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Practical Work Sheet Questions

Video 1: ESD protection

Q1 - What does the ESD stand for? (1 mark)
Q2-What are safety precautions taken to prevent ESD? (2 marks)
Q3- What are the purpose of ESD Bags? (1 mark)
Q4-What is the purpose of ESD protection device? (1 mark)
Q5- Which device is ESD sensitive? (MCQ) - A. SmartPhone B.Battery AAA C. PCB Board (1

Video 2 : Mysterious Object on Plane

Q6- What is the preventive method for ESD on aircraft? (1 mark)
Q7- Can static electricity kill human being? (TRUE /FALSE)(1 mark)
Q8- What are the safety precautions involved to carry the task/ procedure? (2 marks)

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