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Name: Reyzel E.

De la Cruz           Yr/Course: BSB-2

Subject: PE 2 Stretching         Date: Dec. 28, 2022

Learning Log # 11
Dynamic Stretches for Pectorals, Torso, and Hips
I used to think that dynamic stretching of the torso has no specific rules to follow. I
thought that feet width when doing torso stretching can be close to each other, while not bending
the knees at all. I used to perform torso stretches while I am in a sitting position, which is
incorrect. I also thought that dynamic stretching cannot serve as a warm up prior to doing an
exercise. I did not know much about stretching involving the hips because I do not perform those
types of stretches. I simply bend my body in order to stretch my hips. Furthermore, this type of
stretching cannot help a person be ready for sports was a misconception.
Now I know that there are specific rules to follow when performing dynamic stretches
involving the torso. Such as, one must widen the width between their legs while doing the
stretching routine. Also, knees should be slightly bent. Doing torso stretching in a sitting position
is not effective, thus, this stretching exercise is best performed in a standing position. Now, I
learned that there are other forms of hip stretching other than simply bending the body. Examples
of the exercise include alternate toe touches, forward leg swing, and chest stretch. Some of those
exercises are in fact already performed by me, without me noticing that it is a form of hip stretch.
Based on literature, dynamic stretching of the upper body, torso, and hips are best warm-ups and
stretching exercises prior to engaging in sports. This is because it greatly reduces the risk of
severe injury while also increasing the sports performance of an individual.
However, dynamic stretching has specific rules that one must follow in order to be
effective. There are many types of dynamic stretching, and based on my own experience, these
stretches are sometimes hard to distinguish from each other. Some have similarities, thus, one
can mistakenly interchange one stretching technique to another.
I hope/plan to familiarize myself with the different types of stretching exercises and what
sets them apart from each other. This is because there are instances where I am unaware that I am
already performing the specific type of stretching. Stretching exercises sometimes have the same
form, that is why one must be observant on the type of stretching exercises that they are
Overall, I feel knowledgeable about dynamic stretching and its advantages. However, I
must also dig deep on the disadvantages that this type of stretching brings. Furthermore, I feel
eager to make/research a chart (venn diagram) or any learning tool that differentiates types of
stretching that targets various muscle groups. This is to avoid confusion.

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