You are on page 1of 10


Cxplan CeD Seruer f peax to per arCh:tectuwes

a J:ent - Seever arCh:+ecture, theee iS ao

J u a s 0 0 tusSE , caied the Seevee, ohrch povi.

des geruiceg h eO i t sece:ve sequess FonM_
0oy Other t+oSts aued CrenS
*Ln. Cieo+ -Sezver azch: teCAuue , crents do
direcy ConmGn c a t wrH eoch other
The SREue10S aHhed es-mouso addess
CO ued
CO ued TT adde SS ecause h e Server t#Os
a ed 0e-soun addse sS 4 be cause h e .
Seetet *S Jwau On, a cdrent COn. JD Cont-
aC+the Seeve by Sendi0 a packe t the
SeEuer 'S Oddes s.
Some O he bet -Koouon appl?CaionS with a
en + Seue Qrch:tectwre iocJude he weh,
fTP 4 ernoi
Ln Cent Seeue apaicoon, a Sige Seeve
tOSt S o s b i e OO keeping up> withau the xue
S o m O+hez3 Clten+s .v

pees-to -

Peeg OrCh teCh e

I pap azch:tUure, there i S mioimAJ aepen

dence d e d ' catd Seeuer s dota CentHeg

T h e .Cup coioon eroplu dorec+ Commu)iCaton
bud pOr ON ioermiHen connectrd host
cOed peeS
The pees s are not OuOned by tthe Seeuice ioOui
dez but are unStEOd dis«ops 4 1aptops CDn Haie
by bseuo*hmoS+ 0 the pees s seSidin9
tome S 0O:verS:teS O CeS e0due
eamib, in abPAD
Ses Scolabi Lty ?- Fot
e Chas09- polication,athouqh eac

e ee qenerOt S 0 0 t a d by eq vesHn9 Re
each peoz OSO Qdds gexu'ce to V
SyStern by disturbuhaa e s to Othez peerg.
utuEe p appl? d a i o a c e t h e e axe
hsee MOroe ohalienqms: -V
I TSP Urerd i- mos++ sesiddenta
+Hav e been d?*)e)Jsioned ko
banduoidhUSage, h a t iS ot Much mote
doLO eam+hdo vpSHeam tiottiC
2 SeCuei ty ecau se the't +tiqhy d:stbuti
Opeo n a u e , pap Applicaio dhateng
con be dhaiienge
to Secue

3 centive s - The SuccesS O uture påpappl:

Coorns assO depend s on Conuinh UseLs tD

Volutea banduo:dt.

SoCket ) e M o n S t o t ¢ h e uOE:Oa
Soc e E
Socket S one endpoiot oj tuwD- Y
Cotion Gog betuoeen O p q r o m S gudoi
t h e OesOoK
a Conoe o)-osen d potoCo.This mos
t h a t bekot e t h e clien t Servez Can Start to Sed
data t o eacrn other, they i S t eed to handshae
One end o TCP co0ne CEoN :S atached td Cent
Socket 4 Othee end i atached toSerer Socka-
e h
- en ceai9 the TCP CsNnecton,ude associae
uitn t h e J e t SCeet addse ss 4 u t h the TUD
COnoeCtion estabol Shed. shen One S:de uAn ts tD
end data tO
Other Side, *tTUSt dtop8 the dota
ioto TCP Connechon ura itS SoKet .Th:s is di e
om UOP, tot ohch h e Seeuer MUSE taCh
deSKnosion address to the acket bekote deueto
dsopPia9 t i0to Socue.
ushen tMe Seever
hearS the knoc09t&eafa
n e doot -MOEe
essey, a ned Sdcetthat is
ded:cakd tD thnt 10ri Oren
CAen+ piOceSS
Seeue pioce SS

ient bytts Soke

ocat byts. ConoGM

3 oplas o the
OtlsAG O bit Cento togaent toethne
Lo Q:t tottent, the COection q an
peers (art-
p0 9 inhe distibutio O d 0rtiwuaz {le
Caied atDs8ent * |DeeS V in the tomentD
douonO0d eia- Size ChunuS o) a i e
fion one
anotth er, uwrth a tyoicoo hunk S:z
o 956 Bytrs
Lshey a jaea iSt joioS atbnent ,i+Has Oo
chuouS. Ovez ime 1t Accumular¢ mote Oke
ChuokS. wh: le i+ download the ehuoeg
ploods chuos to Oher pee&S.
* e a h to58ent t+aS node
AO OaSthuCtuAe NOde
coued a tocez shen d peeejorns a tom

O+h h e tsackez 4


t h e the torent.
ne Ahe sacke that i+iss

*possessin9 h i s i s t Qt peerS
S,OeD pets attemps
tO e s t a b i s h . concuneh t eonnectns wth
a tHe peesS om this ist.
eueey o Seconds, peer$ s e c a C u a t s the
SaKsposs bly O d i e s the Set Q touz pex
b : t t o r e n t toqo hese t L es are
80id to be uoch odded

T h e e SandOm eqh b o u Selecian aSo allows na

peess to qét Chvnk S, So t h a t they an haue

omethOA Ode

A-r Deecibe io detasI t h e Seruices oLered by

DS 4 expaso DNS messaqe
DNS i3 Common!y empoyes by bthez applia
tion - z T T - , SMTp
toans lOe USer -

uoplrd ostm
a m e8 to Tp Add re sses.

ktOSt aliaSi09 - A host W h a CoTmpl'cotrd

tostname o t a v e one OE Mote alras Oames.

