
       B. Banishment
       C. Probation
       D. Commutation

9. It is those facts that generate a reasonable belief that a crime

    has been committed.
       A. Reasonable Ground
       B. Reasonable Suspicion
       C. Probable Cause
       D. Sufficient Ground

10. Large facilities operated by state or federal governments to

      hold persons sentenced under state or federal laws to terms
     of confinement of more than one year.
       A. Prisons
       B. Jails
       C. Half Way House
       D. Boys Town


1.    B
2.    D
3.    C
4.    A
5.    B
6.    B
7.    C
8.    C
9.    C
10.  A

Criminal Justice System Reviewer 8

1. A Pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system that controls

    arrest and booking.
       A. Corrections
       B. courts
       C. Prosecution
       D. Law Enforcement

2. A Pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system that controls

    preliminary investigation and filing of information.
       A. Corrections
       B. Courts
       C. Prosecution
       D. Law Enforcement

3. A Pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system that controls

    arraignment, trial, sentencing, probation, suspended sentence
       A. Corrections
       B. Courts
       C. Prosecution
       D. Law Enforcement

4. A Pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system that controls

    incarceration in jail, parole, pardon and the serving of sentence.
       A. Corrections
       B. Courts
       C. Prosecution
       D. Law Enforcement

5. A Pillar of the Philippine criminal justice system represented

    by the non-government organizations and peoples
    organizations that contribute to the prevention of crime and
       A. Prosecution
       B. court
       C. Corrections
       D. Community

6. An Agency of the Department of Justice whose function

    involves scientific criminal investigation, arrest of offenders
    and files complaint with the prosecutors office.
       A. Bureau of Immigration
       B. National Bureau if Investigation
       C. Philippine National Police
       D. Bureau of Correction

7. The Territorial Jurisdiction of the NBI is __________________

    in scope.
       A. Regional
       B. National
       C. Local
       D. International

8. Its Mission is to maintain peace and order in the community

    through the delivery of prompt investigation of crimes and the
    prosecution of criminals.
       A. Philippine National Police
       B. National Bureau of Investigation
       C. Philippine Judges Association
       D. National Prosecution Service

9. It is the stage at which the prosecutor evaluates the findings

    of the police to determine if prosecution of the suspect in
    court is warranted.
       A. Preliminary Evaluation
       B. Pre-Trial
       C. Preliminary Investigation
       D. Plea Bargaining

10. Nolle Prosequi, in criminal justice system means

       A. Decide to prosecute
       B. Decide not to prosecute
       C. File the case
       D. Plea Bargain for a Reduced Charged

11. It is the forum where the prosecution is given the opportunity

      to prove that there is a strong evidence of guilt against the
       A. Courts
       B. Police
       C. Bar
       D. Prosecution

12. Provincial Jails are under the

       A. DOJ
       B. DILG
       C. DPWH
       D. DOE

13. The BJMP is under the

       A. DOJ
       B. DILG
       C. DPWH
       D. DOE

14. It is known as the Witness Protection Security and Benefit

       A. R.A. 6981
       B. R.A. 6975
       C. R.A. 8551
       D. R.A 9775

15. A Branch of the Philippine Government responsible for

      passing laws that define illegal behavior, setting sentences

for violation of the laws and appropriating the money for

      correctional operations.
       A. Legislative Branch
       B. Executive Branch
       C. Judicial Branch
       D. Administrative Branch

16. A Branch of Government that approves or vetoes the law

      passed by the legislators and is responsible for enforcing
      the laws.
       A. Legislative Branch
       B. Executive Branch
       C. Judicial Branch
       D. Administrative Branch

17. A Branch of the Philippine Government that is responsible

      for interpreting the laws.
       A. Legislative Branch
       B. Executive Branch
       C. Judicial Branch
       D. Administrative Branch

18.  There are three pillars of the American criminal justice

       system. They are the following:
       A. Police, Prosecution, Courts
       B. Police, Courts, Community
       C. Police, Courts, Corrections
       D. Police, Prosecution, Correction

19. The First police department in the United States.

       A. New York Police Department
       B. Philadelphia Police Department
       C. Boston Police Department
       D. Chicago Police Department

20. Defendant makes a deal and plead guilty to a lesser

      crime in return for lesser penalty.
       A. Preliminary Evaluation
       B. Pre-Trial
       C. Preliminary Investigation
       D. Plea Bargaining


1.    D
2.    C
3.    B
4.    D
5.    D
6.    B
7.    B
8.    D
9.    C
10.  B
11.  A
12.  B
13.  B
14.  A
15.  A
16.  B
17.  C
18.  C
19.  C
20.  D

Criminal Justice System Definition Of Terms

4 Principal Methods Of Implementing The Punitive Policy Used During The History Of Mankind

1. Physical Torture

2. Social Degradation

3. Financial Loss
4. Removal from the group by death, exile or imprisonment.

Alphonse Bertillon – One who originated a system of classifying criminals according to bodily measurements.

Ancient Rome – A nation who pioneered banishment as a form of punishment.

