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Name : Dwi Astini

NPM : 021120188
Class : 4E Manajemen
Thursday, 12 May 2022
Complete each sentence by choosing the correct word to complete the phrasal verb
shown in CAPITALS.

1. The newspaper was FLOODED (in / with / to) letters from angry readers.
2. I was trying to hear their conversation but I could not MAKE (out / off / with) what they
were saying.
3. We have done well in the competition so far and we need to BUILD (into / in / on) that
4. The children are always ANSWERING him (down / up / back).
5. Jean TURNED (down / off / in) the offer of a place at university and went travelling round
the world instead.
6. I FELL (down / over / out) with my neighbour because he would not stop playing loud
7. I wonder whether this new fashion will CATCH (over / on / in) with older people.
8. Andy was running to CATCH (up / on / out) with the others.
9. They SHUT (with / down / out) the factory because dangerous chemicals were getting into
the river.
10. He plans to join the golf club and TAKE (up / with / to) golf.
11. The sun was BEATING (up / down / back).
12. Jenny is ill so we will have to PUT the meeting (off / back / down) until next week.
13. He finds it difficult to KEEP (on / up / in) with the rest of the class.
14. We are RELYING (on / into / in) our neighbours to water the garden while we are away.
15. Six European countries are CHANGING (on / over / into) to the euro currency.
16. These verbs FALL (to / into / over) three different groups.
17. I can DROP you (down / out / off) at the school on my way to work.
18. If we have not got enough money I am sure my parents would HELP us (to / out / on).
19. I should have given away those old toys but I did not want to PART (to / with / in) them.
20. The judges NARROWED (off / back / down) the list of competitors to four.

II.Please write about the World Economy in 2022 at least three paragraphs.
World Economy in 2022
Since being declared a Covid-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020 by the World Health
Organization (WHO), the corona virus has spread widely throughout the world. Not only has
an impact on the health crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic has also caused the economies of most
countries in the world to grow negatively and even go into recession. Only a small number of
countries in the world are still surviving and growing their economies in 2020, such as China,
Vietnam, and Taiwan.
After slumping due to restrictions on mobility/regions to suppress the spread of
Covid-19, in 2021, countries in the world hope to rise again. For this reason, various policies
were issued and cooperation between countries was held so that economic performance could
recover and grow positively starting this year. Throughout 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic has
caused an economic crisis throughout the world. Not only experienced by developing
countries and countries categorized as poor, developed countries also feel the negative impact
of the outbreak of Covid-19.
Most developed countries are even caught in a deep economic recession. Likewise
developing countries, especially poor countries. Only a handful of countries in the world are
still able to survive and grow positively in the face of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic in
2020, namely China (2.3 percent), Vietnam (2.9 percent), and Taiwan (2.98 percent). Outside
of these three countries, the Covid-19 pandemic has ravaged the economies of countries in
the world, including developed countries, such as the United States (US), Germany, Britain,
and Japan.

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