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Name: Reyzel E.

De la Cruz Yr/Course: BSB-2

Subject: PE 2 Stretching Date: 12/092022
Learning Log # 8
Week 8 Static Stretches for Hips and Gluteal, Quadriceps, Adductors, and Abductors

I used to think that an individual can improve their flexibility through stretching
exercises, since it helps me reach areas of my body that are usually unreachable. I am also
unaware of the names of the muscles located on the thighs and hips. I used to believe that fast
twitch muscle training was the best exercise for the glutes, because I thought that it is mostly
made up of fast twitch muscles.
Now I know that legs can laterally be in motion when there is a coordinated movement
between the adductor and abductor muscles situated in the hips and thighs. Furthermore, I also
learned that the muscle fibers in the glutes can perform explosive and rapid movements,
however, they tire soon enough. Thus, fast twitch muscle exercise is not recommended to be
ideal for the glutes. Quadricep stretches are good for blood flow and improves short-term range
of motion and flexibility.
However, stretching might only aid in the improvement of an individual’s flexibility,
since it includes the movement of joints towards full range of motion. Thus, to avoid injury and
to have development, one must stretch before and after the exercise. Contrary to this idea, having
a torn quadriceps is likely once you are forced to do a stretch that you do not usually perform.
Even though the stretches for hips, gluteal, quadriceps, abductors, and adductors have positive
bodily effects, it can also pose a threat of injury once done improperly.
I hope people can learn how to stretch their gluteal and hip muscles, other than the
quadriceps, adductors, and abductors. Individuals tend to only stretch the common muscle
groups, and the other groups like the hips and gluteal would be left static. It is important to value
stretching these muscle groups in order to establish stability and strength in these areas. With the
help of stretching, one can go on their day without muscle soreness.
Overall, by performing stretching exercises, one can avoid injuries and discomfort. In
addition to this, improved blood circulation and range of motion is also a benefit by doing
stretching. Lastly, stretching the glutes eases tension and stress on the hips, thus, reducing the
risk of injury.

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