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REG NO : 1728

ESR full form: Electron spin resonance (ESR) is a spectroscopic technique that is used to detect the
transitions induced by electromagnetic radiation between the different energy levels of electron spins in
the presenсe оf a mаgnetiс field.

 Also called EPR Spectroscopy or Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy.

 Non-destructive technique
 Extensively used in transition metal complexes
 Deviated geometries in crystals

 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR), also called Electron Spin Resonance (ESR), is a branch of
magnetic resonance spectroscopy which utilizes microwave radiation to probe species with unpaired
electrons, such as radicals, radical cat ions, and triplets in the presence of an externally applied static
magnetic field. In many ways, the physical properties for the basic EPR theory and methods are
analogous to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR). The most obvious difference is that the direct probing
of electron spin properties in EPR is opposed to nuclear spins in NMR. Although limited to substances
with unpaired electron spins, EPR spectroscopy has a variety of applications, from studying the kinetics
and mechanisms of highly reactive radical intermediates to obtaining information about the interactions
between paramagnetic metal clusters in biological enzymes. EPR can even be used to study the
materials with conducting electrons in the semiconductor industry. The full form of ESR is Electron Spin
Resonance Spectroscopy. It is a branch of absorption spectroscopy in which radiation having
a frequency in the microwave region is absorbed by the paramagnetic substances to induce a transition
between the magnetic energy levels of electrons with unpaired spins.

Historical Development of EPR

In 1896, the line splitting in optical spectra in a static magnetic field was first found by a Dutch physicist
Zeeman. In 1920s, Stern and e sent a beam of silver atoms through an inhomogeneous magnetic field
and the beam splits into two distinct parts, indicating the intrinsic angular momentum of electrons and
atoms. Then they proposed that the electrons have an angular momentum. In 1938, Rabi measured the
magnetic resonance absorption of lithium chloride molecules, which means he could measure different
resonances to get more detailed information about molecular structure. After World War II, microwave
instrumentation’s widespread availability sped up the development of electron paramagnetic resonance
(EPR). The first observation of a magnetic resonance signal was detected by a Soviet physicist in several
salts, including hydrous copper chloride, copper sulfate and manganese sulfate in 1944. Later the Oxford
group proposed the basic theory of magnetic resonance. Contributed by many researchers, such as
Cummerow & Halliday and bagguley & Griffiths, EPR was extensively studied. Between 1960 and 1980,
continuous wave (CW) EPR was developed and pulsed EPR was mainly studied in Bell laboratories. EPR
was usually applied for organic free radicals. In the


ESR spectroscopy is based upon the absorption of microwave radiation by an unpaired electron when
exposed to a strong magnetic field. Check the critical points below:
 1980s, the first commercial pulsed EPR spectrometer appeared in the market and was then
extensively used for biological, medical field, active oxygen and so on. Nowadays, EPR has
become a versatile and standard research tool.
 The electronic energy levels of the atom or molecules will split into different levels. Such
excitation is called magnetic resonance absorption.
 With an ESR instrument, a static/magnetic field and microwave are used to observe the
behavior of unpaired electrons in the material being studied.
 In principle, ESR finds paramagnetic centers (e.g., radicals) that may or may not be radiation-
 A solid external magnetic field generates a difference between the energy levels of the electron
spins, ms = +½, and ms = –½, which results in resonance absorption of an applied microwave
energy figure below.
Fig. Showing a Strong external magnetic field generates a difference between the energy levels of the
electron spins, ms = +½, and ms = –½

 The study of the behavior of electrons in a condition of the sample.

 ESR is used to observe and measure the absorption of microwave energy by unpaired electrons
in a magnetic field as an electron's energy levels.

Working Principle of ESR

Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy working principle is explained in the points
given below. For more understanding, check the points given here.

 The gap between the energy states is widened until it matches the energy of
the microwaves. This is done by increasing an external magnetic field.
 Аt this роint, the unраired eleсtrоns саn mоve between their twо sрin stаtes.
 Absorption lines are detected when the separation energy level is equal to the
energy of the incident light.
 It is this аbsоrрtiоn thаt is mоnitоred аnd соnverted intо а sрeсtrum.

(As shown in the diagram below)

ESR Is Shown By the Following:

 An atom has an odd number of electrons.

 Ions have partly filled inner electron shells.
 Free radicals have unpaired electrons etc.

and so on. Nowadays, EPR has become a versatile and standard research tool.

Comparison between EPR and NMR

EPR is fundamentally similar to the more widely familiar method of NMR, with several important
distinctions. While both spectroscopies deal with the interaction of electromagnetic radiation with
magnetic moments of particles, there are many differences between the two spectroscopies:
1. EPR focuses on the interactions between an external magnetic field and the unpaired electrons
of whatever system it is localized to, as opposed to the nuclei of individual atoms.
2. The electromagnetic radiation used in NMR typically is confined to the radio frequency range
between 300 and 1000 MHz, whereas EPR is typically performed using microwaves in the 3 - 400
GHz range.
3. In EPR, the frequency is typically held constant, while the magnetic field strength is varied. This
is the reverse of how NMR experiments are typically performed, where the magnetic field is
held constant while the radio frequency is varied.
4. Due to the short relaxation times of electron spins in comparison to nuclei, EPR experiments
must often be performed at very low temperatures, often below 10 K, and sometimes as low as
2 K. This typically requires the use of liquid helium as a coolant.
5. EPR spectroscopy is inherently roughly 1,000 times more sensitive than NMR spectroscopy due
to the higher frequency of electromagnetic radiation used in EPR in comparison to NMR.

It should be noted that advanced pulsed EPR methods are used to directly investigate specific couplings
between paramagnetic spin systems and specific magnetic nuclei. The most widely application is
Electron Nuclear Double Resonance . In this method of EPR spectroscopy, both microwave and radio
frequencies are used to perturb the spins of electrons and nuclei simultaneously in order to determine
very specific couplings that are not attainable through traditional continuous wave methods.



 With the help of this, we can study free radicals. Even in low concentrations, we can check free
radicals using ESR SPECTROSCOPY.
 The structure of organic and inorganic free radicals can be identified.
 We can also investigate molecules in the triplet state.
 The spin label gives information about the polarity of its environment.
 With the help of ESR Spectroscopy, several types of irradiated food can be identified.
 It can detect paramagnetic ions and free radicals in a variety of materials.


 In сertаin саses, ESR рrоvides infоrmаtiоn аbоut the shарe оf the rаdiсаls.

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