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Zoomerang | Recycle Ann Arbor and Recycle Bank survey: Op...

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Recycle Ann Arbor and Recycle Bank survey

Results Overview
Date: 8/2/2011 2:21 PM PST Responses: Completes Filter: No filter applied

4. How often do you set out your single stream recycling cart?
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Response I live in an apartment complex, so I just take my recyclables to the large bins which are picked up once a week. At the Leslie Science and Nature Center, we put out 4 full carts every week Every week. it gets set out every 2-3 weeks Every other week, usually. n.a. Every week! Every week. And it's full I live in a condo I set the cart out about every 4 weeks Who wants to store garbage? With single-stream recycling, I put out our trash container on average 2x a month because we're able to recycle or compost most of our waste. once a week when the garbage goes out Absolutely, every week and it is always full. Not nearly every week: EVERY week. Our cart is full every week as a single person, I only fill the cart every other week every single week Every week. every week and it's usually full To save money, we should have pick-up less than once a week. The carts are huge! Typically every other week I live alone, so takes a while to fill up, but single-stream is very convenient About every other week. I thought saving them stops would be more economical. I would do it weekly Every 2-3 weeks About everyother week. approx. every 3 weeks Every single week. The cart is always full. every week We fill it every week I have two city recycling buckets and empty them into the cart outside my apartment approx every 5 days Would prefer to wait til it's full 8/2/2011

Zoomerang | Recycle Ann Arbor and Recycle Bank survey: Op... Page 2 of 2
34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Every week I live in a multi unit area EVERY week of the year every week don't be so eager to make changes. give it at least one more year. n/a to my situation I think that single stream recycling is the BEST!!! weekly Every week Every week - it's always full As a single person in house, I can wait up to 4 weeks to fill my cart. In winter I often do that; in summer set it out more often I set it out every week, even when not full because of the Recycle Bank Every week When full not just to get rewards like the plan rewards! Every week and sometimes its too full Every single week without fail We set it out every week and it is full every week. I would only set it out when full (which is more efficient, I think) except you don't earn recycle bank points if you don't set out the cart. Every week I set it out nearly every week - and it's full nearly every week! when its full. need to have more education on what to recylce there is plenty to recyle people need to know. Every Week I only have room for the smaller container but fill it every week. every other week Every week without fail I drop off my recycling at a friend's house since it isn't available at apartments (very inconvenient) We do this every week for sure! Every Week Every week. I love it. We live in a condo and set out one large trash bag weekly.

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