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NPM : 211186918067

Welfare Politics of Market Traders in Indonesia

Actualizing people’s welfare through political contest is a necessity. Including

understanding the world of market traders to manage and get closer to prosperity. With the
existence of markets (traditional markets) that are not small in number, and businessman who
do not just trade, also market activities do not only carry out transaction, far from that
traditional markets are one of the spearheads in gaining the welfare on Indonesian people.

The presence of the study entitled "Political Wealth of Market Traders" is not
intended to politicize market traders, neither to take electoral advantage market participants
nor using the market as an imaging stage in the practice of surprise visit or market operations
drama. However, this study aims at strengthening the capacity of public reasoning, or it may
be called a form of political education for market traders that the position of market traders is
really strategic in the agenda of accelerating people's welfare.

The purpose of this study will become clearer when understanding the existence, role,
and history of the emergence of traditional markets in the country and their relation to what is
called economic democracy. Economic democracy cannot be separated from public
awareness that whatever the challenges are, it will greatly affect the people's welfare index.
Economic democracy has paved the way for market traders and even all Indonesian people
that there is no market justice (perfect market) when we do not fight for it collectively.

To separate economic democracy from traditional markets is naive in this country.

Because downstream from the practice of democracy in Indonesia today, it has been proven
that there is a relationship with the ups and downs related to the stability that occurs in the
boar of traditional markets. For example, as a result of China-American trade war, which then
continued into the Russia-Ukraine war, it has affected various aspects of the country's
economy, including affecting traditional markets, both from the aspects of trade, behavior, to
the management patterns of traditional market traders who are forced to make peace with the
condition that unfavorable.
What market traders have complained about or appreciated so far is the result of the
implementation of this economic democracy. The ups and downs of the prices of basic
commodities, subsidized fuel oil ( BBM ), over imports, the availability of food, to the issue
of whether or not traditional market traders can provide social support as a support for
business power or people's purchasing power. All of this really depends on the attitude of
traditional market traders who want to fight or choose to surrender while condemning market
conditions and elite political behavior.

Of course, the attitude of surrender and endless cursing is not the right choice that will
be taken by traditional market traders. Collaboration, participation, solidarity in voicing fate
and hope must continue to be carried out through a forum that is full of commitment and has
a consistent track record regarding the path of struggle. The prospect of strengthening
awareness of economic democracy will then lead to the strengthening of the political welfare
movement of market traders.

With various challenges and twists and turns of the association of market traders since
its formation until now, unconsciously that this association has a political spirit of welfare
towards traditional market traders. This welfare policy is not a politics of pragmatism, not a
politics of rent-seeking, but this welfare politics is part of strengthening the understanding
and awareness of traditional market traders to be able to pick up welfare from the various
political challenges that plague this country.

These programs are providing intelligence for traditional traders to remain solid in
fighting for the rights and hopes that are stored in the minds of traditional market traders.
Because without a bond of solidarity, without developing horizons, without a network and
instrument of struggle in conveying hope, it is impossible to realize this hope in the real
world. It this position actually the political narrative of the welfare of traditional market
traders must not stop and must continue in sustainably.

The impact of political awareness on the welfare of traditional market traders will
certainly affect them who will be literate with the law, understand the basic political roles and
responsibilities of the government towards traditional market traders, to encourage a sense of
responsibility for market traders to be involved in creating national economic recovery,
whether it be strengthening the culture of mutual cooperation to reduce inflation, or trying to
voice policies so that they are apart from the practice of oligopolies, monopolies, cartels and
others as those that threaten the sustainability of a peaceful, comfortable and equitable.

The understanding of welfare politics for traditional market traders is more strategic
to continue to be echoed because the facts of Indonesia's history have proven that President
Joko Widodo has reached the peak of his career and received the mandate to become
president of the Republic of Indonesia cannot be separated from the success of President Joko
Widodo in relocating/revitalizing traditional markets in Solo. at that time. Like it or not, what
President Joko Widodo has done has become an important piece of history in the record of
today's national leadership events.

The important thing to underline is that the involvement of traditional market traders
in the formation or recommendations for strengthening a power or policy has a causal
relationship with the attitudes of traditional market traders. It is on this understanding that the
association of traditional market traders appears to be persistent in implementing various
programs with the key name of Pedagang Merdeka.

Of course, this program is not just an empty slogan, but has a strong, targeted and
measurable substance and foundation in building a knit together with traditional market
traders in achieving people's welfare, and is inseparable from the goal of national economic
stability supported by traditional market traders. For that, be proud to be a market trader who
continues to explore the political horizon of welfare for the sake of creating Indonesia
became a country which is fair, prosperous and at peace.

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