Approaches To The Explanation Of Crime

1. Subjective Approach

2. Objective Approach

Subjective Approach

1. Anthropological Approach
2. Medical Approach
3. Biological Approach
4. Physiological Approach
5. Psychological Approach
6. Psychiatric Approach
7. Psycho-Analytical Approach

                Objective Approach


1. Geographic Approach

2. Ecological Approach

3. Economic Approach

4. Sociological and Cultural Approach

Australia – A place where after the Americans gained their independence from England in 1786, the prisoners of England
were transferred until 1867.

Autophobia – It is a morbid fear of one's self or of being alone.

Berlin – The country where the last burning at the stake was made until 1786.

Biology – Is the study of living things. The science that deals with the origin, history, physical characteristics, life,
processes, habits etc. of plants and animals.

Classical School – This school of penology which Beccaria made of the first significant contributions and to which
Rousseau Montesquieu and Voltaire belonged maintained the doctrine of psychological hedonism, that the individual
calculates pleasures and pains in advance of action and regulates his conduct by the results of his calculations. That
since punishment must be one that can be calculated, it must be same for all individual regardless of age, mentality,
social  or other conditions.

Criminalistics – Sum total of the application of all sciences in crime detection. A criminal commits crime by means of
things or he leaves something in the crime scene.

These Physical Evidence Include But Not Limited To The Following

1. Blood and Blood stain

2. Firearms and other deadly weapons
3. Fingerprints and footprints
4. Tool marks and many more

Criminal Etiology – Is an attempt at scientific analysis of the causes of crime.

Criminological Schools -

1. Cartographical School

2. The Socialist School

3. The Psychiatric School

4. Sociological and Social-Psychological School.

David W. Maurer – An American authority in police matters who in his books “The Big Con – 1940” once said the
dominant culture would control the predatory cultures without difficulty and what is more, it could exterminate them
for no criminal subculture can operate continuously and professionally without the connivance of the law.

Divisions Of Criminalistics -

1. Scientific -  a. Chemistry
                   b. Physics
                   c. Biology

2. Technological – a. Questioned Document Examination

                          b. Firearms Identification
                          c. Fingerprint Identification

Italian Theory – Dr. Cesare Lombroso

    3 Classes of Criminals

1. Born Criminals – Atavism

2. Insane Criminals – Idiots, imbecile, dementia, paralysis, pelagno etc.

3. Criminaloids – Not born with physical stigma but who are of such mental makeup
that they display anti social conduct. Criminaloids are persons suffering from psychological

Proponents/Pioneer of Italian theory

1. Dr. Cesare Lombroso

2. Enrico Ferri

3. Garofalo

John Howard – The great prison reformer who wrote “The state of prisons in england in 1777 after a personal
investigation of practically all the prisons in England.

Middle Of The 16th Century – The period when the first house of correction appeared in England on the petition of
Bishop Ridley of London for help in dealing with the sturdy vagabonds of the city. The King gave his place at Bridewell
to be one of the hospitals of the city for lewd and idle and a place for the employment of the unemployed and the
training of children.
Modern Trend In Criminology And Penology – Is that the offender in society regardless of the gravity of the offense
must be corrected and rehabilitated for eventual return to the community.

Neo-Classical School – This school arose at the time of the French revolution and the period immediately following,
maintained that while the classical school was correct in general, it should be modified in certain details since children
and lunatic can not calculate pleasures and pain, they should not be regarded as criminals or to be punished.

PEACE – Philippine Educator's Association for Criminology Education, January 15, 1983.

Penology – Concerned with the control and prevention of crime and the treatment of youthful offenders.

Phenomenon – Any extremely unusual or extra ordinary thing or occurrence.

Philippine College Of Criminology – At Sta. Cruz Manila, Formerly known as Plaridel College, 1950's.


1. Manila Police Major Eliseo Vibar

2. Dr. Pedro Solis of NBI

3. SC Associate Justice Felix Bautista Angelo

Peter Rentzel – A private person who in 1669 established a work house in hamburg at his own expense because he had
observed that thieves and prostitutes were made worse instead of better by pillory and he hoped that they might be
improved by work and religious instruction in the workhouse.

Police/Law Enforcement – The core of the criminal justice system or the institution which the other machineries of the
criminal justice system are developed.

Positive School – This school denied individual responsibility and reflected an essentially non punitive reaction to crime
and criminality. The adherents of this school maintained that a crime as any other act is a natural phenomenon like
tornado, flood etc.

Principal Division Of Criminology -

1. Criminal Etiology

2. Sociology of Law

3. Penology

Social Contract Theory – It is based on the principle that it is the obligation of the state to protect and provide safety of
the people and to promote the happiness of its constituent members. In return for these services, it is the obligation of
the individual member to surrender a small portion of his natural liberty in obedience to the valid laws of the state.

Social Control Theory – Since man has enjoyed freely the protection and security, it is necessary for the state to assume
some sort of control over the behavior of the members so that the greatest happiness for the majority can be obtained.

Sociology Of Law – Is an attempt at scientific analysis of the conditions under which penal/criminal laws develop as a
process of formal social control.
Theories Underlying Criminal Law In Relation To Man

1. Classical Theory

2. Neo-Classical Theory

3. The Positive and Italian Theory

*The behavior system in crime may be described by its 3 principal characteristics except “it is not merely an aggregation
of individuals criminal acts”.

 The maintenance of peace and order is the joint and several responsibility of man and his government. Can be
described by the following theories:

1. Social Contract Theory

2. Social Control theory

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