A a ^ tostOameS wen pre.sent, Ore y i C a

moeDOn:C. tho0 Coognic tosmGme3, NS ar
De nUOved by aA Q p l . COi fu o i A ) *he Canc

-OCO ttostnohe tue a Supplied alas tostOme

opD:ed al:as ttoSI Oame ag ueji ag T
OddieSS o h e
Load d:sibuuhio)-DNS s uso USed to rtotm
o d d:Shbuho) amONg seol:catrd Jet vers
u c h os se:cotrd uoeb Ser ver 9. uSy 9:tes, Such
aS conoco0m,ate Bepli catcd Ouez MUHDIe SoruerSs
Set Ti addiess e thus assoGated : m
On coontcas hostname

nS essags
The+St dbytes :s the header Secion, whic
haS a Oumber td 3.
TheeSt ieud ds.btt numbe thot ideriie
qerythis 'dertiee
i Cosi ed into he geiy
messaoto a quey, asouoia9 the e n t tD MaIÉ)
seceued seples ot-+h ent UQSies,
Toet COtioO_
Numbe O uestignS umbez oansuer RRS
Numbez of auhotityNumber Voj add:tiSQ/RRS
vatobl e Oumber O QueStians)
A suexs
Jau'OOIe Numbez O KeSOUI Ce geCDAos
Autho ty
CUatabie ouMoeL O sESoUrCe Auhott
-Aaii tiana notenatio)
( uasabe numbe o sesource 1eCotd s
5 OitH a aqraM explo)tHe iotEZaCtioD O
S SeruetS.

xplay CookeS 4. web cach:4 wth d:agr9sm.
COovie t i s qte0 des:EaKe to a useh ste to
**** **
idety USer8, ette becouse the Seevez ew'sheso ---

eShiC User Occess OE becouse t Dats td sere

btet s a junch o the USec denti+

Coo e
ttcmolfay h a fou Compoents.
Cocie heade o e io the HTP sesponse messa
9A Coouie head erE UOe the FHTIP 1equest meSs
3 A Coouie e kept on the user S e d Sy S t e 4
anoged by Oser'S boLDse
4 Adac -end dataasea ebste
Cen t host

ebay:8134 uSuaihttp seguest

Se c o i e1613
msa sezuez ueotrg

U S u a

Use eoty :o
Omazod 68 uSuai s9Stnes o backernd
ebon 8+34 aCcessK

O0e de ek

Co PqUest mgkiC /o
O e -Spre
amazon 6T8S response
S u o ln t t
ebay: 81434 SA

web Cach Oq

+ PséspOOsS P eqvest



e q u e s t

I p rrSp0nSe

pla) :0detai the

gequesSt messog
Request tne Mhod sR | URL uerSig
+eaderiesdoome SP]vaJue | P|
teader boes

cadez Ud name )Soualue |C #

wheee Sp- Space C- Ott:0ge g e t u 4 P-oe
ed e t h o d:
There axe v e TP methods:-
et The G
M-hod :s Used when he broLDSeA
KequeSts O0 obect, uoi hthhe sequested object
ceh+ied oo URL Ped

o s t : 0

ith a

pos mesSaqe the user i s Sitt GEqu

ti9 a web p0ge t o m h e Server, but the sprahic
C o e t S 9 +he web page depeno on shat he Us
eter ed inp the
put:The put Method is asao used by appl: cationsto
needs to upload -Dbjec+s to we servers.
ttOd: Osed tto getieve heade uOtok mOsion
Deie+e The Delee thod Ouobs a use oe a)
apai caio) to duete an object on a web seziee
uRL:Speuies URL O he equeSed obect

9 shat ze the olvaotogs iSadvatags oq Me Sh

o deawat DTH the peexS are Otqanzed idtd
Cscles,Lothi s CgcuJoz arEQaqEhnent, eochpr
eeps ac O i5 nmeWote SucceSSoA_
piece cceS SoA
eoch pE& iS oNiy Ouaze a immedtate SuceSSo=
psede ce ssoe. KJooSoppose that p e 3 uaot to
detrmOe shich peaE i DHT iS eSponS:ble tog
eyIL a pet S DOt gesponsrbie0 e y ,?4
piy sendthe messoqe +o ts Suc ssot So t o
he pest 4 e cefve +he messag asipq asous
y + deermines +hot "t is notasponS ble
o y, So fAUst passes he MeSSaA Jong ta
peae 5. Thispsoce sS Contioue udtii k
MeSsag O ves u pe 9,uhich dettzm:ne5
ha he loSSest:peoz to y "'*
Shottauts aze USed to eLpedte +he 80Uhoa
Jeey m e s s a . pecicauy, then a pee eceiK
a dSg+Aet s qubr09 o t y , it o2000ds
lose t o the
the' messo, +ha wh:chisVthe

eite a oote on TPP 4 d i s u s s Obout FTp

Command 4 e pltes.-
leFTP s usedtoz t a n s errs e hos

to anoth er host.
Lo oAdee toe the s e r t o a c e s s the Semot ACD
o * h e usbr MOSE povide user. idetiiconon
9asS uMid.
he bser-ESt povides +he hostnome the
8emote hostY causSq h e FTP e n pecess
Oocas hosr t d J ES+obl:sh a TCp snnec%

On o i t h h e FTP Ser vez. OCeSs io-he.

Kemot+e host
F T P comadS 4- sepl:es-
S S e r vseeoame Osed t o Sendthe Uerice+i-
Coio) to. e Ser v ez.
PASSPassoed:- Osecto sed the Ser asSwrd
o Seruer* L ST s e d +o asy tHe Server to
Send back ist a e s io the Cumen4
emotc diteci y
RETR Henamne DSed t o geH;eve a l e tom
t h e cTent direcoty o the semoie .host.
SToR ienome Usd +oV SrOte a i e iorO h e
CArent- Ouectoty the remot hosSt

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