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Name: Reyzel E.

De la Cruz           Yr/Course: BSB-2

Subject: PE 2 Stretching         Date: Dec. 28, 2022

Learning Log # 7
Static Stretches for Pectorals, Upper Back, and Lower Torso
I used to think that static stretching is the same as active stretching. This is because while
performing active stretching, an individual stays at his/her position, similar to that of static
stretching. I thought that all kinds of stretches need to use external forces in order to be effective.
Furthermore, in my opinion and based on the literature that I have read, stretches must be held
for at least 30 seconds, may it be active stretching, static stretching, dynamic stretching, and etc.
I also thought that active stretching targets numerous muscle groups.
Now I know that types of stretching differ from each other in different ways. Static
stretching is different from active stretching in terms of execution, but they serve the same
purpose, which is to enhance one’s flexibility. Active stretching does not need external forces,
instead, to pull and stretch the opposing muscle groups, it contracts its own muscles. Active
stretching only requires at least 10 seconds to hold a specific position, going further than 10
seconds would cause difficulty on the individual. Unlike other stretching exercises that target
numerous muscle groups, only one muscle (the agonist) must be actively contracted during
active stretching in order to stretch an opposing muscle (the antagonist).
However, despite these differences, active stretching is also sometimes referred to as
static active stretching. This signifies that it is nonmoving because the ultimate position of the
stretch is sustained for a certain amount of time. Active stretching can be used not just for
stretching, but also for warm up.
I hope/plan to practice upper body active stretches since it requires no equipment as well
as external forces, unlike other types of stretches which may demand these requirements.. This
would save me more time and money. It is also a good type of stretch for me, who is slowly
shifting back to sports and exercise after being sedentary, because it uses slow stretches that
gradually increase my flexibility.
Overall, I feel great. It feels nice to be embarked with knowledge on active stretching,
which I think is essential to people that are new to exercising. I feel happy knowing that I can
efficiently perform active stretching without having to buy any material. This topic drives me to
encourage other people to engage in this type of stretching exercise too, starting with my family
members, then gradually increasing my scope to encouraging close friends and family friends.

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