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Reflection Paper

What I learned so far is how valued the Artworks, the more you
appreciate and understand the art of different eras movements,
styles and techniques, the better you can develop, evaluate and
improve your own artwork. Art is primarily for the Humanities
and course at the tertiary level and teaching the meaning and
importance of art, its elements, and its development in
Philippines. Learn about the Human essence the 3 level human
faculties level of the senses level of will and level of mind. I get
to learn more on the imitationism which is I've been doing
since I was a kid imates or mimicking real life scenery or
objects especially in doing Romantic realism. All the activities
that are I fond with are painting or doing an artwork that's what I
most likely to do easier I think and fun thing to do. But there is
also that
rt appreciation improves our quality of life and makes us feel
good. When we create art, we elevate our mood, we improve our
ability to problem solve, and open our minds to new ideas.
Reading some books is kinda hobby of mine I've always want to
be a writer like writh a romcom so I keep reading books and
improve my literature skills .

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